An Itinerary for CLAT – By Pallavi Panigrahi (Rank 2 – CLAT 2012)


“CLAT pattern changed for 2013! Calculus, Vectors, Theory of Relativity, Organic Chemistry, Molecular Cytogenetics, Astrology and the Theory of Monopsony are all part of the new curriculum!” Does your world comes crashing down? CLAT seems all the less achievable? Right? Yes, this is that time of the year where rumor mongers have a field day. The single most important piece of advice I can give you now is DO NOT LISTEN!b63be44c1dd6530aaf246d3b11e1c74f

CLAT tests your aptitude, smartness and general awareness (It also tests your patience and fortitude during the G.K. preparations!). However, CLAT is neither rocket science nor there’s any beeline for it. So stop freaking out and get down to the basics. (Read this sentence again, might help!)

  • To all those who think a two month crash course is enough to get through the top law colleges of the country (After all, who gives CLAT? People who don’t get through engineering and medical, right?), please reconsider. Perseverance and dedication is important to do well in CLAT as it is for every other exam.
  • And all those who have already started preparing for a while and are unsure about themselves, are under confident or more freaked out than normal (I belonged to that category), loosen up! No one can predict the outcome of the exam, no matter how hard you work. Giving your best is all that matters. And if you don’t make it, blame it on the stars! 
  • Finally, all those who have just started preparing (and probably, this is your first visit to CLATGyan), Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards securing a place in one of the top law schools of the country. Yes, you have started at the right time with ample time left to cover all the concepts. Now, it’s all about consistency. Clutter your table, get confused and you’ll end up dropping a year. Keep it clean and you’ll be through.

Buckle up for the most topsy-turvy time of your life where G.K might seem insurmountable, Legal aptitude might take the form nightmares and Maths might seem undoable. However, at the end of the day, everything is achievable if pursued with determination, sincerity and hard work (You can safely take my word for it). So study hard, study smart and yes, do stay away from the rumor mongers!

Happy Preparations!

Pallavi Panigrahi.

(P.S. Feel free to contact me about any queries you have about CLAT or otherwise. – Use the comments’ section below)


  1. Thanx for the itinerary, pallavi.
    I am a dropper, scored 103 marks in clat this year.
    Please give me some tips for my preparation. 

  2. can you suggest me some books which will help me to built up my static GK ?…And some other books also which will help me to practice other sections ..?

    • Hi Rishika!
      You can use pearson for static G.K. Pratiyogita darpan also has some static G.K. in it.
      You can also use R.S. Agarwal for Logical Reasoning.And you should refer to previous years question papers for Legal Reasoning.

  3. Maam, I gave CLAT 2012 and my score was 112, which I know is very low. I have decided that I would be preparing and giving CLAT 2013 too. But I am very confused about preparing for G.K. because in CLAT 2012 they asked a lot of questions from static G.K., but as you already know that the CLAT syllabus stated that G.K. questions would be asked from current affairs from march 11 to march 12. Now, I need help on how I go about preparing this time !

    • Hi Anjan!
      Please don’t call me ma’am :-).Yes, the G.K. section for CLAT 2012 was a surprise for all of us. And since the CLAT conveners do not stick to the prescribed curriculum, you should prepare for both static and current G.K. this time. For current affairs, I strongly recommend you to read newspapers regularly. Other than that, the CG compendiums are awesome! For static G.K., please refer to my previous comment.  

  4. thanks pallavi!!!!
    i just want to know that is there any book to prepare for legal reasoning or it is enough to prepare legal reasoning from the modules and hand out provided at lst.
    and i will be very grateful to you, if u can please tell me that if there are some online test series available………..

    • Hi Adwiteeya!
      I would recommend past year question papers for Legal Reasoning(the more practice you get, the better!).You should also focus on the concepts in case you get Legal G.K. questions as well. CLATGyan provides  online tests. Almost all other coaching institutes also have it as an option. 🙂

  5. Hi Pallavi! Congratulations for AIR 2. Well, I think the feeling must have sinked in. All the very best for your life at NLSIU. Can you suggest me some books for Legal Reasoning(not to be confused with Legal GK). I’ve got LST modules but will they have only few questions for practice. Will they suffice?

    • Hi Gladwin!
      Thanks a lot for your kind words.My previous comment answers your query.Do get back to me if you have any further questions! 🙂

  6. Hello Pallavi P., 
    I just wanted to ask that how does one manage to keep up with all the things going on around, the school, heavy syllabii and the preparation for CLAT  as well????

    • Hi Prakash!
      All I can tell you is that it’s all about getting your priorities in order. Time management is essential for all entrance exams including CLAT. Make a regular timetable and do follow it. Start your CLAT preparations now because you will have to concentrate on your boards later on in the year. Do your best.That’s what eventually counts. 🙂

  7. alryt i got 110 in clat and my rank was somewhere in 3k. so iam repeating this year. should go to a coaching center now and then again for crash course???? or should i even go for coaching. can i do it frm home?

    • Hi Nitin!
      If you think you can cover the entire course along with mock tests using only online resources,then you need not join a coaching institute.However,since you are repeating CLAT, I don’t think there is any harm in making use of all possible resources.

    • Hi Ashita!

      My apologies for the late reply.I think you need some basic concepts for legal GK which is usually provided by Pearson and the likes.You can also filter out legal GK from the CG GK updates.

      • and added to that i think going through Tata Mcgraw hill guide to LLB would also be a good idea, it strenghthens ur legal fundas systematically,, What do u think pallavi ma’am?

  8. i really liked your article pallavi di! even i would say that CLAT is quite uncertain as far as G.K. is concerned, for i too gave CLAT (even though i’m in 12th and scored 131!) congratulations again for your result!

  9. hello 🙂 i am in 12th science . i can’t join coaching now so how should i prepare for clat ? which section needs daily practice? please help ..

  10. hey pallavi;
    I scored 94 in clat 2012 and i am preparing again for it…..suggest me how to improve speed and accuracy which is the most essential element to crack the exam…and what extra measures should be taken for time management???

    • Hi Ankur!

      The answer to all your questions is ADEQUATE PRACTICE!Solve as many question papers as you can and please do stick to the time limit.

  11. hi pallavi… first of all heartiest congratulations…!!!
    i have dropped for clat 2013.. i have ample of time to prepare as u know…
    can u please suggest by what strategy should i study daily??
    i’ll be highly obliged if u’ll reply…:)

  12. hey…cn u plz suggest  me dat whether i shud drop a year or go for Amity Law School,new delhi which i m getting thru CET rank..!!

  13. I am freaking out! 😛 ok…how do i prepare for maths? Any book that will have solved questions in it like guides do? About the g.k. bit, do u think reading only Pratyogita darpan will be enough or do I HAVE to read the newspapers? 😛

    • Hi Grace!
      CLAT usually requires simple maths.So the material provided by the coaching centres and CG is quite substantive.Also,do not waste your time on solving really difficult questions.What is required is taking as little time as possible to solve the questions.

