CLAT 2012 Results Out! (With the New University Allotment List)


These files have been hosted on CLAT Gyan server and not the official website. We’ve managed to download them and upload them here. Good Luck! – Asad

Note: TheNew University Allotment List’ and the ‘2nd University Allotment List’ have been reproduced here after merging the Allotment Lists of all the fourteen National Law Universities. Older list, though has been invalidated by the newer one, has been provided for reference purposes.


  1. Thanks Asad… and thanks to all you guys for the help and the support you’ve given us! Result wasn’t great but I really am grateful to you guys for the effort you put in to help us 🙂

    • Heyiee..wer u able to check ua results…d clat official website is not openiung may b coz of too much traffic thy say servers down…wer u able 2 c it??

  2. i have got 100 marks. my rank is i even have a teeny tiny chance of getting into any of the top 8 colleges?

  3. I’ve got a rank of 482- Why the eff  have i been allotted Patiala, which was my 13th choice, where as the last selected rank  for Jhodhpur is 487!!? 

    • even i have a rank of 357 and have been alloted to HNLU when Jodhpur was my 3rd University.. there seems to be some wierd logic being followed by those people. if anyone can please shed light on it, i would be grateful.

      • even i have a rank 532 and have been alloted cnlu Patna which was 14th on my list,and guys scoring less than me have managed gandhinagar and lucknow???

        • I too hd d same prob..spent d whole day wondering hw i cud nt make it to nluo whereas smone hving 11000 smthing rank hs managed to click!!…………itz clear nw..
          d cut-off marks for general students is 127…..
          Guyz plz check d list of ur prefered university again..d general candidate cut-off mark in their list must b higher dan u n datz why u hv nt been able to get der..
          whereas candidates wid less marks dan u n still in d list must b either belonging to SC/ST/OBC category or possessing domicile certificate n in sm cases, both:-P:-P…

  4. I have passed CLAT 2012 with 141 marks and have been ranked 126 on the General Category list. 
    I had indicated the following preferences in my application form – 
    1. NLSIU Bangalore
    2. NALSAR Hyderabad
    3. NLU Jodhpur
    4. NUJS Kolkata
    5. GNLU Gujarat

    As seen from the Seat Allotment List, the Cutoff for NLU Jodhpur which was my 3rd preference is merely 134 marks whereas my score is 141 marks. Anyone else who has had his admission messed up like this, contact me.

      • really vague allotment system. rank of 357 and still HNLU instead of Jodhpur. any way to rectify this stupidity?

        • I got Rank 226 and has been allocated to HNLU Raipur, which was my 10th choice. I deserve a seat in NUALS, Kochi, which was my third choice. They have allocated Kochi for Ranks 443- 779 in Gen Category. is down and no one responds to any phone calls.   Two of my friends also have similar grievances.   

          I am interested in getting a stay order for the admission process as there is a clear irregularity in the allocation.  Anybody interested in joining ? Get in touch with me at 

        • Email NLUJ with your objection. Point out how the allotment differs from your Univ listing in the app form.
          On a lighter note –
          Are you sure you want to join NLU J – after the way they screwed up this years clat and the results etc? :-p

  5. hai….is the rank list uploaded in your site right???……If so, I have got 115 ….Can I get into any of the National Law School?????

  6. sir i have got 102 score in clat , plz let me know if i have any chance to get into any of the law colleges.

  7. plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 
    11402362544    this is mah roll num … plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    any sweet person tell me my result…well i know i hvnt qualified but stilll plz help me i am in problem from morning… plz plz plzzzzzz

  8. Hey ppl.. Congrats to all of you.. I am in some deep trouble. I gave CLAT without any preparation or knowledge and got a rank of 258. But I did not know abt their allotment system based on preference. So ideally with 137 marks , I should have got Kolkata but due to no knowledge abt allotments , I have been alloted Ranchi. What can I possibly do ? Kindly help me.

    • First of all there is somehing wrong with the allotment list…so dont worry till the new list is out.. on that plz specify how did u put your preference if by any chance u remember anything…

      • i have been allotted Ranchi as well i have 130 marks so ideally shud’ve gotten Lucknow .. when’s the next list comin ? and if we dont get the fees deposited our admission stands cancelled so shud we deposit the fees and wait for the next list thts comin or 10th or wht ?

