Perseverance That Paid Off – Dhruva Gandhi : Rank 1 (CLAT 2013)


As I sit here on a rainy evening in Mumbai to write this, it reminds me of another rainy evening in Munnar, two years back, when I decided that I want to study law. How can I ever forget that day? Lush green hills, overcast skies, a wooden swing and then like the sudden downpour that followed, the idea to study law struck me. One small moment, one big decision.d3e8471fc18cd38a6eaf848c93c6cb2d

I made a few enquiries, enrolled myself in the coaching classes and set off on the road to CLAT. It took me six months to get accustomed to everything. Soon, reading the newspapers become an addiction and building on my general knowledge and vocabulary an inherent necessity. However, it was after a year that I felt sure of doing CLAT. The articles on CLATGyan inspired me and created within me an unparalleled desire to make it to a top rung law school. I did CG’s GK compendiums and took its mock tests, both of which were abundantly helpful. The other exercises they put up were also highly relevant. Apart from these, I also took the mocks my coaching institute provided, solved various exercises, did the Pratiyogita darpan magazines, identified and worked on weaknesses and thus the journey wore on. When I reflect on the last year and a half, I feel that besides the knowledge that I have gained during the course of the preparation, I also encountered love and friendship. This is what makes life beautiful, I guess. CLAT isn’t taxing at all if one has an interest in law and the related fields. One just has to be regular. Also, the good thing is that there is something new everyday.

When the boards came around, I just tried to stick to the papers and took mocks intermittently.

The last month was frantic and it passed by before I could say ‘Robinson Crusoe’. I focused on revising GK. CG was very helpful, once again, during this last month with all the GK exercises that it posted. More so was an article describing life at NLS that was posted on the website. It was the much needed shot in the arm. On the penultimate day, I made sure that I was away from my books and my mind was relaxed. I slept like a log, saw movies and ate voraciously. The nervousness and frisson on the final day kept me focused. At 5 pm, I came out from the examination hall with a big smile on my face. I was happy.

The next two weeks were marked with absolute entertainment and then came 31st may, time for results. The wait was agonising. Everyone was glued to the website waiting for any news about the results. The morning saw a mix of boredom, anxiety and anger. It was exasperating. I was compelled to distract myself and hence decided to go for ‘ Yeh jawaani hai deewani ‘. Funny as it may sound but I checked my results in the intermission while buying popcorn. Tears of joy filled my eyes and I didn’t know how to react. I felt free. I had made it to where I always wanted to go, NLSIU.

What the result taught me is that in life, one can get whatever one gets to. All one needs to do is persevere. So to those who are ambitious about law and making it to a good law school, all I would say is follow your heart and stay true to your dream.

Dhruva Gandhi.


  1. Well said .. really so inspiring..I will also be coming to nls this year..I wish if you could help me with my querries..about preperation..thanku..congrats yr

  2. Really WTF!!!,  I got 131 marks in Clat and yet my merit list stands at 800
    I mean how can this be even possible….

  3. It was an amazing post. I really got motivated through this and I hope I’ll start studying by today itself. Thanks for reminding the goal of achieving Clat . I would surely make it. Thanks alot.