      And nothing is ever enough for GK.Reading newspapers is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE! 🙂

  14. Hey Pallavi! 
    Congrats on rank 2!  I gave CLAT as well and secured 121 which isnt great I know. So I ended up with Bcom in DU now and I realise its law that I absolutely want to do. So I am planning to drop now and do everything right. I wanted to know where can I get previous year question papers of CLAT? and what book do you suggest for preparing for static and current GK. Is it wise to drop? :/ 
    I am absolutely stuck. 

    • Hey Kunal! 🙂

      Regarding the past year question papers, you can get them from any of the law schools that come under CLAT. Also, there is a book on model question papers which cover the question papers set by NLSIU from 1988 to 2006. Though some of the questions will now be redundent, it nevertheless will be a good practice. You can access a copy by writing a letter to the registrar of NLSIU. For current GK, you can read the monthly editions of Pratiyogita Darpan, the newspaper and the ClatGyan GK compendiums. For static GK, you can read Pearson.

      All the best and DON’T WORRY! 🙂

      • Thanks a lot! but just to be clear.. even if i write to any of the nlu now in the middle of the year for previous papers would they send em?! 

  15. “And all those who have already started preparing for a while and are unsure about themselves, are under confident or more freaked out than normal, loosen up!”.
    That probably sums up my problem.  And about Maths being doable, well, that seems like an utopian concept to me:-D

  16. hey pallavi! big congrats….hows life at NLSIU? How many hours a day did you study for CLAT at this time of the year? i study for like 2 hrs 5 days a week…is that enough??

    • Hi Somit!

      You need to read newspapers for current GK.And you can do previous year question papers to just get a sense of the kind of questions you are expected to answer, both for current and static GK.

  17. Hey Pallavi !!!! I seriously don’t want to bore you with the same kind of questions which, as we can see above, many others have already asked. I want to put in the best of my efforts this year and get through CLAT. So, at this juncture, what should be our approach towards the preparation for the CLAT ?? How much work you’d actually put in everyday?? Is it good if we read The Hindu everyday for the purpose of Current Affairs?? And what are good sources for Static G.K.? Reply please. And congratulations on securing AIR 2 in CLAT 2012 !!!!

    • Hi Shreesha!

      Thanks! 🙂 Yes,reading Hindu is useful.But for current Gk you need to exhaust as many sources as possible!You can use pearson for static GK.You can also use the CG compendiums.They are very useful. 😀

  18. Thnx for such worthy steers ma’am…… I am studying in class XII(commerce) and very much earnest bout CLAT or AILET….but i always remain baffled about how to balance my Boards as well as CLAT??? :/
    Reading d whole newspaper daily requires a lot of time…. :/  Ssso G.K. is my biggest trauma.
    I do not want to drop my year aught…. Plzz help me out of dis delimma.. 🙂
    I will be highly obsequious to you…! 🙂

    • Hi Shaurya!

      Thank you for your kind words.Every one who gives CLAT has to balance the twin pressures of boards and CLAT and if they can do it,so can you.All you need is patience and an organised study schedule.GK is a very important section and possibly the toughest.So you do need to prepare well and for that reading the newspaper is imperative.I suggest that you go through some past year papers and give some mock tests to get a sense of the pattern for the GK section and then read the newspaper accordingly.That should help you in saving time. 🙂

      • Ohhkk ma’am 🙂
        Thnx lot for d concern…i am definately going to follow dis fashion now 🙂
        N yeaaah…i’ll buzz you soon :p :p

  19. Hello mam,
    What are the topics which are being covered under the legal aptitude section??
    and how to prepare the legal aptitude section???

    • Hi Arpit!

      I suggest that you should take a look at the posts in CG on Legal Aptitude to get a sense of how to prepare for it.If you still have any doubts after going through them,feel free to ask me! 🙂

  20. Hey Pallavi,
    I wrote CLAT 2012, and got 138. I was hoping for around 150 after the exam, so naturally I was shocked. On checking the answer key, I realized that I only got 25 out of 50 in legal. This surprised me as I had felt confident in my reasoning for several of my incorrect answers.
    So my question, really is how I ought to prepare for this section in 2013. Any books I ought to refer to? I used Universal and the the LST module borrowed from a senior.
    I didn’t go for coaching last time, and can’t go this time as I already joined an NLU. So who could I rely on to clarify my doubts in this section?
    Thank you for your patience, and dedication in replying to our queries. Oh, and congratulations on your insane performance.

    • Hi!

      Thanks a lot for your kind words :). I completely understand your sense of shock.CLAT is unpredictable and you can never be too sure about it! The books that you have mentioned are the books that I refered to during my preparation. So I really can’t recommend any other books.However, I would recommend lots and lots of practice.Hunt up all question papers you can find and solve ALL of them! And you can post your doubts in the “Ask Us!” section of CG for clarification.

  21. Hi Pallavi!
    Would u suggest me a good buk for which consists of good no of practice problems in all the sections? i have got the LST Modules but there questions are insufficient for practice! 

    • Hi Akshay!

      I don’t know of any book,as such,that has questions for all sections.However,I think you should solve as many past year papers and mock question papers as possible.They are the best source of practice questions!

  22. hi pallavi…congratulations!:) i wanted to ask will CSR ,nd the regular reading of the newspapers suffice for current gk ? and for english which book should i refer to?

    • Hi Nandini!

      Ideally CSR and newspapers should suffice for current GK.The only english book that I refered to was Wren and Martin! 😀 It covers all the basic grammar concepts in the simplest possible way and is really useful generally. 🙂

  23. hello pallavi. i gave the exam last year and got 110 marks without actually studying and am taking a gap year now x_x. however i have started studying now specially gk. how is competition in focus for gk? also could you please me your daily routine before the exam. :p and how should i got about in my preparation.
    much in anticipation 🙂

    • Hi Shreed!

      From what I have heard from others,Competition in Focus is useful.But since I have never used it,I cannot vouch for it.Also,my schedule before the exam would not be of much help as everybody has different study habits.You need to formulate a schedule of your own according to your own strengths and weaknesses. 🙂

  24. hi pallavi,

    i am preparing static gk from lucent,s is it sufficient or should i refer to other book ???? as u already suggested me to prastice more nd more question papers ……and i am preparing form last 5 yrs question papers……and plz suggest me about question paper set of nlsiu from 1988 to 2006?????? nd kindly suggest me what extra measures should be taken score top rank in CLAT??

    • Hi Ankur!

      I don’t really have much idea about Lucent.So I can’t really vouch for it.You can write a letter to the Registrar of NLSIU for the set of question papers.Also,there is no fixed way to do well in CLAT though hardwork and sincerity is imperative! 🙂

  25. when i come across a piece of news how do i decide whther it is important for me or not? or is it like..i have to know all of them?? O.o

    • Hi Gowshni!

      There is no particular thumb rule to identify which portion of G.K. is important and which is not.You can take a look at past year question papers to get a sense of the kind of questions that have come for CLAT and then prepare accordingly! 🙂

  26. Hi Pallavi di,
    Congrats for AIR 2! I am a CLAT2013 aspirant wondering as to how many mocks should I give before the D-day.Please help……….

