National University of Law, Management and Science – Meghalaya


India has 15 National Law Universities at present. Mr. Veerappa Moily, the Union Minister for Law and Justice had declared National Law Universities as Institutions of National Importance under 2nd Generation of Reforms in Legal Education. The Hon’ble Union Minister on behalf of the Government of India has assured all support for the establishment of the said universities in all the states of the country. “There are now 15 established National Law University in India with latest in Meghalaya, the idea of having one national law University in each State shall be adding a wonderful chapter in the field of legal education . It has also paved a way for the establishment for the 14 such National Institute in the Country And if Telangana is made a reality, the number shall be 15. But it shall be more that difficult to establish it in North Eastern states except Assam and Meghalaya because of various logistics factors.

States like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu do not have an NLU. However, plans have been made to get an NLU in Pune. In fact, the construction of the campus has also begun in Pune. But, what is challenging is to establish an NLU at a place which is called ‘far more challenging’. And to establish it with an aim to impart high standard Legal Education in the people of entire of North East is seriously inconceivably awe-inspiring. All this is being done by Prof M K Sastry, the Mission Director for the Proposed NLU in Meghalaya. Very close to Guwahati Airport of Meghalaya, 1000 acres of Land, a marvellous achievement of the Government of Meghalaya. The said university has been named as ‘National University of Law, Management and Science- Meghalaya’. Under the direction of High Power Committee consisting of Hon’ble Former Chief Justices of India, Senior Most Judges and Former Judges from Supreme Court of India , Hon’ble Chief Justices and Judges and Former Chief Justices and Judges from different High Courts who has graced to be the part of the High Power Committee. The Academic Affairs committee consists of leading Academicians and Vice Chancellors of National Law Universities are giving constant supervision to the said university. The CLATGyan Team has been constantly offering its inspiring support through Student Advisory Body and young law stalwarts from all the National Law University and we were more than happy to give our all trustworthy support in the name of the younger brothers of North East. The said committee very shortly be submitting their Bible report to the office of the Chairman and Members of High Power Committee through Mission Director, copy of which shall be forwarded to Union Ministry of Law & Justice, HR& D Government of India and Government of Meghalaya and Honourable Supreme Court of India.

The Mission Director Prof Sastry has informed that the University will be :

  • commencing courses from the year 2012 with 440 Prospective students.
  • It shall be among the few National Law University to start with integrated law degree in four areas – B.A., LL.B. (Hon.), B.Com., LL.B. (Hon.), B.B.A., LL.B. (Hon.), B.Sc., LL.B. (Hon.), two years LL.M. and Ph. D. Post Doctoral research studies in laws and inter-disciplinary fields as well as diploma/certificate courses in various areas having 440 students intake at for the five year integrated degree programs, and around 40 full scholarships are proposed to be given to students.
  • shall have state of art infrastructure and with all IT and Morden amenities with 24 hrs internet connectivity through WIFI systems with guaranteed Bandwidth.
  • admissions shall be on basis of CLAT score or scores obtained in entrance examinations conducted by NLU Delhi & Orissa can also be considered.
  • have 38 full-time initially and gradually it shall be around 200 faculties highly motivated, dynamic, LLM/PhD qualified faculty drawn from all parts of India.
  • have ten centres of Excellence in niche areas of economy – Centre for Private International Law, Centre for Public International Law, Centre for Sports Law, Centre for Food Security & Agro-Economy, Centre for Foreign Policy & Security Studies, Centre for Environmental Law & Climate Change, Centre for Corporate Law, Banking & Investment Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), World Trade Laws for specialized knowledge and professional excellence.
  • attain professional human resources and financial management culture with the Performance Management Appraisal System and Result-Based Budgeting to maintain high professional standards. It shall also implement latest ISO certified standards.
  • shall also have focussed, coordinated and concerted approach to internship and placement with long term career development.
  • build a state of art library that shall exceed more than 50,000 books; many of them will be rare and priceless collections of international and foreign laws. Additions of new titles every month – plans to create first national law museum of North East at the new campus.
  • It shall organise National & International Conferences every year.
  • The Prospecting students shall be editing National and International Law Reviews and Journels published by the said university.
  • Shall be also establishing International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation in said campus giving an additional exposure to the Prospective students.
  • The said university shall have interdisciplinary courses and faculty oriented programs with IIT’s , IIM’s leading Industries National Universities and reputed private Universities and International Universities such as University of Harvard in USA and Oxford and Cambridge in UK to create an International environment of excellence and competence.
  • The statutory council such as Governing, Executive, Academic and other council shall consist of Senior Most Judges of Supreme Court of India, Former Chief Justice of India, Chief Justice of High Courts, Union Ministers of Cabinet, Government of India, Directors of IIM’s , IIT’s ,distinguish Scientists, Chairman UGC, Attorney and Solicitor General of India, leading industrialists and best of Academics in the country.
  1. Hostel facility will be provided to the prospective students subject to the availability of rooms.
  2. Free Laptops, and Course Books to all the Students as per the semester system

The University aims in becoming an unparalleled and unique leader in the field of Legal Education. Let us all pray and extend our whole hearted support and our unconditional love to our younger brothers of North East in any manner in which we feel it is good. We further pray to almighty to give all inspiration to entire team for making it a success story.

The Mission Director hereby appeals for all support.



    • Ho. Aamcha university assel. Aamcha Raj Thakaryancha ‘Raaj’ hoil! 100% domicile thevu Marathi bhumiputraansaathi.
      Punyaat assel aamchi hi Vishwavidyalay.


      • a hindi sider and still a maharshtrian domicile.btw dis domicile system sux! and neeta 2 things for
        1.too scared to compete and hiding behind raj thackeray`s back eh?
        2,people like you shouldn`t become lawyers who support suckers like raj thackray who disrespect the constitution!!

        u will realise the domicile system sux only when u score more than a Karnataka domicile yet refused admission in Bangalore!

        • Kaaayyyy?????
          Hindi sider? Bhaiyaa aahe tu? Mee domicile saathi Mumbai (BOMBAY NAAHI MUMBAI) HighCourtaat PIL file kareen. Kaay karshil re tu?

          And I am in splits! She STILL didn’t catch the sarcasm!

          • I think Raj Thackarey is an extreme facet of a much deeper problem. But of course, you wouldn’t catch it as our dear CL*T is ‘elitist’ in nature, and I presume you call Mumbai “Bombay”.

            Oh, and Basheer bhai shed that elitist image well this time. Hatsofftohim!

            • sarcasm?im sorry if i misunderstood not good in the direct translation in hindi showed ur some raj fan.please ache se bolo what u mean to say!

  1. I live in the place.
    Yes, there is a new university. 25 % domicile for the Assamese.
    Entrances on 16th june, if i’m not wrong.
    The last date of handing in the form is 6th june

  2. shall have state of art infrastructure and with all IT and Morden amenities with 24 hrs internet connectivity through WIFI systems with guaranteed Bandwidth.– THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT 😛