September 2013 – CLATGyan Mock General Knowledge Set

1. Which one of the following countries has enacted a law banning online users from discussing current affairs?

2. Which one of the following companies has unveiled the world’s first clinically proven conjugate Typhoid vaccine “Typbar-TCV”?

3. Who among the followings has been appointed as PM’s Special Envoy on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in September 2013?

4. Who has been conferred the Moortidevi Award for 2012?

5. In September 2013, which of the followings internet giants has closed its news and community services in China?

6. Diana Nyad has become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage or swim fins, becoming the first person to do so. She is from ___?

7. In which of the following cities Europe’s largest public library has been inaugurated. It was officially opened by Malala Yousafzai?

8. Which country has restored a seat for the representative of Hindu and Sikh citizens in the lower house of Parliament?

9. Which of the following Metro cities will have country’s first Monorail route?

10. Who has been appointed as Chief Information Commissioner?

11. What is the name of NASA’s new spacecraft on Moon?

12. Which one of the followings has decided to buy Nokia’s devices and Services business?

13. Which of the followings have become the first private sector lender to launch a “branch-on-wheels” drive?

14. Which one of the following nations has passed law to end the system of secret voting in the national legislature?

15. Who won the UEFA Best Player in Europe award for 2012-13?

16. “Tatapani” power project which is said to be nation’s first geo-thermal power project is coming up in which state?

17. The largest volcano on Earth and one of the largest in the entire solar system has been discovered under which ocean?

18. Which day proclaimed as “International Literacy Day” by UNESCO?

19. Which state has beaten Kerala to achieve the first position in literacy rate?

20. Who won Prime Minister Election in Australia?

21. Which city has won the bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games?

22. Who won women's single title in the US Open Tennis Championship 2013?

23. International Olympic Committee has voted to reinstate which of the following games in Olympic 2020?

24. Who has become the youngest pilot to fly across the World on single engine aircraft?

25. Who has been elected as new president of the International Olympic Committee?

26. Which state announced to give free dialysis for kidney patient from October 2?

27. Ms Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has received the Indira Gandhi Prize for peace, disarmament and development 2012, is president of which country?

28. Which country has launched a deep ultraviolet (DUV) solid state laser device, making the country first ever in the world to possess such technology?

29. Who became the first Indian-Origin contestant to win the Miss America Pageant?

30. With which country has India decided to observe 2014 as the “Year of Friendly Exchanges”?

31. Which country senate has approved the ban on beauty pageants for children below 16 years?

32. Who among the followings has been chosen for “Policy Leadership Award-2013” in Agriculture?

33. Which country firm has won a 1,900 crore order from India to supply self-protection system for Dhruv, indigenous Advanced Light Helicopter?

34. Who has been appointed as first Ambassador for Border Security Force (BSF)?

35. Who has been appointed as chairman of “National Commission for Backward Classes”?

36. India and Nepal armies have come together for a joint military exercise, which focuses on counter-insurgency operations. The exercise is codenamed as____?

37. Name the Indian environmentalist, who has been conferred this year’s prestigious “Clinton Global Citizen Awards”?

38. Who won 2013 Women’s Table Tennis World Cup?

39. What is the name of Australia’s most powerful super computer which is unveiled recently?

40. Who has been appointed as CEO of PepsiCo Asia, Middle East and Africa region?

41. Which country will host “NATO summit-2014” nearly after 20 years of hosting first summit?

42. In which of the following cities China launched its first “Free Trade Zone”?

43. “Sarah Outen” became the first woman to row solo from Japan to Alaska. She belongs to which country?

44. Who has been appointed as permanent representative of India to UNESCO?

45. Who among the following is “Miss World 2013”?

46. China has decided to ban the export of several weapon-related technologies to which country

47. “London Whale” scandal, which is in news recently, is related to which foreign bank?

48. Which corporation has decided to acquire BlackBerry for $4.7 billion?

49. Which movie has been nominated to represent India in the best foreign film category at next Oscar awards?

50. Which of the following is the first Urdu law dictionary released in September 2013?

Make sure you’ve solved the previous ones. Click here to know about these sets.


  1. your efforts for making us thorough in current affairs and all are brilliant..quite brilliant…..but what about static gk???please help us in that stream too…..would love having a quiz or two in static gk also…..thank you

      • Hi Simran!