    Wish you a great time at NLSIU!

    • Hi Aparna!
      Thanks! 🙂 Try to do at least 20 mocks before the D-day. The more mocks you do, the better are your chances to improve your speed and accuracy.

  27. hey, congrats for your phenomenal performance.. 🙂
    I am a little confused,will the passages given in my practice book(evergreen) for class 12th suffice for CLAT or should I go for a standard book, if there is any?

    • Hi Harsh!
      Thanks! 🙂 I didn’t follow any specific book for reading comprehension.So I can’t really say.But ideally,evergreen should be enough.

  28. Hi Pallavi!
    A really well-written article there!
    I did the IB curriculum and hence missed writing the CLAT this year.
    I am  taking an year off to crack the CLAT 2013.
    Really needed some major suggestions on how to go about preparing maths – because the rest of it is actually pretty manageable .
    Thank you 🙂

    • Hi Geetanjali!
      I would suggest you to refer to R.S. Agarwal’s Objective Arithmatic for Math.You needn’t solve everything, representative sums would do.

  29. hiii, pallavi, first of all congratulate u and thanx for your wonderful job that u doing for clat aspirants. i give clat in 2012 and end with only 113 marks. i did not take any coaching and started my preparation after the month of january 2012. for 2013 i join lst delhi classroom course and test series of sriram and clatpossible .apart from this i used to study hindu ,frontline and pd .as english is my week person i refer only two books apart from my coaching module , word power made easy by norman lewis and wren and martin. for logical reasoning i refer rs agarwal books verbal and non verbal reasoning,. current affair ,static gk and legal reasoning and polity are my strong areas and i do well in these parts. i wanted some tips and tricks on time management during exam and how to improve speed ,during nlu delhi 2012,i touch only three section and time was up. please guide me regarding my preparation. and give me your valuable advice . thank wish u happy journey at nlu .

    • Hi Ashish!
      The only way to increase speed and accuracy is to practice as much as possible.Solving previous years question papers and mock question papers is a good idea too!

  30. hey pallavi,cong on your achievement!!
    i am a commerce stream student..droped maths since 9th..i jst need to know that whether syllabus of maths till 10th wil b enough for clat math section.and secondly i am extremly confused on g.k section,g.k z a vast if i jst prepare  d current issues of 2012-2013 will it be enough.

    • Hi Ana!
      10th level maths should be fine for CLAT.However, G.K. as you have mentioned is a vast subject and an important one too.And no preparation for G.K. will ever be enough.I would recommend you to prepare some static G.K. in addition to current affairs.

  31. Congratulates on your success. You inspire all of us.Could you please tell me where we can find the most accurate answers of past years papers of clat and various law school.
    Also In critical reasoning the answers of mk pandey and rs Agarwal differ in many questions. So which book did you prefer.
    For logical reasoning isn’t there a good book which focuses only on it.
    Is Pearson concise gk manual sufficient for static?

    Thanks a lot in advance

  32. Hi Pallavi
    It is very good to see a seasoned performer like you available for advise on this website.
    I am father of Mahima, who is currently studying 12th. She took CLAT2012 and scored 122, with practically no serious preparation. She is also attending 2 year calssroom program of Sriram Law Academy in Chennai.
    I saw your answers to all the queries, but I just wanted to know specifically, 1) when did you start preparing for CLAT?, 2) How many hours (average) per day did you devote to CLAT, and 3) How many hours per day you studied after the board exams? 4) Aparts from the books & other materials that you have referred in your comments, did you attend any classroom or postal or online coaching? Sriram Law Academy claims that you were their online student. Is that true? If yes, how far did Sriram help in your preparation?

  33. hey!
     I’m in class 12th , I thought of joining express batch after my boards. But as you said above, clat requires patience n practise. I havn’t joined any coaching as such. So can you please suggest me some books through which preparations can be done?  n is joining the express batch would be profitable for me or should I take distance learning program? please help

  34. Congrats on rank 2! I took clat ’12 and got into NLUO but I was a bit ‘Unsatisfied’ there, and decided to drop a year. Can you please suggest me if LST study modules are enough for preparation and what books/sources should I refer to strengthen my abilities in all the subjetcs?

    • Hi Karan!
      The LST modules are comprehensive but I can’t say whether they are enough or not.I mentioned some books in my comments.You can go through them if you want to. 🙂

  35. hey pallavi … ijssz wntd to knw how u spent ur evry day for clat’s prep.. it’ll be really very helpfull for all of us if u’ll let us knw  .. 
    thnks pallavi ..

    • Hi Ayush!
      I didn’t have a fixed daily schedule for CLAT preparation.I studied according to my requirement.Everybody has different styles of studying and you should make your one schedule instead of following mine or anybody else’s.

  36. hi pallavi SIS.
    congrats for your achievement in CLAT-2012.
    i wrote CLAT-2012, but with a great sadness that, i didn’t prepare well as i met with an accident while i was in the amidst of crash course… i was abandoned in amidst of the course… so, i scored only 82 marks… but joining national law school is my all time dream. so again i want to beat CLAT-2013, can you please help me in preparing?? i would like to know whether concise GK (pearson) is enough or need to read extended? and i am unable to do SYNONIMS & VOCABULARY, and other topics in ENGLISH… how can i cope up? which is the best book?
    i am unable to manage time with CR. give me a list to get a grip on GK(legal, current, static etc.,) feel me like your brother and please help me

    • Hi Surendra!
      The answer to all your questions is adequate practice.As for your G.K. preparation being enough or not,only time will say.I strongly suggest that you look through some of the books I have mentioned in the comments if possible.

  37. Hi pallavi,congos for your success.(here’s my story)i droppd for clat this yr (my last yr clat score was 100)i am reffering lexis nd nexis,TMH guide to llb’s nd also CG cmpediums is this sufficient for clat what else u think is better for me?are classroom contact prog necessary for me or only crash course will do.which more bks do u rcmd.please reply

    • Hi Ashray!
      Yes,the stuff you mentioned are useful for CLAT. But no one can really say whether it is sufficient or not.As far as enrolling for a classroom programme is necessary or not,it relly depends on you.But if you have the drive and the time to do it, than you should. 🙂

    • The answers to your questions-
      1)I do not know of any source which gives you absolutely accurate answers.
      2)I did CR from RS Agarwal. But I can’t say which book has better( read “more accurate”) answers.
      3)The only book I know of and used for Logical Reasoning is RS Agrawal,again.
      4)Preparation for G.K. is never “sufficient”.But you can definitely start with Pearson 

      • Thanks a ton. I am extremely grateful .
        Howdidyou check your answers and how many mocks did you do?
        Also I meant a good book for legal reasoning  and knowledge 

  38. hi pallavi 
    i cleared CLAT 2012, at present im in an nlu ,i am doin CLAT 2013 too.
    last time i lost most of my marks in legal reasoning.
    im zero in legal reasoning
    is der any way to improve it, i cant go to coaching centre as im busy with the classes here.
    i really want to get in to nls bangalore.
    please help

    • Hi Anand!
      In my opinion, the only way to improve your skills in Legal Reasoning is to know a little of the basics of torts,contracts,constitution the like which form the basis of most of the reasoning questions.Also, practice helps a lot!

