

150 Marks. 150 difficult questions. 90 minutes.

If life at law school is excruciatingly unfair, the All India Law Entrance Test by National Law School – Delhi is THE best forewarner to an aspirant.

I remember my AILET – it was one of the few exams that I enjoyed doing, and that was for good reason.

If you are afraid of Static GK being an inherent part of AILET this time as they have explicitly mentioned it – it’s too much of an assumption. Current Affairs is what NLUD has always liked (like everything sensible), it’s going to stay that way.

Second, the most important section in AILET is NOT Legal – as it is of moderate/easy difficulty level. It is, Logical Reasoning – almost everything is/will be verbal and difficult. Whatever they say about hard work is all something that will be tested here or not, I am not sure. What will be tested is your intelligence.

So, I’d suggest you first tackle the 35 GK questions within 5-7 minutes (it IS possible) and then quickly move on to Reasoning, Legal, English and Math – in that order. Remember, efficiency shall be the key to you cracking the paper.

Also, you need to have a very cool mind, you CANNOT afford to lose your patience, in fact, I’d say that you should actually be able to enjoy the paper.

This is a message that I am writing before-hand as I might not be able to do so on the 30th (Owing to the CG party that we’ve organized for the people who worked for the website, and also some exam, I think). So, all the best. Remember, enjoy the paper.

Also, don’t try to cheat. Not that it’s unethical or anything, but just a waste of time. You won’t get anything substantive out of such attempts.

Memorize as many questions as you can, and post them as comments here. It might help your juniors.

Once again, all the best. Kick some ass. Make us proud.

Love CG.


  1. Great little write up 🙂 All the best to everyone out there, CG you helped us(A LOT)…about time we do some major ass kicking !

  2. Paper was good. No legal gk, only legal reasoning. Logical was easy. English was NOT BAD-type. Math was kind of difficult. But most of the questions were easy. Gk was mostly current affairs.
    Over all it was good. If one has solved all the NLSIU and NALSAR papers (because almost all the questions were from those) thoroughly, and has a brain of his own, then that person will top it.

  3. This time it had static gk as well as analytical reasoning. Maths was real easy. Overall it was a mixed bag. Vocabulary was not asked as well.

  4. Most of the questions were from Current Affairs and they were relatively easy. There was a smattering of Geography and Constitutional GK to throw a spanner in the works but it was pretty much basic.

    1. Headquarters of INTERPOL
    2. Name the Pakistani Governor who was assassinated?
    3. Which two countries signed the 123 Agreement?
    4. Where would you find the oldest stone deposits?
    a) Shivalik b) Aravali c) Himalayas d) None of the above
    5. Who was the Legal advisor in the Constituent Assembly?

    Okay… *scratches head* I can’t seem to remember any more GK questions. Odd.

    But yeah Legal was pretty much ripped off from the previous years papers. Even the names were the same!! Most people who came out of the hall said that they didn’t even bother reading the question stem and just proceeded to the answer. I’ll see if I can post up the questions later. But the standard “Hoysala/ Vijayanagara” antique vase question was there albeit worded a little differently.

    The cut off could easily touch 120+ this time. And that’s just a safe estimate!

  5. 1. who invented the air conditioner and motor cycle
    2. which disease lead to the max no. of deaths btwn 2001-2003
    a)cancer b)HIV-AIDS c)asthma d)heart disease
    3) largest nuclear reactor

  6. i have recollected the following questions-1)which is the biggest nuclear power plant in the world?2)which country is the highest producer of nuclear energy?3) biggest state in india area wise?4)interior minister killed in pakistan?5)nationality of dhiyana saeed (sec-gen of saarc)?6)kyoto protocol related to?7)headquarters of interpol?8)chief info commissioner of india?9)chief elec. commissioner of india?10)which appointment did sc block? ( pj thomas and some other guy)11)term of rs member?12)state with largest no. of seats in ls?13)biggest country among canada,us,brazil, china?14)maastricht convention seeks to ban _ weapons? (nuclear?)15)india signed 123 agreement with which country?16)newest member of saarc?17)who was awarded dr, tufts jean maeyer global citizenship award? ( :O)18)france and uk banned which country from trade benifits? 19)who was legal advisor to drafting committee?20)oldest rocks in india?21) where were south asian games held?
    asad, could you please guess what the expected cutoff mi8 be?

    @d: 120 is too high..110 at best, i should think!

  7. The question was who was the minorities affairs minister who was assassinated, not which governor.

    The only awesome question was, “Which country gets the largest source of its power from nuclear energy?”

  8. Which country gets the largest source of its power from nuclear energy?” – France.

    I distinctly recall that it came in the Economist.
    Mind you that US is the largest producer of electricity from nuclear energy.

  9. Ripped paper. Not only the questions but even the typos came along! And there wasn’t too much current affairs. Probably a 50-50 ratio. Logic was easy as shit. Which came as a shocker. 3,7,15,31,63.? Really? English was so-so. Easy I’d say. Maths I could only attempt 4, but they were easy. Overall GK was what upset me. And I think that is what will create the difference because even those who hadn’t been doing well the whole year did well in this paper.