  9. Hey!!!..watz happening??…i scored 118 n rank is 1st preference was NLUO bt my name does nt figure in their list,actuly my name doe nt figure in any university’s list…
    hwz dat possible:-P

  10. AIR 116. Lucknow :/ but I wanted kolkata, and I made the cutoff too. First list is misleading. Any assuring words?

  11. Students who have been mis-alloted colleges – 
    Prakhar Maheshwari
    Sandeep Ravikumar
    Vasujith Ram
    Varaprad Pitkar
    Rishi Ray 
    Abhik Chakraborty
     aayush rathi.
    Rohan Singh.
     samyak sibashish.
    Yogini Oke

    Please add your names if you too have the same prob.

    • Me too…I scored 128 and should have gotten NLU-Orrisa according to d preference list and cut-off.But they have thrown me down to NUALS

        • hey i too have the same problem of the stupidity been followed in the allotment made to students and first of all with the way the paper was set.
          it is our time to complain against the stupids sitting there at the top in nlu jodhpur and setting the completely out of tune pattern come on

    • I don’t know if this counts but i got 3274 and didn’t get in anywhere. Whereas people much much below my score got in.

    • hey guys i scored 132 and got 485 rank… alloted to RGNUL Patiala(7th preference)….whereas ppl ranking below 486 487(both general cat.  nd without gujrat domicile) have got GNLU which was my 5th preference!!!

    • i got 143 rank , i was alloted hnlu raipur…though it was my 11th preference while given my mark i am elligible for nujs kolkata. we are asked to pay the fees by 9 th june and on 10th june they will update the list,but if there has been so much of mis-allotment in the first list…how can we expect the second list to be correct? if our rank does not get updated, we are stuck in a place we din’t even prefere though we are worthy of some top ranked law school? :(..pls help

    • I have been alloted nluo when people with lower ranks than me have managed gnlu, bhopal and jodhpur.  I gave the test without any prep, but this is ridiculous.  

      • we spoke to the chairman of the implementation commitee there and have been informed that the new list will be out by 1st evening(friday) or 2nd morning(saturday).. they are doing it manually.. we spoke to kolkatta if they started their admissions to which they said that they will start only after 5th june and are also aware of this problem.. but hnlu raipur’s website says that we need to pay the fees by 5th june..
        we have to see till the 2nd morning.. if nothing happens then file a suit in jodhpur for this by monday.. others who have been mis-alloted in other colleges should constantly keep a check on their websites and their status..

  12. help me out pl
    i got 130 marks and 603 rank.

    they put me in bhopal nri category. i am an nri but
    am i not considered in general at all????

    pl reply

  13. i have scored 121 marks. the cut off is there any chance i make it to any clg in the second or third list?

  14. i got 108 marks…and 3805 rank…!! My name is not in any of the uni allotment lists..!!I saw many more students who scored lower that 108 and were still mentioned in the list…how is it possible..??  😛 Is it possible to get in the clgs still??? I wanted bhopal uni..can i still get it by any chance..?? i have bhopal domicile as well..!!
    plz clarify.. 🙂

  15. When will the list of other universities be available.?
    My score is 96.Will i get a call in any of the universities?I am worried.

  16. I have a score of 141 and my rank is 127. My first preference was NUJS and NLIU Bhopal was like sixth on my preference list but I’ve been allotted Bhopal!
     Any idea how I can change that to NUJS because marks wise I do qualify for a seat in NUJS!
    Any an all help would be appreciated 🙂
    You can also add me to the list of people whose allotments have been mixed up :S

    • I have the same problem. I scored 142..rank 93…I have been alloted RMLNLU lucknow which was 9th or 10th on my preference list. I m entitled to get into Nalsar with my score. Can anyone please tell me what i should do?? I have sent a mail to 3 hours ago. Still no reply. I m confused n distressed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • call NUJS and let them know that you are interested in joining their college – also email both NUJS and NLUJ with this request – pointing out your preference in the app form and how there seems to be a mistake in the allotment.

      • I called NUJS…they said the cut off is 134 but they cant comment any further because they’re not organizing it! The guy answering the phone at NLUJ said he has no idea what’s going and I should send them a mail which I did 2 days ago but there still hasn’t been a response!…Panicking would be an understatement right now :S

  17. i have some issues with university allotments……i got 139th rank but they have assigned me nlu jodhpur instead of nujs kolkata…..even in my preference order i had ranked kolkata over jodhpur….and they have assigned kolkata to guys with lesser marks….please help me…

  18. ppppppppplzzzzzzzzzzzzz some tell me what are the cut off expct fr the last list plllllllzzzzzzzzzzz its imprtant plzzzzzzzzzzzz ppl!

