‘Why do we survive?’ – A Prolusory Billet


It’s been five years since CG began. For us, at CG, our time has been marked by highs – lots of them – preparing Mock Tests, amazing results from our subscribers, knowing that you are contributing something, something, at least. But the moment that has always made us feel immensely good about ourselves, has always been the moment when CG kids (even their parents) call us up or mail us, telling us how much of a help CG has been to them.

And this has been CG. Making and sustaining relationships. We still get emails from students who have successfully entered Law Schools, asking us for “help”, sometimes with respect to internships or projects and sometimes only to ask if we’re still doing well.

With this season’s tests already having begun, we intend to continue this amazing relationship with the next batch of CG students. People tend to not forget CG not because we put up compendiums, suggest action plans, etc. but because we make it personal. The Test series – that began in August and end around the second week of January this time around – come not only with keys and questions but also come with a personal Mentor for each student – his job is not only to provide you with “feedback” but also to ensure that you are motivated enough to survive the torture that we put you through. The mentor – a NALSARite – sees you through till May, even before you step in to take one of the most important tests. He remains a friend, you can call him up (sometimes even on unthinkable times), send him a message on Facebook and write painfully long emails. You will receive his complete, undivided attention. This is not our USP. This is just how we work.

The series, unlike the rest of CG, come with a price, you might think. Not really. If you can’t afford the series, but would really like to access the tests, we will respond to our social responsibilities. All you have to do is, send us a scanned copy (or a photo stat) of your parents’ income proof/your ration card/employment identity to clatgyan@gmail.com, and we will, accordingly provide you with the tests at a reduced price – or even free of cost.

See you at Justice City!


  1. you guys are AMAZING i tell u!! everyday morning clatgyan is the one thing that motivates me to pick up my books…your helping kids from all over the country to crack the ONE exam that either makes or breaks our future…keep up the awsoem work that your doing…oh and i soooo wish i had found out about cg last year….i’m sure i would have been in a decent law school now..and not have dropped a year

  2. U guys are amazing!!!:D CG has helped me more than LST and the best part is the articles by various people who’re going through or have gone through the same phase most of us are experiencing right now! They motivate us more than any book, movie or teacher can. And that you guys are willing to provide free tests to people who cant afford it, respect! Keep up the brilliant work! And thanks a million for everything 😀

  3. “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” — Robert Kennnedy

    He said what I want to say to all of you at ClatGyan better than I ever could.

  4. CG is amazing!!!! i am glad i found this site. The job that people here are doing, no matter how i fare in CLAT i’ll always be ever so grateful to them for their encouragement , help and for putting forth such an impressive picture of law school students! thanks a ton!

  5. I’ve been visiting CLATgyan for quite some time now, sometimes for inspiration, and sometimes to just take a look at one of the most wonderful initiatives people have taken in recent times. But this is one post that made it impossible for me to not comment.

    CG team, you are absolutely amazing. So much respect. 

  6. On behalf of all , a big big big big big Thankyou. Doesn’t matter how many”big” I add, it still looks small in comparison to the efforts you all put to helps us crack CLAT and become a National Law School – ite.

  7. That “”see you at Justice City”” always works wonders on me.
    To me, Clat Gyan is personal. You give time, effort, content and inspiration and still keep on working along with the NLU engagements and work.
    R.E.S.P.E.C.T  and  P.R.O.M.I.S.E is what I can offer you  right now.
    Thanks a lot. (even I want to get into NALSAR and work with, such inspiration you instill) 🙂

  8. Wow!!!! Its an awesome post..I m new visitor on ur website ..but I really like it….It just an incredible website..I personally like d views of writers ..Hw helpful u r guys !!!!!
    Thnx a lot ….

  9. Okay, this will now seem like a repetition considering Samhita found this before me. But yeah, the prospects of writing an article for CG was a major motivation for working for CLAT. Thanks a lot. 🙂

  10. seriously..clatgyan is a real biiiiiig help. you people have really proved to be a great help. awesome initiate asad..:)
    i regularly check cg website.
    the articles and really motivating.
    wish you all the best for future.:)
    and thank you so much for helping new people like us and sharing with us your experiences..:)

  11. i just gave my 10 th boards and i am planning to prepare for clat . my neighbour, a student of the national law collage (Odisa) introduced me to clat and CLATGYAN. can you please tell me how to start…PLEASE

  12. ClatGyan is really an awesome website….. from test series to compendiums to amazing articles.. CG has everything to motivate us .. and now with the countdown to clat thing.. CG is even more amazing… i really want to get into NALSAR because firstly its a great college and secondly CG team is there 😛

  13. I’ve been going through the window for quite some time now. All I can say is that it’s been a real lift up when I seemed to be lacking in motivation.
    I know I’ll make it when I appear this year. I do live in Hyderabad and been at the gate a few times, though they never really allowed entry.
    Thanks for the effort you are putting in. 🙂

  14. I love CLatGyan…It has helped me sooo much!!!you guys work soo hard 2 make it this successfull!!!really,hats off!!!