Positive Interaction and How to Get Past It!!!


So you have made it to an NLU and have cracked CLAT. Yes, you think you are the big stud and you think that the next best thing that could happen to your college is well, YOU!!!

Here are some little tips to get past positive interaction and how to handle it.

First of all remember that in law school there is no ‘ragging’ or hazing. They call it positive interaction.

This is law school and not an engineering college. The crowd here is intellectual, aware, intelligent and witty. If you have weird notions and think that they are going to ask you to strip down to your underwear and dance naked like the scenes you saw in 3 Idiots then you are very wrong.

No one and I repeat NO ONE in law school will ever touch or in anyway physically demean your person or your honour. If someone even tries to immediately stop him and file a complaint. This is a rarity and almost never happens. So calm down.

What does happen?

The main point behind positive interaction is to get to know you and for you to get to know your seniors. These very seniors are going to hold your hand and guide you through law school. Some of them become your best buddies and from taking you out for those random drinking binges, proof reading your moot memos/projects to giving you general gyan on law school life they can be the best people to share an everlasting healthy bond with.

The other point is to see to it that you are humble, you can shed your ego and can fit yourself into the proper hierarchy amongst the students. In my law school they say the hierarchy is as follows: V Years, IV Years, III Years, II Years, I Years, canines, LLMs. But political incorrectness apart all that is expected of you is to show respect, know your place, be humble and not give an expression of cockiness to your seniors. Cheek is something you should leave outside the gates of your law school. Wit is always admired. If you are able at a wise-crack no one will take it in a wrong way. Intelligence is never looked down upon, but pride or ego definitely is.

How to handle?

What they make you do is maybe sing, debate on a particular topic, defend your views, research on something that you are ignorant about, find out stuff, etc. All this is a character building process which is essential. This helps you in your future life. From the juvenile tendencies law school will make a man/lady out of you. That is the point behind the exercise.

If you complain you can expect absolutely no help from any senior and the entire law school fraternity shuns you.

What do you do?

If you are uncomfortable in the presence of someone immediately say that you are uncomfortable and leave. No one will object.

If in any way whatsoever you feel your person is not safe and anyone whoever it might be makes you d o something that is physically demeaning immediately file a complaint. Do NOT hesitate. But do this only as the last resort and not if some senior asks you to debate on ‘Reservation in India and the Politics of Affirmative Reservation’. Use your judgement. Do not be rash but learn to draw the line and know where you should assert yourself.

Show a little respect and be a humble person. You shall be liked by one and all. No one likes a cocky person. Do not make politically incorrect statements because if you do you might be shunned and become a pariah in your own college.
Remember you need the seniors and you need their help. They need you too because no law school can work without the cooperation and healthy senior-junior relationships. That is what is aimed at.

Fear not. Just keep your tongue in check and do not strut around the place as if you own it.

It is YOUR law school as well. Make the best out of these five years. You could be the next Rhodes Scholar or land up in that foreign law firm job.

Wishing you the best for your next five years at law school.


Remember respect is a two way lane. Be courteous.

This post does not refer to any particular law school but to all law schools in general.


  1. I dunno but why does most of SD’s posts seem SO relevant? I almost feel he is speaking to me. BTW great post though.

  2. This is law school and not an engineering college. The crowd here is intellectual, aware, intelligent and witty. If you have weird notions and think that they are going to ask you to strip down to your underwear and dance naked like the scenes you saw in 3 Idiots then you are very wrong.
    Hahahaaa…..lmao…that was like real funny and yet informative…….keep it up you guys=)

  3. Really well-written.
    I’ll be giving CLAT2012 but this thought always came up to my mind- the thought of the first day of college and how am I going to adjust.
    Read your article just at the right time.
    thank you so much 😀