Analysis of AILET, NLU Delhi.


Well NLU Delhi is over!

One down, some more to go.

Exams are like vodka shots. When you know you are going to have to take them you might as well indulge yourself in it.

Alright, so political incorrectness apart, here’s a little analysis of NLU Delhi’s All India Law Entrance Test. (Fancy name!)


The section which tests you on Shakespeare’s language did not need you to be a Bard of Avon. The comprehension was of a decent standard with the average law aspirant finding it a little tough to solve. Most people said it had a macrocosmic viewpoint, it being pretty much ‘abstract’.

There were ten sentence correction questions which were overall easy to moderate in difficulty.

Five questions related to prepositions and there was also a cloze test.

General Knowledge

“When I saw the GK questions, I half-expected Ranbir Singh to come out of somewhere and yell “April Fool!”, Alas! It isn’t April, and evidently RS wasn’t joking. NLU-D’s GK is known to be classy, almost sensible when compared to other competitive exams. But the overall quality took a nose dive this time: questions bordering on ‘trivia’ (See, “Who invented the AC?”), and if not, almost obvious (Name of the CIC). Anyone who had done past years’ papers and the compendiums could easily score a 30. Even a half-hearted effort to make a paper could have been better than this rip-off job.” – Aymen( Editor –GK for CG) on the GK section.

It had both static and current affairs as CLATGyan had already predicted. If you had done our compendiums and followed some decent yearbook which also summed up static GK you should have sailed through.

The two parties to the 123 Agreement is not exactly a question to ‘jack’ you!

The questions in GK and an analysis has already been dealt with in a separate post earlier:

Do help compile questions!

Legal Aptitude

It seems the only aptitude this section required was to figure out in what way the questions at hand were different from questions that have appeared in past papers of Nalsar and NLS.

That apart, we hear it had a few legal knowledge questions as well, again as predicted rightly by CLATGyan,

It covered Law of Torts, Law of Contracts, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law (Fundamental Rights) and there was apparently one question also on the Law of Limitation.

Any average student should have aced such a section.

Logical Reasoning

Round about 15 Analytical Reasoning Questions testing you on direction, calendar, et. al. Critical Reasoning was average and not at par with last year’s paper. It has been reported to us again some questions herein were similar to past year questions from that law school somewhere in Bengaluru.


So mathematics will not exactly be the decider but well it had a decent round up of topics covering Percentages, Compound Interest, Depreciation, Time-Work, etc.


Thus, overall the paper has seriously let us down since we were expecting a classy paper from NLU Delhi. I, myself, remember that NLU Delhi was the best of all the law entrance papers I took.

Last year Rank 1 had 114 and I had a mark less but well this year our predictions would be that the cut off might hover in that area. Reason being: if it is easy for you, it is easy for everybody!

Do put in any question that you can remember from any section as ‘comments’ to this post.

Since, we are not a commercial or profit oriented organization we will refrain from making cut off predictions to later claim our standpoint has been vindicated or saying how many CLATGyanners will get through.

I express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. Apurva Shukla, a CLAT aspirant, who took the pains to immediately inform me of the NLU Delhi paper. Also we express our thanks to the innumerable CLATGyanners who wrote to us with feedback and opinions without whom we could not have had a fair idea of the paper. Much obliged.

Thank you!

CLATGyan is for you and you alone can make it a success.

All the Best for CLAT!

It is the main examination to see you through the hallowed portals of Justice City, Nagarbhavi or Dr. Ambedkar Bhavan!

Remember: “The Kingdom of God is within you.”

“God helps those who help themselves.” (If only you believe in that guy sitting upstairs, otherwise ignore.)

This might sound stale by now since it is oft-quoted by me but I think there is nothing more apt than this, having inspired me during my law entrance days:

“None is greater than what you can become!” – Balzac.

-Sandipan De

On behalf of the CLATGyan team.

Disclaimer: This is our opinion and fair comment on the NLU Delhi AILET paper and does not in anyway reflect any adverse views against person(s) or organisations. This is meant as a consolidation of views expressed by law aspirants.














  1. yaa i agree dat d NLU ppr was dam easy but den again for me d timing was a vry big problem i missed out around 35 to 40 marks nd had 2 circle nethng in d last 2 mins….hell lotta regrets in speed since d ppr was 2 gud nd evry 1 was cuming out wid smiling faces well time was not nly a problem for me but also for many of mah budddies but it feels bad wen v miss out on such an easy ppr i had high hopes 2 get in2 delhi it feels miserable after performing so badly in such an awesome ppr…!!!well nw dat i have sybi nd clat 2 go sumhw im being demoralized 2 study czz i feel dat if delhi ka easy ppr went bad toh pune symbi ka pprs r frickin tough…nd clat mei its not easy 2 crack….!!!!

  2. yaa i agree dat d NLU ppr was dam easy but den again for me d timing was a vry big problem i missed out around 35 to 40 marks nd had 2 circle nethng in d last 2 mins….hell lotta regrets in speed since d ppr was 2 gud nd evry 1 was cuming out wid smiling faces well time was not nly a problem for me but also for many of mah budddies but it feels bad wen v miss out on such an easy ppr i had high hopes 2 get in2 delhi it feels miserable after performing so badly in such an awesome ppr…!!!well nw dat i have sybi nd clat 2 go sumhw im being demoralized 2 study czz i feel dat if delhi ka easy ppr went bad toh pune symbi ka pprs r frickin tough…nd clat mei its not easy 2 crack….!!!!

  3. hey… previous years’ GMAT questions ( english and CR )…. do they come handy when prepring for CLAT or is it all just a waste ? ? :\

  4. Hope CLAT has more sense than to just copy paste questions from NLS papers. because that does not test a student’s aptitude. it just tests how much they’ve studied.

  5. the paper was comparatively much easier than last year and GK was easy with logical reasoning ,
    cut off will be near abt 110-115 and i too expect near abt 115-120

  6. Great analysis.
    The legal section wasn’t exactly easy. They indeed had copied the facts but the copious use of ‘None of the Above’ made it a little tricky.

    And thanks for the acknowledgement. : )

    • Lol, I doubt the None Of The Above option was given to make the questions tricky. The questions were directly lifted from old NLS papers, which used to have only 3 options. The None Of The Above was just a convenient fourth option! 😛

  7. The paper wasn’t ‘damn easy’ as analysed! Also it was extremely lengthy!
    But Legal Reasoning was surely a cakewalk!! Maths was a bit tough, and also a few questions in GK!
    I am expecting cut-offs to be around 105-110.

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