  19. i have got 123 marks and rank is 1225 general…do i have any chances in the second list?? or to get any of the NLu’s???

  20. sir i have scored 123 and my rank 1316…there seem to be around 100 candidates in the same marks….do i have any chance????….i cant understand the univ allotment…

  21. You see NLUJ has worked really hard, to fuck it all up since the very beginning.
    First clat
    the fucked up list.
    Way to go NLUJ

  22. i hav scored 119 in clat 2012.hav i got ny chance in makin to 2nd cut off??? m gen category domicile of up n gt rank 1787!

  23. I have secured 114 marks and my rank is 2525 and my domicile is A.P. under general category, do I have any chances of getting admission either in NALSAR or other NLU’s

  24. m unable to see my clat results 2012,i have been trying since morning:(:(…can anyone do that for me ??my roll no is -10101101868
    pls reply asap:):)

  25. Hey, all the links are not opening, can u get them again please! also my rank is 992, score 126, wot r my chances??

  26. I don’t see why the authorities just don’t come out in the open and admit that there has been a mistake over the allotments. Why all this cloak and dagger business with noone being able to access the site and all this confusion…

  27. y d official site s not opening….nd downloading s also showing 403 forbidden error……when vl i be able 2 c ma result ..:(

  28. I have got national rank 130, but ive been alloted HNLU. And im pretty sure I marked NLSIU, NALSAR, NUJS in that order  for my preference. Ranks 124, 126,134, 135,143, 156 , 160 168 and around 20 others upto 300 have been alloted HNLU, while the last rank under general merit alloted to NUJS was 374. Now im pretty sure even if i did commit a mistake, so many people woudnt have made the same mistake of preferring HNLU ahead of NUJS , Bhopal and johpur. So why have we been alloted this?

  29. hi, i have got 103 marks in u.p. OBC category, can i get RMLNLU LKO or other college and my rank is 4960. 

  30. I have been trying to load this result page since morning but to no avail.
    It would be really nice if anyone of you could help me with this problem.
    My roll no. is 11605403274.
    thank you.

    • NLU-O is fine not good and not bad as such.
      if you have options than wait for 2nd list or drop 1 year for getting better NLU or take admission here to experiment wit the college.  but did you messed up with your preference?

      • I think I did mess up with the preference list!
        But now, in the new list I’ve been allotted CNLU Patna!
        I plan to join and give CLAT again next year.

  31. hey! the page containing d results appears forbidden….. can nebdy hlp me out hre??? i didn’t get my results yet!!

  32. I got into HNLU raipur. i dont want to join. i have a chance in 2nd list of nalsar. do i have to pay fee at hnlu to be considered for nalsar? or can I not pay now and wait for nalsar 2nd list?

  33. Please some one tell me the result for given roll no. I have been trying since morning.

    Its for LLM. 21701421024

    Please. Thank u in advance.. I am nt able to get from any where.

  34. Could you guys give us an estimate as to what marks/rank would one require if they want to make it to NUJS Kolkata?

  35. There were some words about some issues in “University Allotment” list published here.
    I secured 127 marks according to this site, and made it to HNLU cuz of Domicile.
    right now, the university allotment list is not available. And that is worrying me.
    Was the list flawed or flawless?

  36. i got 129 marks and 732 chucked into cnlu there any chance of me getting into a better university in the second list???

  37. hey, i have scored 134 and my rank is 364. i am selected in jodhpur. 
    can anyone tell me about the academic and general environment of that college?

  38. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
     a friend of mine-
    scored 100, 
    OBC category,
    domicile U.P, 
    rank 5900,
    (cutoff for OBC in 1st list is 107 rank 3927) .

    any serious chances for getting RMLNLU ?

  39. For WBNUJS what is the requirement for boards marks. Is it best of 4? I have English Core, Chemistry, Web Multimedia and Technology, Computer Science, Physics and Maths.
    If I take B.Sc LLB what all subjects count ?
    I have scored good in the first 4 subjects.

  40. My cousin scored 96 in clat. whats her chances for nirma??? I am not able to download allotment list…it is showing 403 error….can anyone help on this??? plzzzz

  41. hey guyz can ny1 tell me my marks plz…im unable to acess d clat website nd d links provided abv are nt helping me either….my roll no. Is – 11404364084
    plz smbdy help me tell my score!

