The Daily Brief – 13th October


The Daily Briefs are a comprehensive update of current affairs for the day. If you’d like to receive updates for current affairs every day, you’ll need to subscribe by entering your email address at the right side of this page. The previous Briefs can be accessed at the archives here. You can thank Aparajita Kaul in the comments below for this brief! Also, check out our test series!  

  • The United States of America has withdrawn from United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), United Nation’s cultural agency accusing the body of holding an anti-Israel bias. UNESCO was the first UN agency to recognise and admit Palestine as a full member which was against USA’s policy in Israeli-Palestine conflict.
  • The 5th India-Sri Lanka joint training exercise, Mitra Shakti 2017 was held at Aundh Military Station in Pune, Maharshtra.
  • Indian Navy Ships Satpura and Kadmatt participated in Passage Exercise (PASSEX) with Japanese Marine Self Defence Force (JMSDF) held at Sasebo, Japan.
  • The Central Government has launched the Sampoorna Bima Gram (SBG) Yojana and expanded coverage of Postal Life Insurance (PLI) to provide affordable life insurance services to citizens living in rural areas.
  • According to Central Statistics Office (CSO), factory output measured in terms of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) has increased to 4.3% in August 2017.
  • The International Day for Disaster Reduction (IDDR) is observed every year on October 13 to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. It was instituted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 1989.
  • The clinical trials of two experimental Ebola vaccines cAd3-EBOZ and rVSV-ZEBOV were found to be safe and capable of eliciting immune response against Ebola virus that lasts for at least one year.