And that has made all the difference… by Padmini Baruah


When we look down the pages of history, there is always one fact that stands out – the greatest discoveries have almost always been accidental: be it penicillin, gravity or the planet Pluto. Seekers in a desperate quest for knowing more and more about the mysteries of the world often unwittingly stumble across that one factor that changes all their conventional perceptions

May 2010. After a rebellious and impulsive plunge into the Humanities stream, this writer developed a strange fascination for the many-headed Hydra that is Law. To know an individual’s intrinsic nature, we need to know his/her basic values, and what s/he considers right or wrong. Similarly, to know and understand the nature of Society, it is essential to know what is permissible and what is not in that particular Society. And that is where law becomes important.

smile-images-9The reason had been crystallized, the grail discovered. But which road to take? I, like numerous other Seekers, unearthed the well-beaten LST path, and began walking down it, trying to build up all the skills that I would need to find the Grail. However, the Beaten Track leaves no room for exploring, for pushing boundaries; to the Seeker who wanted more, this grew tiresome after a while.

And then, like all great discoveries, Google accidentally directed the Seeker to the one discovery that would make the entire journey fresh and delightful. CLATGyan. The Road Less Traveled By. The Seeker peeped warily into CLATGyan, and saw that this new road had actually been paved by those who had already reached the Destination. And there they were, always accessible, always helpful, always intellectually witty, and beyond patient. Regular Compendiums. Impassioned discussions on every issue under the sun. Instant replies to all panic mail. And fellow travelers who knew exactly what they wanted. This road actually fit into the cliché of the journey being more important than the destination.

CLATgyan does not fit into the mold of ‘Come and get GUARANTEED entry into the Top Law Schools (Warna Paise Waapas!)’. It reflects actual reality. It shows you where to go, how to go about it, hands you the raw material, and leaves you to mould your own new path. I speak not only for myself, but for every single Seeker who has found an oasis at CLATGyan on the way to the Grail. CLAT-ness would not have been the same without this website. And as to the results? Res Ipsa Loquitor.

God bless you, NALSAR Batch of 2015.

And may you remain always a beacon for all those who seek to enter the Holy Destination that is Law.

Padmini Baruah.
CLAT 2011 – All India Rank 1


  1. I get a “Paulo Coelho” vibe in this artcicle. Even the previous one .. “In search of spirit” it was, may be. I know its a random thought though 😀 . Also CG , you are the closest I came to any coaching. So thanks a lot . A lot :).

  2. Firstly, Congratulations.I can totally agree with you on almost all that you’ve stated herein.
    Some of us were crazy enough to even end up taking full time coaching for science entrances and still come out shining in the CLAT.
    Thanks CLATgyan!

      • Hello there,
        Padmini and Vasanth congrats!
        Padmini, could I possibly get in touch with you? That’d be of immense help. 🙂
        Vasanth, didn’t you take coaching in Career Launcher?

  3. Like Padmini and many other CLATGYANers  I also have been immensely benefited by the  continuous support and help provided by a young batch of Law students from NALSAR University, with the spirit that the right information and guidance must be freely available to all the deserving law aspiring candidates. It is a marvellous job done by the CLATGYAN team. When I was completely helpless for capsules on Current Affairs compendium and was searching Ber Sarai and Delhi University markets, and was not able to get anything worth reading, I stumbled upon CLATGYAN through an internet search. My life changed thereafter. In my opinion, nobody could provide better information and compendium on Current Affairs than what CLATGYAN could provide. Almost 45 questions in CLAT 2011 can be found contained in the various Compendiums provided in CLATGYAN portal.

    It is not only I got help from CLATGYAN in cracking Current Affairs, but also in all other subjects, particularly in some useful tips provided for solving Maths questions. During the last days of my preparation, Test Series of CLATGYAN really developed my skill for increasing speed. The Test series was so challenging that, initially I was afraid of attempting them. But my Papa encouraged me to attempt the tought test, so that I could build up stamina. It has worked. I have finally secured 138 Rank and waiting for Counselling session. My sincere thanks to CLATGYAN team.

  4. Congratulations Padmini!!! . You have  shown people like me that how far can one push his or her limits, absolutely impressive score, hope to meet you someday in a moot or a fest. All the best for your law school!

  5. Oh, Padmini wrote it 🙂

    Thank you, Padmini. To say that you’ve done us proud is monotonous.

    And like I told you, you trying your best is in fact brilliant, and it shows. This is wonderfully written.

  6. Well, this is not going to be a congratulations! lovely article! kinda post. Ya, you did a wonderful job, and deserve all the laurels, but I guess I’ll let others do the job. I’ll talk about this article. Is it good?
    It is…Ok. Why? firstly, too grandiloquent, and just a bit verbose and repetitive.( Paul Coelho shares the last two) Also, it glorifies Law, Clat and ClatGyan. Law is Important,very important, but so is mathematics physics or any other subject. Please don’t glorify it like people have glorified the IITs. Now please don’t think that I hate you or anything.You are a brilliant scholar but the article has these problems so I thought I’d intimate you. 🙂

    • Thank you, I really appreciate such honest criticism.
      First, I HATE Paulo Coelho (no offence). I know I have a weakness for words, though. Well, working on  the perfect balance, and I hope I’ll get there
      Second, I am in no way undermining any other subject. But law is ultimately MY passion. So, I thought I have the liberty of talking about how I feel about it. 
      But thank you, feedback taken!

