The Daily Brief – 1st May 2019

Japanese Emperor Naruhito

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  1. Japan’s new emperor, Naruhito, has formally ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne, replacing his father, Akihito, who had abdicated a day earlier. Naruhito became the 126th Emperor of Japan. A new imperial era called Reiwa, which means order and harmony, has now begun. The emperor in Japan holds no political power but serves as a national symbol.

    Japanese Emperor Naruhito
  2. By raising a total of 26,852 Lebanese flags for 24 hours Beirut, capital of Lebanon broke the Guinness World Record of New York’s Waterloo of raising 25,599 flags. The event was organised under the patronage of lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri. It was originally known as The Guinness Book of Records from its inception from 1955 until 2000. It is an annually published reference book which lists record-breaking achievements.
  3. International Dance Day is celebrated every year on 29 April, as a global day to celebrate dance. Its aim is to increase awareness about importance of dance among general public and also to persuade governments across nation to include dance in education system. ‘29 April’ was chosen as the day to commemorate birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (born on 29 April 1727), a French dancer, the creator of modern ballet, and great reformer of dance.
  4. Six grassroots environmental activists from around the world received prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize 2019. The winners are Linda Garcia of US, Ana Colovic Lesoska of North Macedonia, Bayarjargal Agvaantseren of Mongolia, Alfred Brownell of Liberia, Jacqueline Evans of the Cook Islands and Alberto Curamil of Chile. The prize also known as Green Nobel Prize, is an annual award established in 1989 by U.S. philanthropists Richard and Rhoda Goldman.
  5. Indonesia on April 29, 2019 announced its plans to move its capital away from Jakarta to ensure more equitable development of the country amid environmental concerns and overcrowding issues. President Widodo-led government looks forward to form the Capital similar to Washington D.C. and letting Jakarta sustain as the business, trade and financial hub, similar to New York in the United States.
  6. Ukraine’s President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky has dismissed an offer by Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide passports to Ukrainians and pledged instead to grant citizenship to Russians who suffer under the Kremlin’s rule. Zelensky warned Russia not to talk with Ukraine in the language of threats or military or economic pressure. He previously called for more international sanctions against Moscow in response to Russia providing citizenship to residents of Ukraine’s separatist east.
  7. The Union Environment Ministry has constituted a new committee chaired by the Secretary in the Union Environment Ministry to implement the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), which aims to cut pollution in the 102 worst affected cities by 20-30 percent by 2024. Its members will include the Joint Secretary (Thermal), Ministry of Power, TERI Director General and Professor Sachidananda Tripathi from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

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Today’s Quiz

1. Which city broke the Guinness World Record of New York’s Waterloo of raising highest number of flags for 24 hrs?

2. On which day, International Dance Day is celebrated every year?

3. Goldman Environmental Prize 2019 is also known as __

4. Which country has recently announced its plan to relocate its capital?

5. In how many cities National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) aims to cut pollution?

6. Naruhito became the _____th Emperor of Japan.