A Grip On Myself


This poem has been submitted by K.L.Shravya for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think this poem is a good read, ‘Like’ this article on Facebook (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘comments’ section below.

All these years,

So many fears

Have found a place deep within me.

Why do I let them choke me?

When they simply  try to annihilate me.


But, there is always a part

Of me

Which fights back and voices that giving up is

Not in me.


So, I follow that voice of strength and reason.

And hope that in this

Eternity of mine,

I will always be known

For my ability to control

My Destiny.


Fear of the unknown,

And of the unmoldable

Will forever be part

Of  the human nature.

Inspite of my tendencies,

My characteristics,

My expectations,

And finally, my fears,

I know that

I will fight back.

Give my 200%.

And hope that fighting

With your heart is



All my life,

Watching the humanity, world’s one great clue

Has been understood

Deeply by me.


Combined with passion and

Dedication and

Perseverance and oh yes,


Always somehow Manage to

Come through.


Although that may not always

Be sufficient in every situation.

And this is held by me as the truth

When I see Passionate people fail.


This is what keeps me up at night,

When I think and ruminate

And find myself engrossed

In those thoughts.


What if I fail and lose my

Opportunity to succeed

 By a very narrow margin?

What if I don’t even place

Myself at a moderate level?


Although I know that worrying gets me


Except add to my ever increasing worries.

And that I should always be positive.

I know that too.

And I have to hold my nerves.

That may actually get me



Well understanding and achieving

Are two completely different concepts.

Don’t even get me started on them.

Which is what I can only say.


Though I do have something to ask.

What should I Do to deal with my doubts?

Is there something crazy about me?

Or should I just brush them off as stress?

I should stop my rant right now!


But in the end.

I am left with more questions than answers.

Excess of queries than replies.

Which as you can see is

Not helping me.


People talk a lot.

Then give me advice.

But they don’t stick to it.

I did grasp that instantly

After seeing them lose their grip.


Well.. I guess I can’t really trust

Any one person or a single outcome.

The overall stats don’t hold for much either.

Because things never happen

Same way twice and all that…


After all that I’ve seen happen,

Maybe I should put a little

Faith in myself.

So I’m just removing all my concerns,

And the doubts that cause the


Along with my inner conflict and


Cause they never helped anyone.


I hope I’ve learnt something  from my

Been there,done that status.

Like some great person  I don’t know said,

“Hope strengthens.Fear kills.”


Logic says, I should stick to that quote.

But wheels are already spinning in my head

And I keep on thinking, ’What if….. ?’

Guess I should really just get a grip on myself.  *sigh*

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