The Customary ‘Thank You’ Note


It’s been three years since CG began. For us, at CG, the time was marked by highs – lots of them – Mock Tests, amazing CG results, knowing that you are contributing something, something, at least. Aaaaand it’s here! The last day and we’ve done everything we could. This is the third CLAT that CG has played its part in. Though we couldn’t do as much as we could in the previous two years, we still managed to put up all the current affairs compendiums, the monthly GK mock sets and a lot of gyan on what you should do and what you shouldn’t. All of this wouldn’t have been possible without those kind souls who sacrificed their free time – the tiny breaks that NALSAR gives intermittently. They, quite possibly, skipped that Dhaba trip they earned after slogging for exams/projects/moots, only because they wanted to contribute to the CG oeuvre. The following first years, in particular, need a special mention along with a lot of thanks.

Aishwarya Ramanan
Ananya Dhar Choudhury
Avani Maha
Elizebeth Thomas
Eman Ali
Lakshmi Dwivedi
Kartik Chawla
Kavya Reddy
Kranti Kiran
Pallavi Srivastava
Pratiek Sparsh Samantara
Sonal Chauhan
Soumya Cheedi
Tanisha Pande
Veena Raghav

You guys make an awesome team. I hope you stay associated with CG for the next season as well. (:



  1. A big thanks to all the above wonderful people……!
    Really, thanks for understanding the tension n jitters.
    and for spending the precious time for preparing all those compendiums and stuff..

  2. A huge hug and thanks to all the people above, and anyone else involved in CLATGyan. You guys have been a great help, especially for a person like me. I hated GK because I really didn’t care about it. I would read the newspaper, but I hated it.

    Your compendiums and mocks were so properly organized and easy to read. It was exactly what I needed.

    So thank you for taking time out from your lives and your hectic schedules to make these things. Because they really make all the difference.

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