NLU Orissa notification out, proves CLATGyan is right!


Prof. Faizan Mustafa’s brilliant leadership and his eminence as part of the legal academia has brought National Law University, Orissa, to the fore. Poised to reach the acme of glory, this university has made great strides in trying to produce lawyers with a difference and inculcate core values of the legal profession, in the students. The NLUO has announced in its notification that it shall conduct its own entrance test, as reported to you earlier by CLATGYAN., on the 19th of June, 2011 from 3pm to 5pm.

Pattern of the Test Paper: Total Number of Questions 200 Total Marks 200

Duration of the Examination 2 hours (120 minutes)

Subject-Wise Distribution:

English (including Comprehension) 40 marks

General Knowledge / Current Affairs 50 marks

Numerical Ability (Elementary Mathematics) 20 marks

Legal Aptitude 45 marks

Logical Reasoning 45 marks

NLUO has a total of 120 seats divided equally into its BA LLB(Hons.) and BBA LLB (Hons.) courses.

The form is available from designated branches of the State Bank of India on payment of Rs. 1500 for general candidates. Tie-break is through 12th standard marks, 10th standard marks or the elder of the two, in that order.

All the Best!


Sandipan De.

“There comes a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.”


  1. is it confirmed that it’s june or is there a possibility of it being on 19th may?????
    because instead of a detailed notification all they have let out now is a ticker,,,,june is gonna be way too late

  2. NLUO has no domicile seats . NLUO for last two years has come with brilliant question papers last two years . NLUO question papers were far more better than clat papers for last two years . compare them and know for yourself .

  3. Dear Students,

    Greetings from NLUO. thanks for the encouraging comments. Yes even CLAT is going to come up with a much improved paper this year. Kindly remember NLUO test is on 22nd May not 19th June. Last date is 10th May. Our form can be downloaded from our website. This has been done to make things easier for those taking our exam.The test date has been advanced on the request of students.Pl visit us at
    best wishes and good luck, faizan mustafa

    • Thank you Sir!

      Notification by the VC himself, nothing could have been better. ++, no fussy purchases of brochures from post offices (which seem to be running short of them) required. This is good stuff 🙂

  4. Btw, the DD is supposed to be in the name of “The Registrat, National Law University, Orissa”, right? No specific information is given (on the website or otherwise).

    • sir could u plz make it clear that there will be static gk or not.
      And whether there will be only legal reasoning in legal aptitude or legal knowledge also……plz rply soon

  5. Are thr no domicile reservations in nluo and i hrd dat nluo n nlud re going to come under clat in it true