  42. im so so happy 2day i hv secured 97th all india rank wid 142 marks !! 37th rank in NALSAR ! Yipee coming to NALSAR !!! The clatgyan exercises helped me improve my slf !!! N a vvrry gudnite n successful life to my hardworking seniors n im so proud to be a part of prestigious community as urs !! Respect for buddies u hv been doing a grt job !!!

  43. I got 82 marks only.. 🙁 i belong to general category !
    is there any chance of getting into nirma ? help me..

  44. i wanted to know till what rank/marks were required to get in last year in the last counselling? and how many councellings happen?

  45. Hi guys,

    Can anyone please suggest what i should do if i was allotted a seat under general quota when i filled the form under NRI sponsored quota? For the record I got 129 marks which should allow me to get a seat at NUJS under NRI quota. Currently they have allotted me patiala. 

  46. The links you’ve provided with are not opening!
    I can’t access too. the site is down.

  47. sir my general score in 103 , gen. 
    neva prepared for dis exam..! so.. not quite well! rank is 5084…! i dont think i stand for any college in clat? do i have chances for nirma nd  A.P. University Of Law??? i want to give clat next year again! any suggestions? please… life in a turmoil! do d needy!

  48. Kindly help me seeing my result as i am unable to access the website of clat.. My registration number is 11602401753

  49. i got 105 marks and 4579 rank in general category. i am domicile of chattisgarh. do i have any chance to get admission in HNLU or any other NLU in third or fourth list this year.

  50. Hey guys Im from Noida..and here im still not able to excess the clat website..its not opening at all…Please somebody help me out ??? :((((

    MY ROLL NO. 10110101371.

  52. hey i got 103 and i have permanent residence certificate for i stand a chance in the next the 1st list the cut off for general was 108..plz rpy plz..

  53. somebody please help me with this thing.. my roll no. is 11603402630.. kindly tell me my marks.. i cant access the official site..

  54. I have got 103 marks in clat general category.should i wait for the 2nd list or i should apply for any private colleges?

  55. The lists ( pdf ) do not carry seal and signature of any body in the Clat 2012 Core Committee. Looks like you got ( or flicked ) some work-in-progress from somewhere and uploaded the same to your website. Clat 2012 official websire is down since yesterday. Is a spam agency ?

  56. i secured 103 marks and my rank is 5040….can u recommend some collges for me?? help me to get a govt collg…pls

    • tu fail ho gayio re…………………… 
      just joking ja apna name allotment list me dekh le bachha mai tere sath hu…………..:-p

  57. I have secured 98 marks and my rank is 6499 and my domicile is GUJARAT. under general category, do I have any chances of getting admission either i

  58. My niece has scored 131 marks and she registered in CLAT through NRI quota. She has been allocated NLIU Bhopal under NRI category. However, she now does not want to pay such high fees in NRI quota, and wants to get admission through Genaral quota. If she changes her category from NRI to General, she will get into GNLU, Gandhinagar, which is fine for her. Is it possible to change the category from NRI to General? If yes, what is procedure? Anyone has done it before? Her passport had UAE visa stamped till March this year and now it is cancelled.

    • Very strange case of shifting from Reserved category to General category. Please rush to Jodhpur and explain to them

  59. hei guyz plz help mee … i cnt gt d rslt…. wn im click on “CLAT 2012 Results Out! Click Here to Access Them!” a error page shwng forbidden page’l b open …. hw i cn i gt t ??

  60. i got 112 marks……………is there any chance for me 2 get into any of d nlu…………or any suggestion…….

  61. sir,
          i want to know that which one from nalsar and nlu-delhi is going to be prove better choice after five years from now 

  62. Hi…i am astha. My score is 122 and my rank is 1348 and i am Mp domiciled. Could you please help me out by telling me the odds of if i’ll make any Nlu and if i do which universities can i probably get?.. 

  63. Bhai roll nmbr is 12002481587…malum h dat i dnt have ne chance bt plzzz bhai log koi mera result bta do..dil ko tasalli to ho jaegi.

  64. sir i have scored 110 marks general category rank 3399 whether there is chance of mine in 4th list.Plz reply me sir i have dropped one year and now i am in great trouble. 

