CLATGyan Mock General Knowledge Sets


Hello all!

Hope your preparation is going as good as you had planned and thought it should. Also, I’m sure you have completed all that is required and are now revising – something you should be doing at this point of time. The preparation now, I hope, is almost done. Is it? No? Well, in fact, it isn’t supposed to be. If you’re relaxed and satisfied with what you have been doing, there’s every reason for you to introspect. It can never be too clean and too tidy. None of us (and I mean ‘No one – not a single soul’) ever reached a point of satisfaction during our preparation. We were barely satisfied with what we even pulled out at the exam. Regrets of not doing this or not knowing that are what we were left with, post-exam.

This phase that you are going through is tough. There’s panic, misery, sadness, tiredness, daunting scare, suicidal tendencies and what not! I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be facing all this. On the contrary, you should be. We’ve all been through it and you aren’t any exception. But, for now, just know this that it’s just a phase. You’ll be out of it soon and the results will speak of what your stars have for you. There’s no other chore except for to concentrate on the preparation. Hold yourself from falling, keep strong and we’ll see you soon at Nagarbhavi/Shamirpet. If you’re still unable to control yourself, mail us your worries to (Not questions, only ‘existential crisis’ worries!)

Coming straight to the point, now. To add to your exhaustive preparation, CG will be coming out with fourteen ‘Mock General Knowledge’ sets. Each of these will be dedicated to one month of current affairs, starting from March 2015 to April 2016. Bookmark this page, for we’ll be updating it as and when a new set is added. Check the following links out:

–> March – 2015
–> April – 2015
–> May – 2015
–> June – 2015
–> July – 2015
–> August – 2015
–> September – 2015
–> October – 2015
–> November – 2015
–> December – 2015
–> January – 2016
–> February – 2016
–> March – 2016
–> April – 2016

Archived Exercises:

–> January – 2013

–> February – 2013

–> March – 2013

–> April – 2013

–> May – 2013

–> June – 2013

–> July – 2013

–> August – 2013

–> September – 2013

–> October – 2013

–> November – 2013

–> December – 2013

–> January – 2014

–> February – 2014

–> March – 2014

–> April – 2014

–> May – 2014

–> June – 2014

–> July – 2014

–> August – 2014

–> September – 2014

–> October – 2014

–> November – 2014

–> December – 2014

–> January – 2015

–> February – 2015

We had done this for the kids taking CLAT 2013 as well. For, CLAT 2013, we suggested that the current affairs from January 2012 to April 2013 be done. Following are the links for the Mock Sets for the months of 2012. Do them if you have time. You never know what the CLAT committee might consider to be ‘current affairs’. You might just turn out to be lucky if they ask something from 2012.

–> January – 2012
–> February – 2012
–> March – 2012
–> April – 2012
–> May – 2012
–> June – 2012
–> July – 2012
–> August – 2012
–> September – 2012
–> October – 2012
–> November – 2012
–> December – 2012

All the very best!



  1. Thnxx CG
    “See You at Nagarbhavi/Shmairpet” is what inspires me to work my ass off and eventually see you Guys over there

  2. The first three lines scared the hell out of me. I was like “REVISING?! Right now I don’t even know if what I’ve studied is even remotely enough to tackle CLAT, and there is so much more to study, it’s a never ending process” and so on and so on. The rest of the article put me at ease. Nice to know I’m not the only one. Thanks 😀

  3. If you guys had posted it a little earlier, it could have been such an enormous help. Its great yet, but you know, it doesn’t have the same effect.

  4. Hi! Please upload the remaining ” Mock General Knowledge” sets for 2013. They are extremely helpful. Thanks. 

  5. thank you so much.
    could u upload some more for september to march?
    and if possible could u upload some important static gk material for us to read?

  6. I truly started my prep from April. Which is when I also realized that my gk mterial was simply not enough. Distraught and hopeless, this little girl then logged onto ClatGyn as her last hope. And well, lets just say I am not so distauht and hopeless anymore. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH. IF I DO CRACK CLAT I MAY CHOSE NALSAR JUST TO GIVE YOU  GUYS CHOCOLATES BECAUSE I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH

  7. thank u so much Asad sir n every one….U all helped me a lot n this year if  i’ll clear clat n get addmission in any NLU …. surely there will be a great hand of u guys….. thAnk u so so so soooooooooooooooooo…………….,much….:) 🙂 :)……

  8. this online GK is actually helping me a lot..!! i was confused in d beginning regarding GK.. bt nw i am at ease.. thanks a lot..!! n keep up the gud work.. 🙂

  9. Thnx a lot to Clat Gyan, it was indeed a grt help for all of us aspiring for nlu_ It was one of the richest source of information nd materials that would enhance ones preparation nd boost his/her confidence……

  10. These are invaluable.Never been so interested in GK :p Please post the compendiums for May and June 2016 as quickly as possible.