        Static GK-


        II. World at a Glance  Cold war and the state of world politics today  Environment and the present problems of the world   Current international problems and terrorism  India’s foreign policy  Our neighbours and their relationship with India  Growing economic competition in the world   
        III. Indian History  Ancient Indian History   Pre-Harappan cultures and Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, Importance of town planning, trade and commerce, downfall  Famous towns of ancient India  Chronology of important events  Ancient Indian rulers and important kingdoms : Magadh, Maurya, Shunga, Kanva, Andhra Satavahana, Kushana, Guptas, Vardhan etc.  Rajputs  Religion and Culture in ancient India  History of South India  Medieval Indian History  Slave dynasty, Khilji dynasty, Tughlaq dynasty and Lodhi dynasty  Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdoms  Bhakti and Sufi movements  Art, Science, Religion, Society, Economy and Administration  Contemporary historians and their works  Famous battles and their chronology  Mughal Dynasty  Babur Humayun, Akbar, Jehangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb and the other Mughal rulers  Zamindari, Mansabdari and Zagirdari systems  Art, religion, society, economy and administration   Famous historians and their works   Famous wars and their chronology  Arrival of European Companies  Arrival of various European companies   War of supremacy amongst the European companies  Rise and Expansion of East India Company  Modern Indian History   Bengal, Avadh, Punjab, Hyderabad and British Imperialism  Famous wars and treaties  Ranjit Singh, Tipu Sultan and Jai Singh  Major agrarian revolts  Major tribal revolts  Major caste movements  Major labour movements  Famous Governor – Generals and Viceroys and their achievements   The revolt of 1857  Socio-Religious reform movements  Constitutional history of modern India  Administrative history of modern India  Freedom Movement   Important newspapers, periodicals, novels, minor and major literary works  Important personalities, organizations, conferences and institutions   Famous thoughts, philosophies and quotes  Rise and nationalism congress moderates and militants  Achievements of annual congress meetings  Anti-partition movement in Bengal and Swadeshi  Gandhi and the freedom struggle : Non – cooperation, Civil disobedience and Quit India Movements    Important Indian personalities – their thoughts and philosophies.   Newspapers and books written by freedom fighters  
        IV. Geography Natural geography  Universe-Star, planets, moon and other celestial bodies and their relation   Atmosphere, environment and ecosystem, rainfall and heat distribution  Land – forms and Geographical features  – earthquake, volcano, rocks, mountain, plateau, plain, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, air currents, ice berg etc Economic and Human Geography:  Natural resources: Renewable and non-renewable  Agriculture  Energy-preservation and conservation  Industry  Transport and communication  International trade  Population, human settlements  Major languages and their distribution  Dams  Land, air and sea routes  Important dates, decades, tribes and animals  Famous rivers, tourist spots, places, buildings, mineral belts, agricultural belts, technology, ports, air ports, sea ports etc. of India and world   Important industrial belts, forests, national parks, sanctuaries etc. of India and world  Highest, tallest, biggest, deepest, hottest, coldest etc. in India and World  Geography of India:  Geographical features of India and its geographical extent.   Natural features  Physical divisions  Crops, industries, minerals and their distribution  Population – regional distribution, population explosion  Living and non living resources  

        V. Indian Economy   Nature of Indian economy   Economic Development : capital, technology, institutional factors and others  Natural resources : Land, forest and minerals  Energy, energy crisis, transport, communication, irrigation nuclear development  National income, important terms, income distribution   poverty and unemployment  Planning and development in India   Five-Year Plans – an introduction   Five Year plans – First to eleventh – nature and character   Twelfth Five Year Plan  Economic stability and infrastructural reforms  Indian Agriculture: Introduction, , agricultural policies, and reforms, irrigation, green revolution, modern  technology and institutional reform, agricultural finance, market, price policy, agricultural cooperative   Industry in India: major industries,  New industrial policy of 1991, Public sector, FDI  Latest census details  International trade and foreign capital: Balance of payments, trade policy, External aid and capital, MNCs etc.  Banking and Finance : Circulation of money, inflation, deflation, devaluation, Indian currency market, commercial banks, private banks, reserve bank of India, Government policies , Finance commission  Public Finance, scheme of taxation in India, devolution of resources Centre and States, deficit financing, financial policies of the Government, centre – state financial relations.   Important committees and Commissions  
        VI. Constitution of India   Nature of constitution, making of constitution, characteristics of Indian Constitution  Citizenship  Fundamental rights and fundamental duties  Indian governments and its constituents  Legislature in India  Executive in India   Judiciary in India   Party system, welfare group, pressure group, election system  Panchayati Raj  Welfare of scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe  Important Commissions- Constitutional and Statutory  Schedules of the Constitution  Emergency provisions  Constitutional Amendments  

        VII. Science and Technology  Branches of science  Scientific terminology  Important inventions and inventors  Important scientific instruments and their working  Definitions, Laws etc  Practical application of Physics and Chemistry (Everyday Science)  Biology – Human Body, organs and their functions, Diet and balanced diet, endocrine glands, blood, skin, diseases and treatment,   Scientific and technical institutions   Environment and Ecology 

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