      • Maths.. See 5 questions were easy and doable. No formulae required. The other five, those who solved it will get 5 right, those who guessed, 2-3-4. So I don’t think it’ll make that big a difference.

      • Oh God. I wanted the paper to be tough. And I was let down. Pappu, I think even 1 mark makes a difference! and you can never know about your guesswork. Anyway..

  10. Logic: X was facing North. He turned 90 degrees clock wise, then 180 degrees anti clockwise. Which direction is he facing now.

  11. Legal questions were:
    1. The lady not caring about the quality of the antique vase
    2. Sad old man with a ferocious dog and kids playing near by.
    3. Law does not taking up trivial matters [A calls B for a morning walk, B doesn’t show up]
    4. Man buys house with plumbing defect for 10 lakhs while its value was 8 lakhs. Now he wants a compensation.
    5. C’s brother promises to pay A a lakh rupees if he marries B within 6 months which he doesn’t due to hall unavailability.
    6. X’s house is burning with his baby inside. Somebody goes and saves the baby. X says he’d reward him with 10,000 bucks which he later refuses to.

    • Again, the lady didn’t care about the ANTIQUITY of the vase. The shopkeeper had vouched for the antiquity, and the unbreakable nature. She specifically dismissed JUST the antique value.

      • answer as follows .. 2. old man will not be held liable

        3… court will not entertained such case

        4…..entitled 2 get rewards

        5.. contract is void ……. no compensation ( felt really sorry 4 dat man 🙁

        6. primary estoppel will come in dis fact ……….. person is liable 2 pay reward /////

        • Okay, here are the answers. I don’t think what Virath says is correct.

          1. Shopkeeper liable, because the lady said she didn’t care about the antiquity. Which meant she did care about the unbreakable nature, and so both the statements of the shopkeeper were wrong.
          2. Old man liable, because to scare away, a barking dog would have sufficed.
          3. correct
          4. There was a mis-print, so logically everyone should get a mark. The answer, if he bought the house for 10 lakh, will be- agent liable for negligence, for 2 lakh.
          5. correct
          6. Estoppel ki definition padho. The answer will be- not liable to pay, because the man did not rescue the child for the reward. He was promised the reward LATER. That is not what promisory estoppel is.

      • Yes that. I don’t care now that I’m not making it.. but just for the sake of future aspirants 😛

        Isse acha toh LST mock tha. At least I cleared the cut off 😀

  12. Overall, the paper was a mixed bag. 1) GK- 50-50 ratio was maintained b/w current and static. Not even a single question from History and economics.I found the difficlty level from easy- moderate. Moving on to English- No vocab at all. The comprehension was a good one. Rest was mainly correction of incorrect sentences. Logic- apart from some 7-8 odd questions on Series, coding- de coding and analogy, it was mainly Verbal reasoning, somewhat similar to last year’s paper. Last 5 questions were tricky and time consuming. Legal was totally Reasoning based, not even a single legal gk question. I checked, about 15 questions were directly put from the NALSAR & NLS papers,, could be more. I found Maths was tougher than last year.,with good level questions.I guess the paper i.e the legal, logical and gk part was somewhat similar to Last year’s paper.( Excluding the vocab part in the english section). I guess i would agree with sidhant on the cut-off to be around 110 !

  13. hey guys…can anyone of you tell me the time window in which 45 legal reasoning questions should BE done?? (for CLAT..ofcourse)
    i attempted 28 legal reasoning ques in today’s paper in around 15 min…and then..Alas!…the bell rang 😐

  14. 2 more.

    7. Bharat hacks into somebody’s bank account to please his girlfriend. Are they liable for criminal conspiracy?
    8. Husband obtains property from wife by threatening to commit suicide. Coercion-based.
    9. Cow-sluaghter ban ques. Can the govt ban cow slaugter? (principle says it can)
    10. 200 houses have been set up for a university’s teachers and their relatives. A kid touches the pump motor left open and gets injured.

      • But how is Bharat’s girlfriend liable?? she didn’t accompany him nor did she have the intention to hack right??

        • the ans was..that they both didn’t commit the offence of criminal offence..i think..C..was the option….this question is in the Universal’s guide..

        • Wasn’t the question about the sad dude whose best friend was a computer? And how he used to love talking to it and how he even taught it how to speak or something. And the last line just mentioned that he did it as he just wanted to impress his girlfriend.

          So how is it criminal conspiracy? The computer is inanimate right?! The principle said that for conspiracy to occur two or more people have to be involved.

          • there is NO criminal conspiracy…. 🙂
            and that ‘ sad dude whose best friend was a computer…..’ -ROFL! XD

    • 7. Mushira’s correct. The question never said anything about the girlfriend having planned with, or having discussed the hacking. He loved his PC like a friend. Hacks into some place, to please his girlfriend. NOT criminal conspiracy, was the answer.

