The Other Side


This post has been written by an anonymous user who wants to share her experience of writing CLAT and life after CLAT.  It is not a part of the blog writing competition, but is a really good write up on the experience of a current law student on writing CLAT and the many avenues available after CLAT.

It’s that time of the year again! The crucial period after the CLAT and before the Big Day. So, has the countdown begun yet?

I was going through old email few days ago and came across the piece I had written for Clatgyan two years ago. Looking back at that time many things pop up, most prominently lots of static G.K cramming (those facts stay with you forever!) and two unsuccessful CLAT attempts.

I always thought I would make it, if not in the first, definitely in the second attempt. I diligently poured over the work, sincerely solved the math (20 sums in 12 minutes!), read and re read English passages, made legal aptitude notes (always loved the culpable homicide problems!) all while religiously following Clatgyan’s words of advice. Heck, I had dreams of meeting Asad and his team!

But, things did not work out as planned.  Frankly I was nowhere close to the ‘top notch’ law schools. I remember after my second attempt, I told myself worst-case scenario I would settle for the fourth or fifth school. But as things played out, even the 10th was far away. On the day of the result (it was released at midnight, after the usual delay) when I found out eventually from my dad, I cried a lot. It hurt deep down because this was all I had been doing for the 3 past years and my hopes were pinned on this attempt. To say I was heart broken would be an understatement. At that moment I wanted to drop everything and try again.

I am sharing my experience because I know there are a lot of others out there who want it as bad as I did. Law school is an awesome place to be in. And to be one of the ‘chosen ones’ is an honour.  But some of you won’t make it. Maybe like me, will try again and still not make it. You will feel like a loser. Initially I was very dejected, but slowly I started accepting, first myself and then my surroundings. It’s strange what acceptance does to you. It makes you feel lighter and see things in a different light. Sure, the college I am in currently isn’t the best and life is not what I’d dreamed it to be, but I’ve accepted it. And now, things aren’t as bad as I thought. I’m comfortable in my own skin and have opened up as well. Things seem to change suddenly.

This isn’t supposed to be a preachy passage. It’s a straight out of the heart talk, one that makes you feel free. I sincerely hope each one of you makes it. Study hard and don’t be one to settle. But if it doesn’t work out, it’s OK. Almost everything changes with time. I know you know that but a little nudging reminder especially at a time like this definitely helps.

 I’m sure you guys must be enjoying the write-ups by CG, they are always brilliant. I hope all of you make it but if ever you have to settle for something, its not the worst place to be in. There is, always, another side.


  1. if everything happens as per the plan , life would be too boring
    you will miss that toofani element..
    At times things may seem too bad  but dont jump to the conclusions too early..just take a closer look you would realise its a beautiful world indeed. 🙂 
    awsm article 🙂