Personalized Action Plans and Queries for CLAT 2020


Come August and you will be left with roughly 9 months until you have to take the CLAT and make it to law school. 9 months might sound like you have plenty of time at hand but is this enough time to start prep for CLAT and to ensure your spot at a top National Law School? Maybe. Maybe not?

The answer to that question really depends on whether you have even started your preparation. Most of you are currently reeling under the aftermath of having taken a competitive examination and are scared to bits at the thought of how daunting a drop year sounds. By the way, if that’s troubling you, do give this a read. The rest of you have recently become a part of the senior-most batch and you can’t stop thinking about how feverishly enthusiastic you are going to be about every last event at school before the pressure of the boards hits you. 

But let me tell you that a competitive examination like CLAT waits for nobody. It takes its sweet time to arrive but when it does, it comes when all your worries have hit the roof.

Board exams in March? Pre-boards in February? A billion tests interspersed between Feburary and May? Haven’t started prep at all? No clue how to study legal aptitude? No idea what current affairs are? Not really sure of how much you’ve prepared, and how much more you need to prepare? Don’t know how much time to allot for CLAT prep every day?

Worry not. Okay, worry a little bit. BUT we will help you figure out what needs to be done, and how to go about your preparation for the exam.

So, how does CG plan on helping you?

Step 1 – Sit down and think about all the problems you have with preparing for the exam, your time constraints, your areas of difficulty, and where you think you require guidance.

Step 2 – Turn on your computer or laptop or tablet or phone or other gadget of choice, and shoot us an email. Send your emails to, with the subject titled ‘Action Plan’, and tell us everything you thought of in Step 1. Along with that, add additional details that you think are relevant. (Such as, have you joined coaching? have you taken CLAT before? And are you pursuing graduation now? If yes, where? Or have you taken a drop?) Please don’t send us a general mail where you mention how difficult you find the preparation of CLAT (we already know you do, that’s why you’re writing to us) and “plz help” (we will, because that’s what we’re best at!)

Now, once we’ve received your mail, we will help you with time allocation, guidance on material that will help your specific case, and give you sound advice on anything else you need help with. Perhaps even some life advice, if we think you need it.

Why write to us?

  • You’re getting your very own personalised action plan to prep for the CLAT.
  • You do not have to pay to get this advice. We’re free, and helpful!
  • Your action plan will take into account how far your prep has reached, and what you need to do to get better. We might even help you with a study time table, if you are as lost as Alice in Wonderland.

So go ahead and send us your queries, concerns, and doubts. We’ll reply as quickly as we can, and try and help you 🙂


  1. Thanks a lot ClatGyan. I guess nobody, literally nobody in this entire fucking world can help or motivate students like you guys do. Thanks for everything ClatGyan and yes I coming to NALSAR next year {who knows if I’ll be writing articles for ClatGyan 😉 }

  2. (Wasn’t sure if I should mail you guys about this because it wasn’t a question about how to prepare)


    I’m in the 3rd year of Law School (NMIMS, Mumbai), I have taken the CLAT before.

    I want to prepare for the CLAT again and not all my reasons are academic in nature (but a substantial portion of them certainly are)

    If this did work out, I’d be joining an NLU at the age of 21 with a 4 year gap between when I passed out of school and joined college. I really want to sit for the CLAT again and do well, but it’s important for me
    to understand if this gap will negatively affect me in terms of recruitment and LLM applications so that I can make an informed decision on whether the trade off is worth devoting my time towards getting a better law school instead of internships/publications/studying CPC.

    I’m very confused about this and would be incredibly glad for any perspective.

    Thank you for Clatgyan 🙂