General Knowledge Compendium – 41


While we work on the 42nd compendium, go ahead and download this 41st one which covers everything that you need to know starting 29th November and ending on the 6th of December. It has been prepared by Tanya Choudhary, a first year of NALSAR.

Click here to download the compendium

Manasi Gandhi, who replies to all your panicky emails, has a word of advice for those who also have 12th boards to give. Click here. Alternatively, you can shoot an email to ‘‘ and she shall calm your fear and anxiety with her sanative replies.


  1. Thank youu ! 🙂
    I read all of you are studying at nalsar, you still manage to keep this site running and make our prep so much easier, praiseworthy. So, Thank You once again ! 🙂
    Too bad i came across this site too late x_x