Get… SET… Go! – For Symbiosis Law School


Symbiosis Entrance Test (fondly called SET), will be conducted on 7th of this month. Not only it is an entrance exam for one of the largest law schools of India (intake-wise), but it also serves as a Pre-CLAT exam. With an aim to cull out the best 550 to fill the corridors of both Pune and Noida campuses, the test will be taken at various cities on 7th of May from 9:30 PM to 12:00 Noon (the longest law admission test).

The SET will have 150 questions which are to be solved in 150 minutes. It has been observed that SET is generally the easiest when compared to CLAT, NLU Delhi and NLU Orissa. The one aspect which makes it easier is the time. No one has ever complained or will ever complain that the paper could not be finished. When I gave my SET in 2009, I had almost 40 minutes left to stare at other candidates and the invigilator. Here is how the 150 questions are divided:

Logical Reasoning – 30 Marks (This will basically have Critical Reasoning)

Legal Reasoning – 30 Marks (Will have both Legal Knowledge and Reasoning)

Analytical Reasoning – 30 Marks (Nothing but Analytical)

Reading Comprehension – 30 Marks (The most interesting section. Only RCs)

General Knowledge – 30 Marks (Both Static and Current GK)

Now, I don’t have to advice you on how to go about the test. Just start with what you feel like and make sure you complete the test without panicking. The test has no negative marking. Also make sure that you’re bubbling properly as you’ll have to use a pen to fill the circles in your OMR sheet and not a pencil. You can do nothing in case you find out later that you’ve marked an answer wrongly. (Don’t use whitener to erase, it spoils the sheet)

The best part about SET is here… you don’t have to return the question paper. You can take it home and show off (if that is your idea of showing off). or Maybe solve it again and cross check the answers from somewhere. According to a Delhi High Court ruling, question papers come under the ambit of ‘Right to Information Act’ and the candidates should be allowed to retain them even after the exam (See here). However, NLU Delhi hasn’t followed it. Let’s hope at least CLAT does.

Anyway, coming back to SET. Another fabulous thing regarding Symbiosis is their GD & PI (Group Discussion and Personal Interview). A candidate, who is a pure book worm, can get through the Entrance Exam. But, what a Lawyer needs is the capacity to speak, argue and convince. This is tested in their GD & PI, which actually works. In my case, I was ranked 172 in SET and the GD & PI pushed my rank to 38. Moreover, the GD PI session is actually very interesting. Worth doing it even if you’re not planning to go there.

Okay. One thing I forgot to mention is the absence of Mathematics. There is no specific section for Math, but the Analytical Reasoning section will surely have a few Math questions. However, you’ll have hell lot of time. So, it won’t be challenging.

And I’m done with what I wanted to say… If you’ve any doubts or queries, write them down in the comments section below.

Prepare well, give your best and don’t panic coz you’ve loads of time.

All the very best.


  1. Just what I was looking for, thanks 🙂

    I don’t have anything to prepare for legal knowledge from. Anything you can suggest which doesn’t involve ‘buying’ ?

  2. I haven’t done any static gk….as it is not required for clat………so can you please suggest any material for it, for the symbi test.

    • I’d suggest Pearson’s Concise General Knowledge Manual. But, you don’t have much time for that. So, just revise what you already know and practise the other four sections.

  3. 150 minutes is seriously more than required!! NLU D… with the same number of questions is of 90 minutes….

    I know it has many passages… but 150 minutes is more than required.. 😀

  4. Symbi noida is having 300 seats dis year..quite shocking! O GOD…our campus will really look crowded now…oderwise as of now it has a deserted look… n CJ sir has the SET 2011 Paper saved in applemac!!

    • What is the strength of your batch? .. Well, every director will definitely have the papers in his laptop. Nothing surprising. Isn’t it? .. And when I was at Symbi Pune, CJ sir taught us Torts from the same Mac. 🙂

  5. Our Batch has 124 students…he even now uses t same mac t teach us n we can see the SET 2011 folder on the projector..but unfortunately not what is dre inside dat folder!!

    • You mean its locked or something? The files inside it? If it is so… copy it in ur pen drive and mail it to me… ill crack it and be the new SET trainer…. 😛

      • Its not locked yaar..but anyhow he never leaves his applemac unattended!! Sir loves it very dearly!!
        Is there anyone who requires a SET Trainer?? I think dis job wont suffice u well..!! No good takers…

  6. there are no past years papers of symbi online….can u plzzzz provide the pattern…and what type of questions can come….

    • one more thing troubling me….how much should be the score to be selected for interview and group discussion round..??????

    • You don’t need any past paper for Symbi. You’ll realise this once you give the easy. Believe us… It’s easy. And the pattern is there in the article above.

      Don’t bother about being selected to GD and PI now. Just give the exam, check the result and you’ll get to know. In 2009, they selected top 800 ranks for their GD-PI.

  7. Two joggers are participating in a fund raiser. Jogger A is 25% better than Jogger B. Even if B gets a lead of 9 m, they both can still finish at the same time. What is the length of the race?20 m35 m50 m45 m

  8. For those not interest in ”TL;DR” (too long didn’t read) stuff, SET set a better paper than NLUD. Way better.

    The questions were original (unlike nlud). Majority of the questions in AR and LR were easy, some were difficult as well but they weren’t too many in number. The good thing was, even the easy ones were interesting.

    Legal had both reasoning and knowledge. Some questions were a combination of both. 1 or 2 tricky questions, rest was again interesting (this section even had legal-based assertion reasoning!).

    English had 6 passages (lol). The passages were mostly law-related in some ways. Majority of the questions were direct, but some weren’t. Interesting section again.

    GK was easy. Current affairs were the direct bullet-point-pd stuff requiring no background knowledge. Static comprised of some random and some constitution-based questions.

    All in all, I felt it was a good paper. Much better than what nlud had set (or copy-pasted). This paper in 90 minutes would have been a helluva challenge.

  9. Phew. That was….easy. The guy in the courtroom in the last passage was legendary.:D Whatta guy. Ended with 30 minutes of staring at other people and a wounded bird. Forgot about the bird once I left the room. Now I feel bad. Hmm. Remorse is such a b*tch.

    Next stop : CLAT. Ahahahaha*. The real deal.

    *Uncomfortable laughter.

  10. Hi I wanted to ask you um what kind of questions do they ask for current affairs as I’m very weak in that section? I am studying from lexis nexis and reading a bit of manorama 2013. Will that suffice? Also, I don’t have much time and I haven’t focused on legal knowledge. I’m mainly focussing on legal reasoning. What carries more weight age from the two? thank you. I’d appreciate it if you reply soon 🙂

  11. the information you gave will help me a lot !!!!!! but i wanted previous question papers of SET please !!!!! I will be really glad….please let me know the websites from which i can download !!!!

  12. I am currently doing my BA degree and would later want to pursue a career in law .it would be of great help if you let me know books that I have to refer to and the questions mostly asked for SET.