  15. and btw…the minority affairs minister who was killed in march 2011…was Salman Bhatti(just googled it)….but i don’t (somehow) remember if his name was in the option.. O_O

  16. and i one has posted the EASIEST ques in today’s test… 😛
    Q.In how many years does the census take place in India? 😀

    other easy ques were :
    Q.Who is the Chief Election Commissioner of India?
    Q.Who is the Chief Information Commissioner of India?
    English was pretty easy and so was Logical reasoning.. 🙂 and Legal Reasoning was pretty easy ,too…i just think i messed up a bit of the GK part(my bad).. 😐
    and maths…..Guys!…seriously….i didn’t have ANY TIME LEFT FOR IT!! :O
    i just randomly marked the answers for those 10 ques…as the bell had already rung… 🙁
    PS-i never get my guesses right…(like NEVER…i defy the odds of probability on that! )…BUT…MAYBE 4-5 correct guesses are better than completely leaving the space empty (i.e 0 marks outta 10) O:)
    what’ll be the cut-off…any guesses???

  17. some logical reasoning ques were:
    Q.Two guys are standing with back to back…during sunrise…if one guy’s shadow is on the left side…in which direction is the other guy facing?
    Q.complete the series:
    D,H,L,R,? (i didn’t understand the logic here. :/ )
    AOP ,CQR ,EST ,GUV , ???
    and other related (VERY EASY) ques…
    just that…the last 3-4 logical reasoning ques were a bit time consuming…

  18. Guys so what is it then, naseer, bhatti, what? There was just one relevant option in the question, and there was ‘none of these’. What was the answer?

    Q: X, Y & Z share Rs.324 in the ratio 5:6:7. What is Y’s share.
    Q: If a factory had 500 workers to begin with and the number of workers increases bt 10% every year, what’ll be the number of workers at the start of the 3rd year?

    • hey it is shahbhaz bhatti
      nd Y’s share ill b 324*6/18 = 108
      nd d lst qstn was ‘wot ill b d no. of workers at d begining of 3rd yr’ dat iz at d end of 2 yr..
      so ans ill b 500(1+10/100) power 2
      i think nw u understand

  19. I dunno i found the Comprehension far too annoying and time consuming, math was bloody easy..
    Logic was cool too, legal was ok, depends on their answer key as well cuz different books and articles have different answers for the same questions.. GK was a little hard, i screwed up the easy questions.. 🙁

    • Ditto…Maths was a tad too easy…Reading comprehension passage was incredibly banal and hence took me more time than it should’ve taken…Logic was good…Gk not really awesome 🙁

  20. Hey guys can I have the answers to the following questions? :

    Where would you find the oldest stone deposits?
    a) Shivalik b) Aravali c) Himalayas d) None of the above

    Who was the Legal advisor in the Constituent Assembly?

    france and uk banned which country from trade benifits?

    Two guys are standing with back to back…during sunrise…if one guy’s shadow is on the left side…in which direction is the other guy facing?

    complete the series:

      • france nd uk never banned it was EU who banned de trade barriers on SRILANKA ……………….
        some really freaky questions ………. where was south asian games was held>>>>> not a current year question ……. it was hed in dhaka bangladesh in the jan or feb 2010 ……… some more bizzare questions …….. who invented cycle nd AC……… largest country in de world >>>>>>>>>>>>> russia, canada , usa china , shit man i mark china as one of de option >>>>>>>>>>>>>

  21. Guys, can you recollect the question concerning the proverb ‘Make hay while sunshine’ ? What were the options? I know the correct answer but I can’t seem to remember which option I marked.
    Can anyone recall the options ?

      • yeaa… i kno… bt den i got 2 thinkin y d hell wud dey want D as an answr.. LOL…
        den d phrase “hitting d hay” struck me and i thot it has sumthing to do wid sleep… Hufff!!

        • more cr questions …….. i never come across commited film directors ……. inference was asked

          if A likes orange more dan grapes , strawberry more dan apples, and apples more dan oranges ……….. which conclusion will be not follow/////////

  22. Thank you for this amazing write-up. I went through it a few hours before the gyrating exam, and boy did it help!

    I was confident and I timed my efforts well and I left no question untouched..

    Sim-NLUD conducted at IMS was excruciating! And it also helped me gear up my timing on a whole.
    So, however bad the mock test went.. it helped me bring out my best in the actual exam.

    I think I gave a decent performance. But it’ll all be clear on the result day.

    This too shall pass.

  23. Virath, this is specifically for you. DO NOT attempt to start the “Merit v. Reservations” debate (as if to say that students who come in through “quota” aren’t meritorious enough)

    And NLUD doesn’t have NRI reservations, it is for foreign students, and it is there for a good reason.

  24. Disappointing. Especially since last year’s paper was the best paper amongst all the law entrances.
    Anyway good luck to all of you! Study hard for CLAT! This is why NALSAR NLS and NUJS are and will remain the top!

  25. Ok I got through Delhi but my score is 105, and I’m tied at the cut-off with some 20 others! Am supposed to submit my board marks.. can I still celebrate today? 😛