The year which has just arrived…


Okay. This isn’t the “year-round up” post you were expecting. That job will be done by those year books you’ll buy and push yourself to go through them. We just want to wish you a felicitous life-changing new year. We hope that you crack CLAT and land up at a place that makes you happy. We hope that you be copacetic with whatever this year laurels you with. We hope that this year marks a memorable change in your lives: from CLAT Aspirants to CLAT Consultants. We hope… Coz as Andy Dufresne says “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of the things. and good things never die.” (The Shawshank Redemption).

CLATGyan wishes you a very very happy and prosperous new year! … May 2012 change your life!

All the very best,

See you at NALSAR!

Chalo, now, go and study!


  1. Thank you, and wish you the same! (The joy part, since the rest doesn’t really apply to you.) 

    One thing I’ve been wondering-do all lawyers speak like this, or do you guys deliberately up the vocabulary to teach us new words? Whatever it is, thank you for it, my vocab is really expanding because of you!