CLATGyan Test Series 2018 – Plan A


Click here to download the detailed brochure of the CLATGyan Test Series 2018.

CLATGyan has been running the Mock Test Series since the year 2010, with several successes. Many have enrolled in our Test Series to not only get adequate practise, but also improve their knowledge and accuracy.

If there is one thing that helps you the most in your preparation, it is to solve as many mock tests as you possibly can. And if there’s one thing we at CLATGyan know, it is to design a perfect mock test which resembles the actual CLAT and trains you for it. The tests are prepared with the wisdom of having prepared for, and cracked the CLAT.

The Test Series gives you thirty well-crafted high quality tests including fifteen section-wise tests. They aim to cover the entire syllabus in an online CLAT-like environment. By the end of it, you will come out as a better and experienced person and be quicker, smoother, and more efficient in the actual CLAT.

We will also allot you a personal mentor who will be a first (or second) year student at NALSAR. You can mail, message, or call him/her to get your doubts addressed and guidance for the direction of your preparation.

How much does it cost?

Rs. 4,999/-

When and how will I get the tests?

All the tests will be online and shall be held according to the schedule, that can be downloaded by clicking here. The Test Series starts on the 12th of November, 2017.

Note :
i. All the mock tests will be based on the expected CLAT 2018 pattern except for sixth, ninth and twelfth ones which will be based on Symbiosis, AILET and LSAT patterns respectively.
ii. The first two mock tests are ‘free’ ones which will be uploaded on the website as per the schedule and will be available as pdf files.

How do I contact you?

Send all your queries, questions, death threats, rants, criticisms, suggestions and ideas to If it’s real urgent, ring us on +91-9948014786 (Zainab Khan).

If you know of any coaching institute which is distributing the CLATGyan mocks, either entirely or partly, please report them to us. Coaching institutes interested in using this series for your students may mail us at to obtain a license for the same.


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