  65. SIR MY ROLL  NO IS 11202321324 my application number is 100574.plz check my rank and marks .and plz send me mail

  66. hey guys i did’nt make it to any of the 14 nlu’s….so can u guys tell me which all colleges can i try except the 14 law colleges with my clat score…i gt 101 n my rank is in 5000…plz help me..!!!

  67. My roll nmbr is 12002481587….will neone plz tell me how badly m i disqualified….
    Koi bta do khul hi nhi rha.

  68. Sir I hv got AIR 97 will i get NALSAR !!! Plz reply really worried much more since the university allotment list hs been withdrawn!!!

  69. got 123 marks…general category (domicile of UP and no other quota) can i get into any nlu’s in the 2nd or 3rd merit list???????????  Rank around 1200’s….
    Plzzzzzzzzz Helpppppppp!!!!/////

  70. heyy..i have completed my 1st year at symbi pune and have been allotted Lucknow this time…need advice..what should i do?

  71. hey!! i have secured 401 rank in PG with 74 marks.
    do i have a chance in getting into any top-5 colleges or any college, as the case may be??
    help, please!!

  72. my score is 118..
    rank- 1970
    can i get ANY NLU…???
    ANY NLU would do good…!!!!!
    all i need is a call from any of the NLU.. even assam/odisha/patna/etc. would do good.. plssssss !!!

    and in which cut-off list…?????
    pls help  CLATGyan !!
    * nervous*

  73. My rank in CLAT 2012 is 10488 and my score is 87. I’m a resident of UP & belong to SC category. Is there any chance of me getting into RMLNLU Lucknow, is there going to be any second list for getting into NLUs. Kindly inform me ASAP.

  74. can anyone tell me how to complete the admission process??? how to make make payment to the respective law schools?? through DD, cheque???

    • but is this official, theres no announcement or anything as such and some colleges have already strted collecting fees based on their first list!

  75. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
     a friend of mine-
    scored 100, 
    OBC category,
    domicile U.P, 
    rank 5900,
    (cutoff for OBC in 1st list is 107 rank 3927) .

    any serious chances for getting RMLNLU ?

  76. rank-532, score-131, general category
    any chance in gandhinagar(gnlu) ???????
    pref list-nlsiu,nalsar,nliu,nujs,nluj,gnlu,nluo….

  77. my roll is 12002481542.

    the merit list shows that i scored 91. as the site is still not working.. i cannot find my individual marks or ranking based on the quota system.

    i am having an OBC category with jharkhand domicile.

    can anybody tell me if i have any chances? PLEASE…

    and IF NOT then do i have changes in other colleges like nirma?

  78. just noticed clat gyan was mentioned in allahabad petition

  79. my score is 118 and rank is 1927 ,in which of the nlus will i have the chance of getting in? shall i wait for 3rd & 4th list.

  80. my score is 118..rank- 1970can i get ANY NLU…???ANY NLU would do good…!!!!!all i need is a call from any of the NLU.. even assam/odisha/patna/etc. would do good.. plssssss !!!

    I have got U.P. domicile.. !!!
    can i gt lucknow ??and in which cut-off list…?????pls help  CLATGyan !!* nervous*

  81. I have scored 104 in CLAT 2012. Now i wanted to know the list of law colleges where i have to take admission through clat score. Is there any law college who takes admission on the basis of CLAT score. 
    Plz. suggest me as soon as possible.

    Thanks & Regards.

  82. hey u got 96 nd m a domicile of u.p nychances of getting in RMLNLU? plzzz reply really tensed nd if not upse is better or bv pune?

  83. Please tell me whether I can get into any NLU with 79 marks in SC category 🙁 My state of domicile is Orissa. 
    Please someone help me out :'(
    Nervous 😐 

  84. i got 82 marks in clat 2012 exams . is there any hope of getting any hope of getting a clat college on basis of domicile, i ‘m a student of uttar pradesh….

  85. i have scored 106 in clat 2012.general…do i stand a chance to get admission in any of the nlu’s????????????????plz do help me

  86. i have scored 131 in clat stand a chance of getting admission in say Raipur or Gujarat or Jodhpur.and my rank is 541.

  87. guys my marks are 119 n my AIR is 1800…do i hve ny chnces of gettn my name in d 2nd list..plz help m in a real trouble cz private collegs r constantly buggn me…shud i wait fr d scnd list….plz hlp…

  88. smeone plzzz reply i got 96 nd a domicle of up but general do i have ny chances of getting into ny nlu ny ? plzzz reply nd if not which is better upse or new law college pune?