      All the best! 🙂

  39. hey pallavi ..hw u doin ..!!
    i wntd to knw how to prepare for maths ..i’m facing real problems in this subject .. my basics are not fully clear .. nd i am gettng 4-5 mrks in this section in my mocks .. how can i overcme this problem?? 
     thnks pallavi .. consider me as an average child in maths ..nd guide me .. 🙂

    • Hi Child! 😀
      The only way to improve in maths is constant and regular practice. Take up concepts that pose problems for you and do as many questions as you can.That said, do not let maths monopolize all your time.

      Happy Preparations! 🙂

  40. hola ,, i wanna ask that i m going to start the clat prepration from oct. since i m dropper bt i just gave PU CET LAW for chandigarh and scored 154 rank which was sufficient bt i want to join DU DELHI or any nlu ,, clearly i should say i have current affairs from april and will b collecting throughout the year,, ma problem is with reasoning  and other concepts,, i havnt started yet for that , ‘coz PU dont need reasonin questions ,, guid me 

    • Hi Kunwar!
      First,I should clarify that I am not very well informed about PU CET and the kind of pattern it follows.So I am not sure about whether your preparation for that will help you with getting through CLAT or DU. And CLAT has five sections out pf which GK is one. So clearly,preparing for GK only is not sufficient,reasoning-both logical and legal-plays a very important part and if you haven’t started preparing for those yet,I would strongly recommend that you start as soon as possible.

  41. hello pallavi.
    i wanted to know that i can start preparing for clat13 in mid of december12 . and till exam i m totally free so i can donate my whole time for its preparation but cant join any coaching. is this much time is sufficient for a decent law university

    • Hi Karan!
      The amount of time that is ‘sufficient'( as you referred to it) to get into a ‘decent’ law university is still a million dollar question. It also depends on what your definition of ‘decent’ is. I suggest that you start as SOON as possible. Leaving things for the last moment,even if you think you will have a lot of time, is not a good idea.

  42. Hi,
    Pallavi,1st of all Congrats..
    I m appearing for clat 2013,could u suggest me the best sequence to attempt all the sections?
    And I have dropped an year after 10th will it affect my admission or job placement?
    plz reply..

    • Hi!
      The sequence in which I used to attempt the sections was 1)English 2)G.K. 3)Legal Reasoning 4) Maths 5)Logical Reasoning. However, different orders work for different people. So please feel free to experiment. 
      And about your second question, I am not really sure. You should probably ask somebody who will know better. Maybe Asad or Aymen?

      All the Best! 🙂

  43. hey, my name is also pallavi n me 2 wish to secure get a good law college like u but d prob is that im doing law from amity university n i have 2 prepare wid d college tell a schedule so that i cn manage to clear clat.

  44. Hi Pallavi!
    I am not really sure as to what you actually want me to do.Considering I don’t know your college schedule,I wouldn’t really know how you should prepare. And since you obviously know yourself best, you should probably try making that schedule yourself?

  45. hii,pallavi! 1st of all congrats for the grand success!! 🙂 i am in 11th now in ravenshaw.. i also have a aim 2 crack clat and make my career in law! but d only problem is that i wasnt so much concerned about preparing for clat from d beginning of d year!! and i haven’t joined any coaching institutes..and nxt year it will be very difficult 2 cope up both at a tym preparing for clat as well as boards!! so plz suggest some advise,so that i can prepare well for clat one year in hand!! thnx!!

  46. Hi!
    Please tell me whether there is any time limit for preparation for CLAT because I have started my preparation from October. And I have 5 more months to prepare. I am working hard. Have I started my preparations late?? Please help!

    • Hey Alina,
      There is no time limit for preparing for CLAT. What is absolutely imperative is the quality of work you do,not the quantity. If you are working hard, preparing for 5 months is great! 🙂

  47. What to do for G.K.(mainly current affairs) , besides reading The Hindu and some other magazines? Is there any book specifically made for CLAT aspirants?

    • Hi Arun,
      I haven’t really come across any specific book for CLAT aspirants. I mainly followed 2-3 newspapers,magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan and the monthly compendiums from CG for current affairs.

  48. Hey Pallavi !
    Congrats on your success ! I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.
    I live in Toronto , Canada and i just completed high school. I really want to study law in India. Do you think writing the CLAT exam will be worthwhile for me ? And how challenging do you think it could get for me considering I have very limited knowledge about India.

    • Hi Cheshta,

      Thanks a lot for your good wishes. 🙂

      Well. I don’t really know whether writing CLAT will be worthwhile for you or not considering I don’t know what you expect of it. Certain components of the exam like Legal Aptitude and General Knowledge  are very India specific. 

      So I suggest you look at all alternatives before deciding anything.

      All the best!

  49. Hi Pallavi,
          What will be the best stream to take up after 10th standard to prepare for CLAT and also if you know of any good coaching centres in Bangalore.

    • Hi Bharathi!
      Your choice of stream after 10th has nothing to do with the exam because I don’t think any of the available streams will come in handy with the preparations. Also, I am sure Bangalore has all the usual coaching centres. A simple google search should do the trick. 🙂

  50. Hello there,

    I am currently pursuing my +2 from the National Institute of Open Schooling. After almost 4 years of a ‘Law vs Journalism’ battle within me, I have decided that I want to pursue law. And so, I embarked on finding out about the top law schools and the entrance examinations I need to take to get through. Most articles on the internet advised me to try and solve previous CLAT question papers to see where I stand. So, last week, I tried my hand at solving the apparently controversial CLAT 2012 question paper. I scored 117 on it, without any preparation, suffering mainly because of my poor mathematical skills( I got 0 correct in that section). Now, I need to know from you, the veterans, whether I stand a chance of making it to the NLUs. What do I need to do to improve my chances? Do I really have to join a coaching institute?

    • Hi Nikhil,
      Of course you stand a chance. Everyone does. You obviously need lots of practice to improve your chances. And you need to give as many mocks as possible. Joining a coaching institute is definitely not a pre-requisite if you work hard enough. 🙂

  51. cud u plz specify particular books for each section  for 2013…nd also plz tell me that how many students does NLSIU takes???

    • Hi Aakanksha,
      I have already mentioned specific books for each section in the previous comments. So do read it. Also, the  current intake of NLISU is 80 per batch.

    • Hi Utkarsh,
      There is always a probability that you will clear CLAT. It is not the quantity of work that matters. The quality does. 

