NLU Orissa Joins CLAT !!


NLU Orissa

As reported by The Telegraph it seems likely that NLU Orissa is soon to join the other 11 National Universities which are part of the CLAT. Headed by a very effective and dynamic Vice Chancellor, Faizan Mustafa, the University is all set to achieve new heights. Joining the CLAT is surely part of that.

In its short two years of existence NLUO has already carved out a niche for itself with its students doing very well at a lot of inter college competitions and other such fora. NLUO has the vision of a legal luminary and constitutional expert in the form of Prof. Mustafa who is not only a competent administrator but a great teacher too. We had attended a seminar conducted by him at NALSAR and his profound knowledge left us all overwhelmed.

NLUO used to conduct its own entrance tests till date and were known to be one of the toughest and most testing ones for law school aspirants. NLUO is known for brilliant faculty members and huge support from the state government. Functioning from a temporary campus NLUO is soon to shift to their very own new campus within a short span of time.

So law aspirants gear up. You have one more law school in the CLAT fold. The good news is one less exam to write and a brilliant new university that is available to you through the CLAT itself.

Check out for more updates.
Law and Behold.

UPDATE: NLUO decided in its Exec Council meeting held on Dec 3rd that it will continue to conduct its own exam.


  1. But Aymen, All the NLUs must admit candidates only through CLAT, according to a Supreme Court Judgement passed somewhere before CLAT 2008. So, if NLU O is joining CLAT, even NLU D and NUSRL should do so.

  2. @ Sanchit… I think NLU D should join CLAT. All the NLUs should have a common entrance test. (just like IIT-JEE). Moreover, the Supreme Court judgement which was the reason for the inception of CLAT also says that a common entrance should be conducted for the admission into all the NLUs.

  3. I agree with Mohit. And second, my sympathies are with NLU-D and NLU-O, these are relatively new universities and require a good quality of students. A CLAT rank (if it is of the standards of 2009 or 2010) of 2000 and an entry into NLUO through its 3rd list should be treated as the same. The quality of their papers is exceptionally high (and in Delhi’s case, of a good pattern too) – and that reflects generally on the quality of students.

    While it’ll save a lot of money for the applicants, the students standout to lose on backup options (and good ones). Ideally, one common entrance would be a brilliant idea. But when the quality of the paper isn’t that great, it hurts the relatively new universities (especially Orissa). NLUO has great potential to be in the Top-5, in say, 5 years.

    However, since the “damage” (in my opinion it is), is already done. CG will do better to come out (once the forms are out) with an unbiased and well corroborated approach for the preference list.

  4. it’s not about what SC said,but about what’s best for students…
    an engineering aspirant if he fails to clear JEE,still has BITS pilani,top NIT’s,DCE,BIT mesra & many more backups,,,,atleatst NIT surathkal & bits pilani are said to b better than some IITs…

    but if a law aspirant messes up CLAT,then what?????as of now he can look upto NLUD….
    but if NLUD also joins CLAT then,he’ll have to take a drop to b able to join a good law school,a whole year wasted…….
    & plz don’t compare symbi,amity or any other law school with NLU’s,,,,they simply are not offering what the NLU’s are…

  5. @ Rishabh… You have ILS and Symbiosis Law School (both better than a few NLUs). Then you also have GLC, UPES, Amity, Army Law Institute etc. (considering the number of students interested in pursuing Law, these many options are enough)

  6. Its better to have plenty of options….but going to some B grade college has a sufficient risk on its own!! Then u have to reappear for CLAT…just as what I am doing!!

  7. But NLU’s TAG is more important. TAG of NLU will help a lot and keep all of us far ahead from the students studying in AMITY, SYMBIOSIS etc.

  8. @ Ananda… oh… I came for GD PI there… they were damn rude in the interview and the topic for GD was vague… dint like the college… and the accommodation… sucks!!… Do well in CLAT!!… Get back to life!! 🙂

  9. @asad- t college really body likes it….although t hostel accommodation is good but not t environment out here..yes I need t perform well in CLAT…but where r u studying now??

  10. not at all aymen…oops sorry asad….it seems that i am forgetting each and every thing after entering a law school as worst as that of my college….but probably u people at NALSAR have experienced even worse than what we r going through at present….But y did u come for the interview?? It was held much after the CLAT results were declared!! But its very difficult to prepare for CLAT along with the studies of law….the pressure seems mounting up day by day…

  11. @ Anando (well whats you name? … Ananda or Anando?) … you see I was at Symbiosis Law School for a year and I came to UPES in 2009 (my first attempt of CLAT was in 2009). I prepared for CLAT alongside Symbiosis Law School and I know how it feels doing both (just what you’re doing).

  12. t bengali pronuciation is actually o…but i write as ananda…anyways hw was ur experience with synbi??even i got in symbi n ils this year …but my parents chose UPES…

  13. Anando…kemon acho…keep your spirits high. UPES is not all that bad. How’s Sanandan Chopra in UPES. I am sure you will fare really well in CLAT this year. Follow Cg and put in your best. Bhalo theko!

  14. hi, i m new to cg and studying at nirma university institute of law m finding it too good . whats urs opinion on that could u plz tell me ??