The Countdown has Begun: CLAT 2011 dates and format announced.

The WB NUJS has announced that CLAT 2011 shall be held on the 15th May, 2011. So, all aspirants need to gear up and set their house in order. The battle has begun and the culmination of it on D-Day is near in sight.
Prof M P Singh
It has been announced that Legal Aptitude will have more importance and not Legal Knowledge. It seems that our predictions have come true. CLATGyan has come to know the Prof. MP Singh, VC, NUJS has indicated that General Knowledge would mainly be Current Affairs based. Static GK obviously thus loses its importance for the next edition of the Common Law Admission Test. Critical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning will have prominence. “We want to judge the student’s analytical ability, and not knowledge alone,” Prof. Singh said.

The five sections remain the same: English, Mathematics, Legal Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and General Knowledge.

With current affairs and legal knowledge being stressed upon aspirants will need to read the newspapers more carefully and practice reasoning based questions.

Also this year the forms will be available from post offices and not bank branches such that CLAT can reach out to remote and distant areas, thus increasing the access and diversity of legal education.

We shall channelize all our materials on CLATGyan keeping in mind the pattern that has been talked of by Prof. Singh. CLATGyan is all geared up to provide you with the relevant materials taking into account the new pattern and shall surely aid you in the right direction towards CLAT 2011.

May the lady luck smile upon you.

Law and Behold!!!
Sandipan De


  1. @ Abhay.

    Legal Aptitude includes both Legal Knowledge and Legal Reasoning.

    Legal Knowledge is a section which will basically have GK Questions related to Law and Legal Aspects. Whereas, Legal Reasoning will have Reasoning questions with a set of facts and a Law principle in which you will have to apply the principle to the facts.

  2. yea i knw dat……. btw accordng to the source they are saying that legal knowledge might be excluded and legal aptitude will be there??

    does that mean there will be some legal gkk??

  3. Yes… CLAT 2011 will have Legal GK. And no source says that Legal Reasoning will be excluded… they just say that its weightage for that section will be less this time.

    However, lets not care about the presages now… Just do every section… and wait for the official pattern to be announced.


  4. Righto. Also, does what has been said about static vis-a-vis current inply that static will have NO importance whatsoever? Static is what dumped me last time, and I’ve been breaking my head over it like crazy, till now. Especially History. And now this comes out. 😐 Another thing- Any chance to catch any of you CLATgyan guys personally on mail? (Yes, I am hoping you’ll get me the WBNUJS CLAT papers for ’11. 😛 )

  5. Static is expectedly going to be not so stressed upon as opposed to previous years. You would still need to know very basic static GK but not exactly where the 1972 Asiad Games took place. You can reach me via the “Ask Us” page. I look after the legal part but we are not exactly in the possession of the NUJS CLAT ’11 papers.

    • What we comprehend from the news item:
      Static Gk will have negligible importance in CLAT 2011 as compared to earlier CLATs. However, you cannot totally write it off as it is expected that you know very basics of Static GK. Like very important events, persons, etc.

  6. Srisha, we suggest M. K. Pandey. As the concepts are clearly explained, along with good examples and numerous exercises. R. S. Aggarwal is heavy, boring and expensive book that CG would only suggest if it thinks is required.

  7. @ Deven… the English section of CLAT 2011 will basically have RC Passages and Grammar. Do LSAT or GMAT kind of RC Passages and do Wren and Martin for Grammar. That should do.

  8. So to clear CLAT, will you please give me the LIST of the books with their author names 🙂
    i.e. for English, legal aptitude/reasoning) , mathematics , GK , Logical reasoning!
    Plzzz reply from clat point of view!

  9. Do you think the cut-off will increase or decrease? (For the top 3 law schools)? And how much arewe expected to score in each section to make the cut? Is it possible to score 45 in GK/current affairs? I don’t think it is:p Maybe 40 or max. 42..that’s what I personally feel:)

    Thanks:) I hope you answer my questions:)

    • The cut off depends on the competition and the quality of the paper. So, dont assume any targets now. Just try get as many right answers as you can. The cut off can only be guessed when we get the paper out.

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