Personalised Action Plans and Queries


Come December and you will be left with nearly 5 months until you have to take the CLAT and make it to law school. Let’s say, you need to set aside about a month for the board examinations and other distractions. That leaves you with 4 months exactly. Is this enough time to start prep for CLAT and to ensure your spot at a top National Law School?

Maybe. Maybe not.

The answer to that question really depends on how much prep you have managed to put in so far, and where you stand. Now, how do you figure that out?

Board exams in March? Pre-boards in February? A billion tests interspersed between Feburary and May? Haven’t started prep at all? No clue how to study legal aptitude? No idea what current affairs are? Not really sure of how much you’ve prepared, and how much more you need to prepare? Don’t know how much time to allot for CLAT prep every day?

Worry not. Okay, worry a little bit. BUT we will help you figure out what needs to be done, and how to go about your preparation for the exam.

So, how does CG plan on helping you?

Step 1 – Sit down and think about all the problems you have with preparing for the exam, your time constraints, your areas of difficulty, and where you think you require guidance.

Step 2 – Turn on your computer or laptop or tablet or phone or other gadget of choice, and shoot us an email. Send your emails to, with the subject titled ‘Action Plan’, and tell us everything you thought of in Step 1. Along with that, add additional details that you think are relevant. (Such as, have you joined coaching? have you taken CLAT before? And are you pursuing graduation now? If yes, where? Or have you taken a drop?)

Now, once we’ve received your mail, we will help you with time allocation, guidance on material that will help your specific case, and give you sound advice on anything else you need help with. Perhaps even some life advice if we think you need it.

Why write to us?

  • You’re getting your very own personalised action plan to prep for the CLAT.
  • You do not have to pay to get this advice. We’re free, and helpful!
  • Your action plan will take into account how far your prep has reached, and what you need to do to get better. We might even help you with a study time table, if you are as lost as Alice in Wonderland.

So go ahead and send us your queries, concerns, and doubts. We’ll reply as quickly as we can, and try and help you 🙂


  1. Hey guys first of all today i want to register and get started with my clat preprations no delays and have to get on a boat.(metaphorically speaking).Now Tell me the procedures cause i am flippin out since i dont see register option directly i was redirected to payumoney and was about to make a payment.Guide me fast……

  2. Hey guys it’s really nice to have a completely user friendly website for CLAT preparation.
    Totally loved the website.
    I need some assistance in figuring out how to improve scores in Sectional Tests of each subject.
    I also would like to know what’s the time period during which current affairs has to be covered up for CLAT 2018.
    Thank You

  3. hey I need to know how can I procure past year papers of NALSAR or NLSIU.kindly brief me with whole procedure which is easy

  4. Hey , since I am a commerce student I’m not able to perform in the legal aptitude section . I’m able to solve those reasoning questions but the theory part is troubling me . HELP