      All the best! 🙂

  52. Maam, I gave CLAT 2012 and my score was 110, which I know is very low. I have decided that I would be preparing and giving CLAT 2013 too. But di this year  i dnt take admission  in any coaching. some time i am feel very nervous beause i am think can i do this without any coaching?? plz di help me .. tell me this that it is possible CRACK CLAT WITHOUT ANY COACHING

    • hey shristi .. i also took the coachind but c my rank was 15000 … so it is not important dat u shud … take coaching .. by d way .. can u plz tell how u studied .. for 2012 exam .. as i will be gving 2103 also . .


  53. hey …. thanks for ur guidings .. 🙂 i just wanted 2 ask i gave d claat exam of 2012 also .. but i was unable 2 clear it .. as my rank war 15000 …. i was upset .. but now i m studying in panjab university .. but i want to crack this exam .. i want to get a seat .. any nls … !!! its my dream .. can u suggest me .. which books .. should i read or how should i prepare for dis exam ..

    • Hi Prabhat,

      You can read through my previous comments regarding what books you can use. The key to preparing for this exam is the same as for others- hard work, regularity, sincerity. That should do it. 🙂

  54. Pallavi di,
    What had been the order of preference for universities that you gave in 2012?Please suggest as we’re confused…
    Thank you.
    God bless.

  55. Hi di, congratulations for your awesome results.
    I’m a student of class 12(science)
    I wish to ask you a handful of questions-
    1.Negative marking has been introduced, so how should I be answering the question paper? I’m a bit scared.
    2.Will 1month of rigorous preparation help me getting into any of the top 3 institutions?(n i can actually work hard)
    3.Can you please refer to some of the books for English. I tired to solve Clat 2012 paper and i was horrible in the English section. please do help.
    4.I have a few lst books of logical reasoning and legal aptitude, r.s.agrawal for mathematics and an arihant gk book for current affairs, for the preparations.Kindly refer any book that I’m missing out. 🙂

    Please plzz do reply as soon as you go through my requests.

    • Hi Rashmi,

      I don’t think the introduction of negative marking will affect the preparation process substantially. But maybe you can ask the experts (read CG people 😀 ) for more advice.
      I really can’t guarantee you a seat in the top 3 universities with a year of rigorous work, let alone a months’ work. And I am sure you can work hard. All I am saying is that hard work is very very important and it is the key.
      You can refer to LST modules and stuff for English. I also re-used my old Wren & Martin book. You can give it a try.
      Current affairs will need lot more than a book. You have to religiously follow newspapers and the like.

  56. Hello,
    Firstly I would like to say thank you for making the mountain sound like a tiny pebble.Well,I am doing my 2nd PUC at present(12th standard) from Mangalore,Karnataka.I know this is quite late,but is it possible for me to ace CLAT if I start now? I have my boards coming up and I will get a short period of just 1 and a half month.
    Is it possible for me?

    • Hi,
      I am sorry but I don’t quite understand what you mean by general mental ability. Could you please be a little more specific?

    • Hi Shaantanu,
      It’s really great that you have already decided that you want to give CLAT. Could you be a little more specific as to what you want me to answer?

    • Hey Rushali,
      As far as I know, the notification for this year doesn’t mention a time frame. So I don’t really know. Ask Asad,maybe?

  57. hello pallavi
    i am 12th commerce student. in your words i can expect a seat in one of the top law schools even IF I START NOW. thanks. i want a good substitute for newspaper reading. and please try not saying i don’t have that. where can i get critical reasoning questions for practice.
    do you recommend me to solve full RS agarwal for maths?!
    else what for maths?

  58. Hi Pallavi!
    I’m preparing for CLAT 2013 for the 2nd time. Currently I have also taken admission in a law college as I felt it to be a better option than to sit at home all day. I have had a decent preparation, but the confidence meter in me is striking zero. And moreover, I have my college semester in feb where almost a month will be spent, though i have subjects like eng,histry,constitution,torts,contract,pol science which will help in clat also. So plz tell me what should i do now? My semesters r ending on march 4, so i have around 50days in my hand before AILET. How do i prepare?

    • Hi Pratik!
      You have already prepared for CLAT once. So I am sure you know what it entails. Also, the subjects that you have for your semester should help you substantially with CLAT. I think a quick round up of G.K. ( make it as comprehensive as possible) and mock tests ( as many as possible) while skimming through the other components might be beneficial. What say? 🙂

      • A lot of mock tests is indeed very important.. But i’m confused with the gk part especially the legal gk part..
        Moreover I’m from ur city, so I just wish I could take ur place this time in CLAT.. 🙂

  59. hiii pallavi n congo 4 ur great success n bst luck 4 ur future….
    can u please help me in static gk section m confused as on which topic i should emphasize more …. also i need to knw whether i should concentrate more on legal reasoning or legal knowledge?? plzzz help n can u give me some tips 4 d vocab section….

  60. Hi Kalyan,
    I distinctly remember saying that it is possible to crack clat even if you start now, provided you work hard enough for it (and here I don’t factor in things that are outside your control) :P.
    Whether you like it or not, I am sorry to break it to you that there is absolutely ‘no’ substitute to reading newspapers. You just have to do it.
    Personally, I don’t really think that solving the whole book is necessary but do go ahead by all means if you think you can do it.

    • Hi ken,

      If you are looking for past year CLAT papers, I think you need to write to the registrars of any of the NLU’s. They were selling it for Rs. 100 last year as far as I remember.

    • Hi Roop,

      Crash courses do help though I can’t really say if they would be good enough. Delhi has a lot of centres. I am sure one will be as good as the other.

    • Hi Tanushree,
      The kind of maths questions that ultimately come for CLAT are usually quite easy. The key lies in solving it as quickly as possible. So practicing as many questions as possible is imperative. I think the module given by LST is pretty handy. You can also refer to R.S. Agarwal’s Objective Arithmetic for Maths, if you want to.

  61. Hey pallavi.. I joined the 1 yr course. I havent encountered any problem with any of the sections except Current Gk nd maths (the bane of my life) I started reading the newspaper evryday but then I kept forgetting the imp names etc which was very annoying so I though I’ll start to prepare for all this after my 12th
    So at this point of time, what should I do to improve my current GK? Also I am very slow in solving maths problems (and hardly get the sums right)…should I just skip that part?

    • Hi Shreya!
      One way to remember stuff in current gk is to write down what you think is important as neatly as possible and then link it to something that interests you so that you find it easier to remember. For instance, you can link a name to an actor’s name or something. Doing this helped me remember. Also, leaving current gk completely might not be a very good idea.
      The kind of maths that comes foe CLAT is usually very easy. So do put in some effort. You will get some easy marks in the process.

      • thanxx 🙂
        I am not going to leave out the current GK though thats not what I meant 😛 .. I dint really read the newspaper throughout the year… so what should I do to make up for this?

  62. Hi padmihi please tell how to prepare the vocab section coz every1 tells Norman Lewis and i don’t think .ki usse clat me substantially aata hai , and which sources of gk did u refer to prepare for CLAT

  63. Hi Pallavi, Akash here,legal reasoning is sometimes taking a toll on my confidence.I am messing up especially in those questions where two options have the same answers but different do you think i should tackle the monster of legal reasoning?

