NLU Delhi – GK Section (Based on Memory)


A lot of CLATGyaners were kind enough to mail us the questions they could remember. We collected them and also found answers for all of them. In the meanwhile, please join our Facebook group so that you receive real time updates we send. Here are the questions :

  1. Biggest nuclear power plant in the world? (Kashiwazaki Kariwa, Japan)
  2. Census takes place in India once in how many years? (10 Years)
  3. Biggest state in India (area wise)? (Rajasthan)
  4. Name of the interior minister killed in Pakistan? (Shahbaz Bhatti, Minister for Religious Minorities)
  5. Nationality of Dhiyana Saeed (the present secretary-general of SAARC)? (Maldives)
  6. Kyoto protocol related to? (Climate Change)
  7. Headquarters of Interpol? (Lyon)
  8. Chief Information Commissioner of India? (Satyanand Mishra)
  9. Chief Election Commissioner of India? (S Y Quraishi)
  10. Which appointment did Supreme Court block? (PJ Thomas)
  11. Term of Rajya Sabha member? (6 Years)
  12. State with largest number of MP seats is? (Uttar Pradesh – 80 Constituencies)
  13. Biggest country amongst Canada, USA, Brazil and China? (Canada)
  14. Maastricht treaty was regarding? (creation of common European currency, the Euro)
  15. India signed 123 Agreement with which country? (USA)
  16. Newest member of SAARC? (Afghanistan – Joined in 2005)
  17. Who was awarded Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award? (Stephen Bosworth)
  18. France and UK banned which country from trade benefits? (Sri Lanka)
  19. Who was legal advisor to drafting committee of the Constitution of India? (BN Rau)
  20. Oldest rocks in India and found in which mountain range? (Aravalli)
  21. Where were South Asian games held? (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
  22. Most number of deaths in India during the period of 2001-2003 are caused due to? (Cancer)
  23. First Vice-President of India? (Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan)
  24. 6th Pay Commission Headed By? (Justice B N Sri Krishna)
  25. Red Cross Founder? (Henry Dunant)
  26. First Women’s Day was on? (March 19 in 1911)
  27. First Judge sought to be impeached in India? (Justice V Ramaswamy)
  28. Who invented Air Conditioner? (Willis Haviland Carrier)
  29. Who Invented Motor Cycle? (Gottlieb Daimler)
  30. India’s Rank in FDI? (9th)
  31. India’s Rank in Industrial Development? (9th)
  32. Number of Members Nominated in Lok Sabha? (2 Members – AngloIndians.)
  33. Japan raised the severity of its nuclear crisis to what level? (Level 7 – The Highest)
  34. Which country gets the largest source of its power from nuclear energy? (France)
  35. Name the Vice President who was also the Chief Justice of India. (M Hidayatullah)

If you find any mistakes in the above questions or answers, please write down in the comments section. And people who are looking for cut off scores, get a life. You have SET this Saturday and CLAT in 12 days. Work for them… you’ll get to know the cut off when the results come. And no one can ever predict the actual cut off unless they know the standard of the paper and the competition (which no one does).



  1. Q 14 answer is wrong ,, common currency euro, will be de right answer.. Similarly if fdi was asked den india’s rank is between 10 2 20,. I’m dam sure

  2. plz make a correction in Q18 den ever asked in de paper about france nd uk they simpily states on which country did EU banned tariff barriers in august 2010 ————— SRILANKA is de right answer
    if somebody had read de HINDU newspaper den he must be knowing de answe

  3. India’s FDi Rank : Rank 23 not in option
    Options wer
    Rank 11
    Rank 12
    Rank 2
    Rank 4
    Indias rank in industrial Dev …Rank 41 not in option
    Options wer
    Top 12 Countries
    Top 15 Countries
    Top 5 Countries
    Top 20 countries

  4. i think guys we must move on…… and we must prepare ourselves 4 de upcoming exams ……. forget de past look 4 de future ……….. )))))))))))))))))))))

  5. Chill man .. Results will soon be declared , when i last study fer India ranks 6th… since it was’nt in de option i marked one which is more propinquate 2 it ie 4 rest of de options 15 , 35 etc

    • tnx dude 4 providing dis link ………. ASAD u can check out dis link it will clarify all de doubts …….. i think dis link is substantial 2 support our answer

  6. @mohit chibber… sorry dude u were inch closer 2 de answer but de demand of question dosn’t meet ur anser….. this time i’m not providing u any link ………. but i can only tell u just refer de clat gyan gk compendiums on imp treaties and conventions …………. CLAT GYAN had specifically mentioned earlier dat there are chances of getting atleast one question on dis topic ……

    @ anshul 21 is a pretty decent score … dis time gk was tricky as compared 2 last year…….. i think v can clear de cut off if we score well in other sections

  7. Hmm., point 2 be noted , yy don’t u refer Pearson or any gk manual. Nd find out more abt Euro as a currency .. As per my knowledge euro was created out of dis treaty ( also known as treaty of europian union) in 91 nd came into force in 99.. Pinpoint ” creation” ,.

  8. who is d chief information commissioner of india???
    ans.. A.N.Tiwari……which ws not der in the option…….
    and SATYANAND SINHA is going to b d nxt CIC of india…..rgt???

  9. Hey i’m happy dat u got it right dis time 🙂 i think de former one had misread de question .. It’s about giving 4% reservation 2 muslims .. Sorry dude ur score is reduced by one point ie 27 , if u had some queries pls post it on clat gyan so we can rectify dose doubts as well ,..

  10. i am a regular follower of clatgyan website so please anyone  can upload some new G.K (based memory for the aspirants of nlu(d) 2012……………….its a humble request………