The CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition – 2014


The bottom right hand side of my screen nearly shouts it out to me: 5:00PM, 11 May 2014. Aaaaand CLAT is over. Irrespective of whether you’ll go to the best college in the country or spend the rest of your life as a smelly hobo, you’ve earned yourself a break. For another one and a half months, you are free to do whatever you want – learn a new language, get into shape, read the combined works of Shakespeare.. the works!

Well, except that you won’t. If you’re anything like the rest of this world, you’ll sit in front of the computer till the wee hours of the night, stuffing yourself with potato chips and scrolling down random pages on the internet. Some of you, of course, will replace that with movies, some of you with video games. For those who will do something more productive, we salute you. For the rest, we bring you a chance to do so.

Welcome to the Third CLATGyan Blog Post Competition. Now that this year’s edition of the great exam is over and we’re done shoving advice down everyone’s throats, we allow YOU to write for us. ‘The Window’ will be open to everyone for the next one month, and we will be taking in contributions from your side. It has happened before and it is happening again. And we hope it’ll be better this time.

So, what’s up for grab? Money. Yes, money, that sly temptress. Each one of your posts will be reviewed, edited, and if we like it enough, published on the website. The best of those posts shall win a cash prize of ₹5000. But that’s not all. We are being generous and giving away another prize for the most popular post. The post with the most Facebook ‘likes’ (we expect you not to cheat, of course) shall win a prize of ₹3000.

Who gets to write? Anyone of our ilk. Lawyers, law school students, wannabe law school students, gonnabe law school students… You get the gist.

What can you write about? Anything at all. Preferably not legal, though we wouldn’t mind that either. You can right about anything: from heart-wrenching personal stories, to a list of good movies; from the pointlessness of life to some good ol’ city lovin’. Articles must be in English, (Reminder: dis s nt Englsh…!!!) but that is just about the only qualification you require. Though there is no maximum or minimum word limit, it would make us happy if it’s just about 800 words.

Email us your articles to, with the subject titled “The Window”. Also, send us your entries as an attachment and not in the mail body itself. A Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format file with 12 size Times New Roman font looks good. Also, send us a good photograph of yours along with a couple of lines about yourself. We’ll publish them along with your piece.

That’s all. Get typing.


  1. I’ve always wondered what sort of geniuses get inducted into the CG cult. THIS IS AWESOME. You guys are awesome. 
    *goes to brainstorm for topics to write on*

  2. I had sent my entry on MAY 13TH but because it wasn’t published and I think the email may not have reached you  so I sent it again today..