    • Hi Akash!
      Thanks for getting the name right. 😛

      The problem that you are facing is one that is commonly faced by a lot of people. And unfortunately, there is no clear cut solution. The trick essentially is that the explanation that is closest to the principle given in the question should be the right answer. Try keeping the answer as close to the given principle and that should work.

      All the best! 🙂

  64. Hi Pallavi,
    My brother is in Class XI right now and will give CLAT in 2014. He is interested in doing Ll.B.
    Please suggest me the course of action for CLAT preparations(starting from scratch) and which books/magazines to follow.

    • Hi Amit,
      If you could scroll up, I have answered all possible questions regarding books/magazines to follow for CLAT. Also, I would suggest that you (or your brother) to read the posts on specific subjects in CG. They will give you a very good idea about what is to be done for each subject.
      If you still have any specific queries, feel free to ask! 🙂

  65. i have dropped last year my mock test score is 102 i have applied for clat what should i do in order to increase my score qnd how many ways i could use my clat master rank

    • Hi Sushant,
      The only way to increase your score is to practice as much as possible. Do as many mocks as you can if you have issues with solving the paper in time. Also, along with mocks, revise the important portions of each section. And make sure you keep up with G.K.
      I don’t understand your second question. Can you please be a little more specific?

  66. I’m mainly worried about GK. Everyone says that reading newspapers every day (like The Hindu) and reading compendiums will help. Do you have any suggestions as to what i should focus on? Events, awards, etc?
    And thanks a lot for this. 🙂

    • Hi Sanjana,
      Yes,they have got it right. Newspapers and compendiums is the way to go. Also, unfortunately, all of it is important. I am afraid I can’t point out a specific section.
      And the pleasure is all mine. 🙂

  67. uday mishra said on Monday, December 3, 2012, 14:29

    hii,pallavi! 1st of all congrats for the grand success!! 🙂 i am in 11th now in ravenshaw.. i also have a aim 2 crack clat and make my career in law! but d only problem is that i wasnt so much concerned about preparing for clat from d beginning of d year!! and i haven’t joined any coaching institutes..and nxt year it will be very difficult 2 cope up both at a tym preparing for clat as well as boards!! so plz suggest some advise,so that i can prepare well for clat one year in hand!! thnx!!

    • Hi Uday,

      Sorry! I seemed to have missed your query before. One year’s time is quite enough to prepare for CLAT, I assure you. And all of us have got through CLAT while preparing for boards at the same. It’s all a simple (Okay. Not so simple :P) matter of prioritizing.
      Also,if you could be a little more specific with your question, I will be able to answer it better.
      All the best! 🙂

      • thnx for d reply.. (though i,ve seen late).. 😀
        for maths u preferred any specific books??
        and one diplomatic question>>?:D during 2nd year, how much time u emphasized on studying clat?? ,,on d other hand preparing for d boards!!

  68. Hi pallavi please tell how to prepare the vocab section coz every1 tells Norman Lewis and i don’t think .ki usse clat me substantially aata hai , and which sources of gk did u refer to prepare for CLAT

  69. dear pallavi di,
    i have read and made notes of the the hindu from august onwards. also i have the read and made notes of the PD’s from april onwards( june PD onwards as Pd issue covers events that happened 2 months ago).

    i am studying in a law college right now, so still doing the newspaper is a pain as i need to finish eng and logic. should i continue reading and making notes of the hindu. i plan on doing a monthly magazine of feb, march and april. will that be okay as the paper and notes take too much time and with static coming, thats the only thing i dont have.

    PS when did u stop reading the paper and making notes.

    • Hey Vignesh,

      I think a monthly magazine for the last 3 months is a good idea considering you also have static.

      I did make notes till the end. But I don’t think it is necessary for you to do the same.

  70. hi pallavi di,
    pls guide me little in logical section, suggest some way to do the critical reasoning part.also if you can tell me some good books in cr section

  71. hey Pallavi..
    i wanted 2 know about the minimum marks of CLAT required to enter GNLU..
    would it be possible for me to crack CLAT-2013 if i start preparing for it after 20th march????(last date of 12th commerce board exams)

  72. Hey Pallavi,
    Congratulations first of all!
    I’m in 11th right now and will be giving Clat in 2014. I read newspapers often and have bought Pearson for static gk. My maths is weak so I’m working on that too.I’m also reading lst modules. I don’t know why but I’m freaking out a little though there’s one year left. My confidence is gone out to the dogs 🙁 Please help me 🙁

  73. Hey Pallavi!!
    Can you actually specify where did you take your coaching for CLAT in Bhubaneswar?
    Was it CL:LST or SRIRAM or was it given in your school?
    Please please please do help am just totally lost!So many cheaters and frauds please help as soon as possible.

  74. Hi!
    Need your help in guiding me how I can start with CLAT prep given i am not from this background.I hv done engg n hv been working fr 2yrs now.Also CLAT 2013 is in may,so please help me out from where I can start?Though it might seem absurd to ask but how much consolidated time of preparation is required to be able to appear in CLAT?

  75. hi Pallavi,
    i took a drop this year and you know its high time now…so what do you suggest should be the end moment strategy to get better ranks……i mean how to wind up all the things …….and since this time we are even “blessed” with negative marking which sections do you think should i go for to score better …and i am not too good in maths too…..plz do reply….:)

  76. hi pallavii,
    how did you approach comprehension because reading a standard passage is taking 5-7 minutes and even more when i am reading about something i dont have much previous knowledge about.Again when i am attempting the questions i am unable to retain everything hence i need to refer back to the passage again,this eats up my time.any suggestions?

  77. pls suggest sumthing so dat v can save our over utilised times in understanding a good and standard passage in english section….

  78. Hello mam,
    Please help me out. I passed my class 12th in 2011 and I got 81%. I dropped a year and prepared for clat and I got 87 marks. Currently I am studying in a private college in indore. Should I waste one more year if I get through clat?? Please help me as I am very much confused. I will b a two year dropper. Please suggest me.
    Thank you

  79. hi pallavi..
    M preparing for clat 2013
    i didn’t join any class rm progrm..but doing correspondance course from paradygm bangalore..
    M getting the books of universal and also the news letters of every month..along wid the online mock m nt vry confidnt as many people hv told me dat class rm progrm is much bettr dan any correspondance course..
    Ppplz tell me should i join any coaching centr for 1 mnth crash course???????
    Waing 4 ur rply

  80. di. m in class 11…i m preparing for clat….cn u give me some tips regarding mi queries……
    i want to know how can i improve mi gk standard and when m readng newspaper m not getng which 1 is important and which one is not 🙁

  81. hi doin my 12th science nw..i really wish to get into law and do it good ….what do u suggest are the best steps for me to take up to acieve this and get into a good college..plzzz do help!

