The Daily Brief – 27th December 2016

Caterpillar Train
  • Hawk Eye is an App developed by Hyderabad police to facilitate people with easy access to police services. It has been chosen by the Central Government for the award of ‘Innovative Use of Mobile Phone Technology in e-Governance’ at the National Awards for e-Governance 2016-17.
  • Haryana has planned to set up a Caterpillar Train corridor in Gurgaon Gurugram. It has been invented by Ashwani Upadhyaya and Emil Jacob. The technology involves trains travelling on tracks attached to poles curved as arcs.

    Caterpillar Train
  • Chinese warships move into South China Sea. South China Sea is a highly contested area which is claimed by China and various ASEAN countries such as Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, etc. This is because this area has enormous amounts of oil, and the area is also a strategic point for sea transport. Recently, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled against China to hold that Chinese claims are against International Law. But, China said that the ruling has no authority and it abides by its claim of ‘Nine-dash’ line which it drew covering most of the Sea.
  • Sagarmala is a Central Government program to develop connectivity to various ports of the country. A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) called Sagarmala Development Company has been established for this purpose.
  • India’s First Digi Dhan Mela has been held at Gurugram. The aim was to educate people about digital transactions.

Today has been quite dry in terms of news relevant for CLAT. So, no quiz for such tiny amount of news. We’ll include today’s news in tomorrow’s quiz.