  89. my rank is 321. i have got GNLU in the reshuffled list. i am ranked 8 in GNLU. do i stand a chance in NUJS in any list?

  90.  In CLAT 2012 my son had originally been allotted  NUJS Kolkata.  In the revised list he has been given Raipur . There are almost full chances that he will be upgraded to Jodhpur which is his higher choice, in the second list , due on 10th June. His fee has already been paid to NUJS Kolkata, and this fee  is transferable to the other universities. I wish to know (1) Whether he has to actually go to Raipur  on 9th May , the designated date for admission , particularly when fee has already  been paid ?(2) The Raipur university authorities have desired  submission of original marksheets etc. Will they give back the originals then and there , because they are needed for further admissions?  (3)What happens if the Transfer certificates and marksheets have not been received by him from his board ?  Someone please answer. There has  already   been lot of mental anguish because of the modified list.

  91. sir,
         i have got my name in nalsar list (after reshuffling) as well in nlu-d  .Now i have to go with one , so sir please kindly guide me which one is going to be a good choice.

  92. any update on tanya thakur’s case ? the court website doesnot show anything about the hearing on 31/5 and 1/6

  93. any idea about ip univ?my daughter has got 375 rank in ip ,3105 rank in clat& with 87.6% marks in 12th(glc mumbai gives admission on 12th marks)–what should  be  her strategy for admissions ?pl advise…

  94. i have got 106 in clat 2012…………i am also in my 1st year 2nd sem engineering.but i wanna do law………is it worthwile to wait for 2nd or 3rd or 4th list??????????????plzzzzz help me

  95. Sir,
    1. Despite my being at AIR -762 (Marks :128) in CLAT-2012, considering my standing vis-a-vis my choices of NLUs, I should have been given offered admission at CNLU, Patna(my ninth choice) . But, my name is figuring in MLU, Assam which was my 13th choice. Calling CLAT helpline and submitting my request/complaint hasn’t yielded any outcome so far.  
    2. Another problem is that different NLUs are following different methods for provisional admissions. Unlike most oter NLUs, NLU, Assam wants the total fees to be deposited ONLY THROUGH DD, whch means one has to take a risk by sending it by post or has to go physically all the way to Guwahati ( just to ensure one’s name remains in the reshuffled list). Kindly advise what should I do ???

    • just to remain in the reshuffled list i dont thinkone has to pay. i understand the process is that on= 9th evening all univs give the number of seats available to convenor. they dont give names of students who did not pay. therefore all that the convenor will do is run a program to reshuffle the whole merit list for these available seats.

      can someone who resides in jodhpur confirm this

    • My son has been allotted to HNLU Raipur. He is most likely to move to his higher choice in the next list. His fee has already been paid. Surprisingly, HNLU Raipur requires all students to come to Raipur to seek admissions on 9th June. NUJS Kolkata is more professional and caring, they do not require students to come and seek admissions.Payment of fee is good enough for acceptance.

      • My daughter is the same case. I spoke to HNLU and now they have agreed that canidate may come upto 15th June provided fee of Rs. 87500 is paid. Therefore wait for first list and then decide. My Mobile no. is 09423993799. You may contact if need to discuss

  96. i secured 97 marks and got 6759 rank . general category.     is  there  any chance of getting any college even in 6th list??
    can i apply now for admission in any other law college(private etc)  based  on clat score????????
    plz reply.

  97. plzzzz reply…1257 rank general no resrvation(since we don’t have domicile for general category in up 🙁 ) ..any chances of an nlu??????????

  98. Im currently allotted to my 6th pref, ive got the highesit rank there. Any chance to get into
    my 4th pref nujs in the 2nd list? Or at least to my 5th pref, nluj? Im ST.

  99. Hi
    I have 123 marks in clat 2012…my rank is 1316…category general…do I stand a chance in nlu o….or any nlu s??? In the 2nd or 3rd list…..

  100. Hey people…
    I got 97 in CLAT,so the option of  any NLU is ridiculed…

    But good thing is that I cleared IPU,UPES and Nirma,so damn confused  where to get admission into!
    Enlighten me on it,will ya?