        • Yeah. But words like  “the Seeker” and “Travellers”  remind us often of Coelho ;). [Again, No offence]  .  And yeah, I forgot the congrats in the first comment. So huge congos , hope we have a great 5 years ahead at NLS.  🙂 . Am somewhere in the list too. Take care and enjoy these 20 odd days that stand between us and Law School Madness ;).

  7. congratulations 4 ur victory ..!!! u have done an incredible job.. but seriously hw were u able to actually attempt such a lenghty paper ..i,e wat strategy was adopted by u 2 complete the paper..ur suggestions would actually help the future clat aspirants..and again congratulations.. but pls kindly explain us so that it can be helpful for us the next yr..!!!

    • Thank you Raveesha…this year the CLAT paper was actually based on speed. So, my reading speed happens to be a little fast. So, it was more about time management. You could e-mail me, just get in touch with the CG team to take my ID.
      Good luck!

      • Veronica frankly deserves to DIE. It’s possibly the most depressing book on the planet. Well okay to a 11 year old kid, I guess it was pretty disturbing. But The Alchemist was pretty good.

        Congrats Padmini! And I’m glad you’ve managed to keep your integrity intact after all those baseless accusations leveled against you.

        And “And there they were, always accessible, always helpful, always intellectually witty, and beyond patient.” So very true. I <3 CG. 🙂

  8. Congratulations! I’m in awe of you. You managed a lengthy paper and got an amazing score. You’ve inspired many, me included. I’ll be taking the CLAT 2012.  Any suggestions?! . Well I look up to you as do many others and I hope that means something to you. Good luck in law school. I hope you do work in Human Rights, Environmental law, Social law, etc. and not the money-laundering corporates. Would like to meet you next year if I make it and hopefully you’d be my Rank-dad. 😀 Good Luck!

    • Hey!!
      That’s rude you know. Stereotyping people or professions is totally uncalled for and downright intimidating. Do refrain from doing so.

      • Hey! okay, maybe not money-laundering, money making? Any corporate personnel would accept the “money-making” bit. That is the objective. It’s stated in handbooks in fancier words. And since when is money-making a bad thing? 

    • Thank you!
      I’ve put up my reasons for taking up law!
      Money is exceptionally important, but the way you earn it is too!
      Take care, good luck, shoot me an e-mail anytime you want!
      God bless

  9. Chalo chalo. Bahut hua pyaar-taana-dikhava. Jaao apna apna kaam karo.

    Padmini: Personal advice after a year in a wonderful law school
    Visit every friend, every relative Guwahati. Every food, that is native to Assam. And, visit the Kamakhya Temple and ask the debi to bless me and my grades.

    Chances are, you will never do that again. Thank the trimester system.

  10. Hi Padmini…this is Shreyashi from Kolkata…many congratulations to u..u deserved it, gal…And its great to see that ur being so humble and sweet about it…all the best for ur life…my AIR is 152 so I may never get to meet u, so pat ur back on my behalf…all the love and luck.God bless

    • Thank you!
      never never is a long time. Who knows, we might end up working together? Take care, good luck!
      Congrats to you too, because you know, 23000 people sat the paper and you were among the top 152.  
      That is significant in itself.

  11. many many many congratulations padmini..!!:) geting a score of 173 IN THIS KIND OF PAPER IS JUST WAO WAO AND WaO..:)
    HATS OFF..:) god bless..

  12. congo padmini… Hats off to you… Next year i’l try to get good mrx nd get in to top law colledge.. 🙂
    As this year i gave up just after watching CLAT paper…

  13. hello padmini,congratulations for the feeling of exhilration u must have had after u saw that AIR1!!rare it is….i look up to you like all the seekers of the holy grail of 2012!!u are really a rockstar;)can u please help us seekers with your valuable advice and a few inspiring words that are sufficient to satisfy the thirst of the seekers on the long,but nevr dull way to the NLSes!!!may such exhilarating moments touch your life v often!!:)

    • Oh thanks so much. Good luck ahead, enjoy preparing, and have fun doing it, is all I can say. 
      Rather than taking it as a huge burden. 

  14. congo padmini…!!!:) u realy did a vry vry good job!! i am seeking 4 clat next year..!! i guess thr is no classroom program 4 clatgyan.. .. is it thr?

    • Well, I signed up for the mock tests…but I’m afraid I solved just 4-5. It was mostly LST and CLATGyan….Clatgyan is really the find-all site. 

  15. OMG! Hi Padmini! Are you from DPS Digboi? And had you attended the DPS Kolkata science meet in 2008? I think I know you from there. If you’re the same Padmini then I had also met you in Delhi for the Singapore A*STAR scholarship test thingy. Wow! Small world.

  16. hey, congrats! we’ve had a word before.
    im in thick soup right now.


  17. hello padmini . congrats and thanks for those advices . though i am in science stream , i want to appear for clat-2013 . i need advice on how to prepare for clat along with 12th cbse.

  18. A true Inspiration you are for the other Grail Seekers. This is not a easy journey but often made easy by reading various articles and pieces here at CG. CG is the only CLAT mentor i have and perhaps the best i could have ever wished for.