Lock your car and then, trust God!


As a person having prepared for CLAT , I have seen sad ‘dukhi aatmas’ [sad souls] lamenting their tales of woe about ‘not doing well’, ‘dude, I screwed it up’, and the saddest, ’zindagi ka koi matlab nahi raha yaar’ [there is nothing left to life now]

From personal experiences, I have seen that a cool, calm composed frame and, always helps in cracking the CLAT. For CLAT is, an examination that tests how well you think and analyze, how good you are with the language, your analytical abilities, and your awareness about happenings in India and across the world. It also measures how much interest you have in the law and also whether you are well-versed with basic legal terminology or not.meme-face-thinking-internet-1620825964

I can tell you how you could mentally prepare yourself for the CLAT. Firstly – remove the anxiety. You could try anything – music, dancing, rock therapies, spas, vacations, anything. Become a Rancho. Watch 3 Idiots as many times as you can, and think, if engineering people could get jobs after attempting to commit suicide, then even I could make it in CLAT. Or try this. Switch on some Floyd, raise your hands, close your eyes, and let it sink in. Release the negative energies within your body. Invite David Gilmour to cleanse your soul of its worries. Switch to Led Zepp. Dance like a monkey to ‘Moby Dick’. Classical music enthusiasts could try Pt. Ravi Shankar. The Carnatic guys could try ‘Entharo Mahanubhavulu’ on the veena. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata also helps. Sway your body the way a conductor does. Then (the suggestion of a batch mate), apply some Navratna oil, take a bath in cold water, and study. Believe me; you would then study like a racehorse.

Read as many news articles as possible. Try legal newspapers and internet sources. Stay aware of what is happening around you. In law school, you are respected if you have an opinion on something, cultivate opinions on various topics (it is really annoying if you try to be politically correct and say, I like both Congress and BJP). And, when someone questions your view on a topic, defend your view vigorously. Solve as many practice tests you could lay your hands on. That’s what I did, I would solve about 2-3 papers a day towards the end.

Most importantly – keep visiting CLATGyan. Our team comes up with so many new compendiums and questions, which would be an excellent supplement to your coaching class material. And stop worrying about the future, live for today, enjoy what is in hand. Live life normally, hang out with friends, watch movies, sports etc. Keep yourself physically fit, for physical fitness only compliments mental agility. Sleep well, never compromise on that. And, submit yourself to the will of the Lord (the reason for the title), for His will could turn tables to your favor.

All the best for CLAT 2011!
Karthik Suresh.

Karthik Suresh is one of the ecitors for ClatGyan. He manages the Miscellaneous and News section. Without coaching and with little preparation, he was able to get an excellent score and held the 52nd rank in the Common Law Admission Test.