General Knowledge Compendium – September



Click here to download the compendium for the month of September. Soumya Cheedi has promised us that she’ll prepare the October compendium by tomorrow evening, you can look for her and spam her inbox if it isn’t up before the 7th of November.

This was compiled tediously by Elizabeth Thomas and Renuka Bhukya (Nalsar 2017)  tediously, and obviously, is very comprehensive.


  1. thanks a lot elizabeth  and renuka.clat gyan team has really made  clat preparation easier……
    you all are doing a great job…..

  2. first of all thnks fr the September issue.. 
    really comprehensive n helpful…!!:-)
    secondly where’s the Oct. issue?… it was supposed to be uploaded by seventh of November.. but it has not been uploaded yet!! 🙁

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