
Prepositions are words used to link objects (nouns) or persons (pronouns) with other words in a sentence. The main noun or pronoun...


Pronouns are words used to replace noun or noun groups. There are many times of pronouns and a list will make you faint. But...

Contextual Vocabulary Exercise – 1

Now that we know that there will be no proper vocabulary in CLAT 2011 and what actually is going to be asked is contextual...

To Read or Not To Read…

Reading Comprehension. Two simple words, right? Wrong! These two words carry a lot of weight in your CLAT paper and since CLAT is what...

A Step Beyond Reading the Reading Comprehensions

Before you start reading this, make sure you’ve read the three previous posts of the ‘Reading Comprehension Series’. Find the first one here, second one here and the...

English : A Section To Test Your Linguistic Soundness…

As pointed out by Sandipan, in light of the “socially sensitive measures” undertaken by NUJS, CLAT 2011 will most probably focus less...


In German an idiom is called a ‘Spracheigentuemlichkeit’, which means a peculiarity of a language. This is exactly what an idiom is. It is...

Introduction to Spellings

This part of the English section is not very frequently tested, and when tested is, more often than not, easy to crack. So it’s...

Word Power Capsule – 1

Around 5-10 marks of your CLAT paper will be related to words: their synonyms, antonyms, and spellings. This section, while requiring a...

Grammar: The Supposed “Morbid Anatomy” of Language

“The techniques of grammatical analysis can be used to demonstrate the enormous creative power of language-how, from a finite set of grammatical patterns, even...
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The Daily Brief – 29th July 2020

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