  82. Hiii mam…..I just gave my 12th exam nd think for taking coaching for clat exam….. so plz suggst me how to do prep. To get admmisnin top 10 clgs……

  83. hey pallavi….congrats for air 2…..i came to know about clat around march 2013 after my boards and m preparing since then….i want to kno that is there any section cut off in clat paper??? and since i have very less time how to go about with the topics in clat to get into top 14 cllges…

  84. hello mam i am sanyam jain of class 10th i want to ask yu that which subject should i take for doing clat please help me….

  85. Can you please tell me what are the chapters or topics I should consider for reasoning section. I am preparing for this section from the book verbal and non verbal reasoning by R.S Agarwal.
    Please helpppp.

  86. Hello dee..
    I am Rishab . I have passed my class 12 exam on 2013 with pcb as my main subject and I have got bds
    But I am not interested in doing medical so can I go for clat and as I have decided to drop the year so is one year preparation sufficient for doing so and tell me the best coaching in kanpur for clat

  87. helloe maam could you please suggest me which coaching is the best for clat in delhi and also which cl is the best amongst kanpur,lucknow and delhi…??? pls do reply as soon as possible……..thsnks a lot….

  88. Hey !! Congrats first and a big salute to you 🙂
    I need your help
    Iam a student of class 10th and CLAT is my biggest dream . Please tell me is it good to start preparing for CLAT from class 10th (because i wish 2 give this xam when i will be in 12th)
    I start studying Second edition of AP Bharadwaj’s book since last 6 months but iam little bit confused that from where to start the preperation. The course is too lenghty but i want to crack it at any how .
    Please tell me how i manage time between CLAT preperation and also for my 10th board preperations and also tell me how and from where to start studying for my aim CLAT 🙂
    Reply as soon as possible please
    Congrats again 🙂

  89. hiiie,i gave clat 2013,my score was only 95…..i only joined a crash course aftr my boards….m dropping ds year..wat to do nw…i wnt to go to nls….pleeeeez help


  91. Hey! I’m planning on writing CLAT 2014. I was wondering if you could tell me all the online sources you used for preparation , especially for math. Thank you .

  92. hie pallavi…congro for AIR-2..just wanted to say that keep posting all this tips and new things so that CLAT aspirants like me can get a lot of help from all your posts…

  93. Hi pallavi
    Should we read pratiiyoga dip an magazine alone or also the extra books on history economics etc
    For current affairs is only the latest year questioned or should we cover more
    Pls answer asap

  94. Pallavi mam …..maths seems nightmare to me all the time …….r.s aggrawal is big challenge for me ………to solve ……i want to ask you …is clat is possible without touching math section …..or i should badly work on my math????? I am in great bedlam ..pls help

  95. mam plz help me….i have started my preparation now….m not able to plan how to study all sections….my eng and gk is weak and rest is avg…plz help me…nd if possible plz guide me…

  96. hi pallavi myself rohit, i hve completed my inter dys year nd decided to go for a clat. my problem is i hve my few months in finding proper coachings nd its sep going on so i m little bit frightened dat how should i proceed nw nd is da months left would be enough so plzz plz plz plzzz give me some positive energy nd tell me hw should i proceed nw

  97. wat should be da strategies .actually i m gud in learning nd some part of maths so i thought dat i should complete most of my static gk nd the legal terms nd then for this two sub must start solving previous yera q papers nd then frm oct onwards should go for other sub with those two in revision so am i doing right or wrong plz suggest me plz

  98. Hi pallavi, can you tell me, is indian constitutution part is important or not for this year? Because last year they won’t ask about indian constitution. Please answer my question as soon as possible

  99. hi! first of all,your page is great.really helped me to get less freaked out. 🙂
    I am preparing for CLAT 2015.i am really scared of maths but I am training a lot because I want to overcome it and attempt the maths it an unnecessary gamble? because I might also lose a lot of marks due to negative marking.i’m confused regarding what to do. :/

  100. Hii!! I am student of 11th commerce and I am in the search of clat clases in mumbai which will only focus in clat…..can u suggest any cls.. nd ya which books I should refer to score nice mrks in clat..plz reply

  101. Hello!
    Please advice me that whether i should concentrate on 11th or 12th studies or on CLAT?
    I am in 11th commerce and want to do law for sure.

  102. hey pallavi …i am preparing for CLAT for the second time dropped 1 yr. 2 prepare.I GAVE My 1st mock in feb scored very low .and my confidence all which i gained came down in once after my 1st mock score.kindly give advice that how should i strategise my prep once again???? To reach a top slot rank in clat which i think is possible even now if i get some good tips.PLEASE DO HELP ME..

  103. Hi di,
    I will be taking clat-2014 this year with only a month’s preparation via a crash course…I wanted to know if I get into any college this year, could I give clat-2015 next year to aim for the top 3 schools as i don’t think this year’s preparation will sufffice …Would I be allowed to give clat again, WHILE I’m in college?Also, is dropping out a more viable option than joining any available law school ?

  104. Hi di,
    right now i had completed my 10th board exam(final).i want to take commerce in class 11th and my aim is to crack CLAT exam ,can you suggest me some books(all subjects) which will help me in achieving my aim?

  105. Hello mam,am a commerce student and i would like to know that,how can i prepare for in 12th now……,i have a very strong determination to overcome clat,but am scared and confused…..please help me….i need your guidance

  106. Hi ! 🙂 i ve finished my 11 th grade (science ) and am going to write clat 2015. how many hours a day did you study for the exam? were you science in 11th and 12 th too? an approximation of your overall layout perhaps?

  107. hi pallavi di !! 🙂 i ‘m jst now promoted to 11th  . Can u pls tell me . . frm wen did u started the preparation for CLAT ??!! 

  108. hi ..i  am currently studying in class eleven and i wanted to know do we prepare for CLAT after class twelve or with all that syllabus we can manage CLAT preparation while preparing for boards…if we prepare for CLAT in class eleven only is there any coaching required????

  109. well u seem right pallavi i do not have any idea whether u belong to any  law school or a mere aspirant as of now but i do have a query.I strongly believe that if you live in a small town where people cannot even consider clat, raise their eyebrows often hearing about it and if you are a decent student, bright enough to understand hard and first english , having an eagle eye upon the current affairs, quite decent in the mid -school with your maths and gk then i believe that  self study is the best way out but following the  study material of any good institute should be preferred which does not mean  pushing your head and indulging your mind in freaky fat guide books which i personally find horrible .However i believe that if you are droping a year use most of your time in making your basics strong in legal aptitude make self notes from the study materials. do not try rote and memorize those principles rather try to understand what it conveys because this section does not test your knowledge rather it tests your understanding of concepts and principles do notjust end up understanding and preparing notes rather practice exercises based on those that makes your concepts clear… for english building vocabulary,reading the hindu not just mere reading but reading smart helps, try to learn usage of words and do make a habit of taking help of the dictionary though it seems chaotic but at the end you will find that you are learning and improving…. for gk i personally follow my coaching modules plus the pearson and i do practice mcq’s of the section what i read because it helps to remember quickly plus you will get to know whether everything is in your brain or not…. i do follow this system but at the end i am thinking of going for crash course at crack clat institute jodhpur(THE INSTITUTE WHOSE MATERIAL I AM FOLLOWING) to brush up my last preparations because at that time i will be done with my concepts and knowledge and would be requiring some good mock test to sit for. SO DO YOU THINK DOING SELF STUDY SINCERLY THE WHOLE YEAR AND JOINING CRASH COURSE THE LAST MONTH WOULD HELP?

