The CLATGyan Test Series


Well, you’ve been told that CLATGyan would shut down if the “Mock Series” we’ve started isn’t going to be successful. But, we’re astonished by the fact that we got a huge number of people sending us mails claiming that they’re interested. Hence, here we announce officially that there is going be a “CLATGyan Test Series” consisting of 12 mocks.

The series gives you comprehensive, simulated tests based on the major law entrance’s patterns (9 on CLAT. One each on NLU-D, Symbiosis and NLU-O pattern).

How much does it cost?

These are the cheapest you’ll find, and the best too. Shoot a mail to and we’ll shoot back the details.

Why should I take CLATGyan’s tests?

Because we are the most competent to prepare them. Having cracked the Law tests ourselves, and having seen the maximum number of question papers (2008, 2009 and 2010).

Who prepares them?

The batch of 2015, NALSAR University of Law shall prepare the mocks.

What is the Schedule?

They start on 14th January 2011 and end on May 13, 2011.

Here’s the schedule. It is subject to adjustment(according to our semester schedule at NALSAR), but not drastic:

14th January – First Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

29st January – Second Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

14th February – Third Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

28th February – Fourth Mock – Paid (CLAT Patten)

12th March – Fifth Mock- Paid (NLU Delhi Pattern)

27th March – Sixth Mock – Paid (CLAT Patten)

29th March – Seventh Mock – Paid (Symbiosis Pattern)

3rd April – Eighth Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

3rd May – Ninth Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

5th May – Tenth Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

8th May – Eleventh Mock – Paid (NLU Orissa Pattern)

12th May – Twelfth Mock – Paid (CLAT Pattern)

Note : The free mocks have been cancelled due to dearth of time (which was caused by our End Semester exams).

How do I enroll?

Send a mail to along with your name, address and telephone number. I’ll reply to that mail along with the payment details. (will reply usually within 10 hours).

Also, there is not last date for enrollment. You can enroll anytime, even after CLAT’s over. We’ll make sure you get all the Tests you’ve missed. (Not the real CLAT, if you missed it.. obviously!)

How do I contact you?

Send all your queries, questions, death threats, rants, criticisms, suggestions and ideas to

Yours, yours and yours,
Mohammad Asadulla Shareef (Asad)
Founder, Administrator and Managing Editor.


  1. I appreciate the efforts put in by the students and they are very useful in cracking the clat-2011. Further, i also want to join in the Mock test series by paying necessary fee.

  2. Awesome!!! I’ve taken the first two tests… They are amazzziiingg… We were talking abt taking your tests at LST and almost 15 of us have decided to take them!! Send you a mail… Hope I’ll get a quick reply!

  3. Has the symbi mock been sent? There was some confusion regarding Test 7 and 8. I recieved test 7 but inside the mail it said test 8.

    Also, what’s symbi’s pattern? As in what do they lay more emphasis on and such…

  4. Sir i am hariom tiwari from bhopal i want full test series of clat 2012 so send me all detail and my mobile number is 9713352818.