By : Anindita Mukherjee
Hello! It feels good to write for CLAT Gyan! The reason why I haven’t for so long (Mind you, it was...
How NOT to Prepare for AILET! – Tavashya Kumar (AIR 78 – CLAT 2019,...
Tavashya Kumar is a first year student of National Law University, Delhi.
CLAT and AILET are the two premier law entrance exams in India and...
Yes, Aimlessness & Depression are a Part of CLAT Prep!
Insecurity. That’s the keyword, isn’t it? You’re in the middle of nowhere and your inner self keeps reiterating this like Shammi Narang narrates the...
Those Lists
A lot of us make lists; for a lot of things. In a manner of speaking, we would like to define them, to feel...
Alright I got a few people asking me why there have been no updates on CG. Yes, you guessed right, we shall blame the...
The Bitch is Back!
Hello, CLAT aspirants! I’ve written maybe one article so far but I received a lot of positive feedback for my unfettered bitchiness. And so, I’m...
The CLATGyan Team
We are a bunch of first year freaks who’d like to help all the people upto the age of 20 qualify the CLAT and...
Self-Doubt: Part of the Journey – Somanshu Shukla (AIR 62 – AILET 2019, AIR...
26th May - As I sat down on my seat in the examination hall, anxiously waiting for the invigilator to distribute the OMR sheets,...
Give Your Heart A Holiday – Gap Year : Yays and Nays (By Khushi...
Khushi Jaffar identifies herself as a cautiously optimistic student who cannot tell her left from her right, but is having a lot of fun...
And The Countdown Begins..
By Srija Kumar (NALSAR, Batch of 2020)
Note from the admin: Hope that timer on the top right corner of your device pushes you into...