  101. As everyone is aware Clat 2012 has come out with a revised list.As per the original list a large number of candidates had paid fee to their respective allotted institutions. Later on the list was revised. As per Clat 2012 guidelines the fees have to be automatically transferred to the subsequent institutions. However if a confirmation of receipt is not received by the subsequent institution , they will not grant admission and the candidate will have to pay the fee again, atleast for the time being. The candidate needs to get it ensured that the original institution actually gets the fee transferred to the subsequent institution. HNLU Raipur authorities have given this interpretation that the student needs to get the fee transferred to them as the same will not be done automatically. So all candidates who have been downgraded take care. The ball has been thrown to the court of the hapless hassled candidate.

    • Folks! This is what thw CLA website mentions:-
      In cases of the candidates who have deposited fee earlier and are shifted to other Law school/University of higher preference, on account of reshuffling, the total fee will be transferred accordingly to that Law school/ University and any difference of fee shall be taken care of by the concerned Law school/ University where the candidate is finally allotted a seat.
      The candidates who are being provisionally admitted for the first time in the second list are required to deposit the full fee with the respective Law schools/ Universities allotted to them on or before 19th June 2012 (By 4:00 PM), failing which the admission offer shall stand cancelled.
       So, if u hv deposited the admission fee at first NLU, there’s nothing more to be done. Just keep track of the next list and check whether u r geting appropriate NLU as per ur rank vis-a-vis ur choices given. 

  102. my clat score is 77 of obc category . can i get admission in any national law university. my rank is 15000. i also want to know the date of second,third and fourth allotment list of clat 2012.

  103. I have got 120 rank general category. Do I have any chance of making it into the second list? wen will d secnd list cm out neway? my rank is 1660

  104. can anybody let me knw do i have a shot at nirma if my marks are 111 and nirma rank is 390?
    i would be obliged to get positive answers but i can also face the harsh reality truth. i just wish someone reply to me so that i can think about what to do next?

  105. Let me know if some of you have requested CLAT convener for change of university preference, after the results were announced and whether your request was entertained.

    GNLU has closed with cutoff rank of 511. is there any chance of it going down further, say upto 550?

      • I too have committed a mistake of wrong selection of choices for CLAT due to that time…. Pl. some of you can tell whether they would agree to change the choice, provided the cut-off is lesser than one’s score / rank ?

        • MGP
          We had approached NLU Jodhpur in person and requested for change in university preference. Despite several requests, they have denied. They told us that such requests could be taken care before the results on 28 May. They said that some 200 candidates have approached them with such request but they have denied to all.
          They also informed that some candidates were happy with their allotment as per 1st list, but due to university preference, they were shifted to other universities in the 2nd list. Their request for retaining them in the university of lower preference was not entertained by NLUJ.
          This is the worst ever conduct of an entrance exam I have ever seen, by a top class law university of India.
          However I can see from the 2nd list that they have changed university preference of 3 candidates:
          1. SAUMYATA SURESH PANWAR, Roll No 10601201388, Rank 292 has been shifted from Raipur to Gandhinagar. Going by her original university preference, she should have been in Gandhinagar in the 1st list itself?
          2. UPASANA CHAUHAN, Roll No 11606403719, Rank 148 has been shifted from Jodhpur to Kolkata. Going by her original university preference, she should have been in Kolkata in the 1st list itself?
          3. MITTU CHOUDHARY, Roll No 11304341065, Rank 301 has been shifted from Raipur to Jodhpur. Going by her original university preference, she should have been in Jodhpur in the 1st list itself?

    • it is the state general quota… as in , if you have the domicile of the state and you have provided for it in the form with the documents required,, it makes you elligible for admission in the states nlu, if you have the mark more than their cutoff.

  106. Can someone tell me, which in your opinion is best among – Amity Law School, Delhi, GNLU, Gandhinagar and NUALS, Kochi ? ? The India today top 25 list places them at 12th, 9th and 22nd ranks respectively…

  107. Marks-119 Rank-1814. Any NLU? Any round? Will there be intake of students even after the 4th round is over, in case some seats are left empty? Please put in some haste in your reply.

  108. Hey guys i’ve been alloted RMLNLU Lucknow in the 2nd list & i took the admissions too in it. But as the 4th list was announced i’ve been shifted to NLUJA Assam. So can you guys please inform me is it better to go with the allotment list. Is NLUJA Assam a better NLU. Can it promise me with a better future. Please inform me ASAP. 

  109. hey m gvng CLAT 2013 exm…
    strtrd my prprtn alrdy wd ful force…

    wd due respect 2 al d seniors here..

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