QuickPost: 100 GK Questions?!


You ‘heard’ it from somewhere that 100 GK questions might turn up in CLAT 2011? Uh Oh.

Not really. We don’t know. The CLAT committee might be kind enough to continue with established tradition OR ‘risk’ a pattern change. We don’t know, we don’t know. So when you enter the examination hall, expect the unexpected. Make peace with the fact there CAN be 100 GK questions.

Do the GK section with attention, even if it’s still 50. Finish it off in 7 minutes, flat (14 if 100). 100 GK questions isn’t such a bad news, it means that there’ll be fewer lengthy questions, leaving you with enough time to do them properly, and maybe get a chance to go through each question again.

Is the change unlikely? We don’t know. But we can tell you that the best you can do is to be patient and not panic. Chill and wait, that is all you can do.

WBNUJS has said NOTHING about such a pattern. But it’s always good to be prepared.

All of you’ll are CLATGyanners (weird thing to call yourself, but…), now isn’t the time to panic. Chill. We trust you to make us proud. Differential marking, or not.



  1. If there are 100 GK questions, in all probability, will we have to do 250 questions in 120 minutes? Or will it be 200 with differential marking?

  2. 100 GK questions.well…it has it’s advantages and disadvantages too. we might get lots of time to do other stuff but there is less chance of us getting all 100 right!

  3. total no. of ques is 200 if there would be 100 gk ques, then it is likely that we’ll get much more time to solve other ques… good.. isn’t it??

  4. very confused regarding how much time shud i give to the legal section if there are 45 legal reasoning questions it can consume helll lot of a time…….

    • agreed …..
      if questions seems similiar 4m past year papers as in case of nlu-d den handling reasoning questions in a short span of time wouldn’t prove 2 be a herculean task

    • yuppps ………… if dis is true den half a mark 2 be alloted 2 each gk question , which means legal reasoning question will be less nd marks alloted 2 each will be more ——— ie 15*3= 45 ……. dis is a good news …….. i will apprecitate such a pattern , rather dan attempting 45 legal rasoning questions in short span of time …… [ clat never mentioned dat each question carry 1 mark hmm….] i never encourage anyone 2 attempt 50 question in 7 min …. i have tried dis in nlu-d nd i messed up gk section … accuracy migt get hampered b’coz of dis ……

      • Ah well, one knows one’s GK or one doesn’t.
        But it’s unlikely that legal reasoning will consist of such less questions…It IS the tie breaker section, right?

  5. Can be a boon for those who are good in GK, a curse for the rest. Rest is not in our hands. Whatever comes, we have to face it.!!!

  6. Seriously, any random rumor has immediate repercussions. Will people chill already, i mean 100 or 50 how does it matter any darn way! Though a post on this unfound matter shouldn’t have been published by a sensible site like clatgyan. Though i understand you meant good but this will ultimately result into spreading of unwanted rumours which is obviously not required at this point in time.

  7. I’ve “achieved” the target of completing 100 GK questions in 15 mins…..it’s like…u have to devote 9 seconds to each question….and when you actually get 9 seconds…you’ll realize it’s more than enough for each question.. 🙂

      • @Virath – I know the legal meaning, thanks for the concern.

        And also Einstein, you don’t have to use words pertaining to their legal meaning at all times. This ain’t a court-room or even a legal class for that matter. We are not even in law school yet.

        Stop taking offence if you are not being directed at specifically.

    • its actually uncertain i guess at the moment…u have santosh hedge, prashant and shanti bhushan, arvind kejriwal and people like kiran bedi from the civil society.

  8. Siddhu emailed me:
    “Current affairs are like beauty in a beautiful woman, MY FRIEND. They begin where you think they end, and they end where you think they begin!”
    *swings fingers*