  110. hi ma’am… I am an ISC student studying in grade 11 science student..I am currently preparing for JEE…somehow I have been gaining more interest towards law since past few parents feel I am good at debating and have various similar skills.. but I am confused between going for engineering and law…if I prepare for JEE it is of course going to be helpful in 12th boards but then I will have no time for CLAT preparation.. I am good at English, Maths, have problem solving ability and am pretty good at general awareness too.. I can’t mug the things up and I am better at understanding there are few of the chapters similar as JEE for CLAT like vectors and organic chemistry, am I eligible to appear for CLAT after studying science in 11th and 12th and preparing for JEE? can I crack it without taking an coaching and concentrating only on JEE and 12th?

  111. Thank you sooo much! I was so relieved reading this! It gave me confidence that “YES, I have ample time left and can go through it!” Thanks! 🙂 😀 

  112. hi..!! I’m appearing for clat 2014.There is no class available for clat in ma city.So,how should i prepare for clat.There r v.few months left wid me..Plz help meh..

  113. hi..!! I’m a student of 12th std (commerce) n gonna appear for clat 2015.There iz no class available for clat in ma city 🙁 So,how cn i prepare for clat?? plz help meh 🙁

  114. hey pallavi nw i am reading in class 12(science)..i wnt to ask when is d right to prepare for clat..what i was thinking dat after completing my class 12th den for 1 year i ll drop and prepare for clat..what say..???

  115. Hi pallavi!! I am a 12 th science student and I really aspire to be a corporate lawyer but as you noe science is too time.consuming so i really havent got the time to prepare for CLAT. Please please guide me on the same.

  116. hi pallavi 
    i’m 14 years old and i would like to take up clat and join national school of law….i’m very confused  what to take up in pu…. can u please suggest me??

  117. hey pallavi Congratulations first.
    il be very frank i am an avid debater and reader debating and munning is passion for so hence in the future i want to pursue journalism its such a field that you can reach there through any in the 11th grade (going to 12th) pursuing commerce
    well my query is:
    1. is coaching classes mandatory for preparing clat? long preparation should be done in order to get into the nlu’s ?
    3. so after my boards the 2 months gap is that much alright for rigorous intensive study to clear clat? you think a person can clear clat all by themselves without tutions or classes?

    i will be preparing bit by bit during the year through books myself trying to cover a little but stil i need ur suggestions.

    thanking you,
    Kavita Mohanty

  118. Hi pallavi di, 
    I am now very very scared as I was earlier not confident whether one month time is enough to prepare for clat (i mean study for like the whole day in april) but now even when you have stated that it is not… Can you please give me some guidence on how should I prepare and what material should I refer to for studying?? But now I know I will not make it and will appear next year also… But please can still help me?..

  119. Hy Pallavi diii .. I m a student of 12 standard and i m now going to appear in clat exam 2015… You are a topper that’s why I just want to ask you that is it possible to crack the clat exam in one month of preparation…. Please reply me as soon as possible …

  120. Hi pallavi I have given 10th exam and I am good in studies and I want to go in a field related with sst And so I thought of doing law and I want to clear clat and I am thinking of opting for humanities stream so am I doing alright and if by the way I don’t clear clat please tell other good law colleges

  121. Hi mam.
    Im in class 12 n will be giving clat in may 2016. Just wanted to know can your score increase from 60s to 100 in a month or so. Wat would u advise for the prep. Thanks

  122. Hello Mam,
    I’m in class 12 (science) and going to fight CLAT in 2017 after my board exams in 2017. I want to do good in my boards and at the same time I want to crack CLAT without dropping a year for preparation.  I need suggestion in the time management of both the studies. Isn’t it possible to crack CLAT with the crash course or is it necessary to drop a year for preparations?????? 

  123. Hello Mam,
    I’m in class 12 (science) and going to fight
    CLAT in 2017 after my board exams in 2017. I
    want to do good in my boards and at the same
    time I want to crack CLAT without dropping a
    year for preparation. I need suggestion in the
    time management of both the studies. Can u suggest me books for CLAT ????????

  124. I am in class 12th commerce. Should i go for a year long clat coaching or just do the crash course and give exams?  Although i also know that crash course isnt enough for clat but i am worried about my 12th class  percentage. If i go for clat coaching this year and doesnt get selected for nlu so it would be difficult for me to find any college for ( is the second option). So kindly suggest which is the right time for me to prepare for clat.
    hope to hear soon !!

  125. hi pallavi dii 
    i am a student of class 11th of science stream. i aspire to get admission in NLSIU. i will be highly obliged if you guide me through preparations and would tell how to start with it at this stage?

  126. I tried for clat this year, but could not make it. so I’m thinking of dropping a year. do I need to join some institution or can I be able to prepare it my self by being at home, with the recommended books ?

  127. Hlw Pallavi didi!
    How much time uh give to a particular subject in the duration of preparation…
    like how much time uh give to gk sec ,maths etc…
    I drop this year…
    bt don’t know yet how to study for clat .

  128. Pallavi Ma’am would be better..I suppose..;)..Ma’am this is Samrath..I’m currently in 11th standard…Ma’am can you guide me with your own study
    how much time you devoted to each subject
    the books you referred
    I have started preparing for CLAT..And seeing the amount of course confuses me from where and how to start..
    I’ll be highly obliged if you guide me..

  129. Hi pallavi didi
    I am a student of class 11 and I have decided to prepare for CLAT.. I m from commerce stream. I want to secure good marks in even 12th boards shall I join a coaching for CLAT?? If not then how mch tym should I devote plz guide me

  130. Thanx a lot pallavi…!!!
    I red each n every comment of yours ….its really very helpful ….my all questions r cleared….
    Temporarily m studying in xyz …..i couldn’t give the CLAT 2016 becauz my form got rejected due to some transaction error…..but this time i’ll be writing !!

  131. Hello pallvi ..,
    I want to get 150 marks in clat 2017 .Now I m appearing 12th class . In March 17, my board exam has been done……..Mostly say I want to crack clat this year (only 45 day’s)

  132. Hi pallavi
    Im preparing for clat 2017…….its just 3 months away I really don’t know what to do ….freakout level is 101 and im going to start preparing now ….is this time enough …can I cover everything ….

  133. something in me always tells me that its too late and I cant do it .I really don’t know what to do …im ready to go through any amount of hardwork but how is the question …just a little ray of hope ………….thanks and congrats for ur rank

  134. Hey pallavi di .
    This year i am going to appear clat . Hardly 60 days left .
    I have no idea about how to prepare for it . I brought the materials and gone through it that too with lots of doubts.
    All i wanted to ask you is that should i take crash coarse or study at home by giving my full deductible towards it ?

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